The Lunch Date

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*BEEP BEEP* Haida's alarm went off, and he quickly turned it off, springing out of bed. Today was the day he has been waiting for for 5 years, and he wasn't going to be late. He still had two hours before he had to meet Retsuko at the station, but he had other things he wanted to do before going straight there. "Ok, If I get ready here, I'll have time to get her some flowers." Haida got his things ready for a shower, and headed into the bathroom. He stripped down and turned the water on, looking at his outfit. He didn't want to wear a suit or anything, cause that's all Retsuko has seen him in, so he decided to wear his usual look. Leather jacket, red and black striped tee, and jeans.

After he finished his shower and got dressed, Haida checked the time. "Sweet, it's 10:30. I have time to make some coffee." Haida started up the coffee maker, and as he did, le looked into his living space. His bass was laying against the bed, and he thought. "Should I play something for her? Nah..she may not even like rock music. I'll wait until later." Haida's coffee finished, and he added his usual things. Soon afterwards, he grabbed his bag and headed out.

Meanwhile, at Retsuko's home, her alarm was just going off. She had set it an hour before they had to meet, giving her time to shower, get dressed, and go. No need for breakfast, as they were going to eat anyways. Retsuko got up and looked at her phone. She had received some texts from Haida the night before:

Haida: See you tomorrow!

Haida: Can't wait

Haida: :)

Retsuko blushed and smiled. How did she not notice how nice of a guy he was before? Not to mention, Washimi and Gori were right. He really is cute. Retsuko got her things together and hopped in the shower real quick. Her look for the day wasn't anything too dressy, just a simple little shirt and skirt outfit. Then again, that's all she really wears anyways. After her shower, she got dressed and headed out. She didn't need coffee, as she was excited enough to wear it woke her up.

Haida had just arrived at the flower shop, at around 11:15. He looked around, trying to decide what flowers to get for her. "Dandelions? Nah, too bright. Could probably blind her." He moved around the aisles, looking at all the beautiful flowers. "Tulips? Nah. Cherry Blossoms? No, she sees those all the time. Maybe..ah hah!" Haida stumbled across some roses, which he had heard is Retsuko's favorite flower. He picked out a bouquet and went to check out. "Will this be all for today?" The cashier asked. Haida nodded. "Yep, that's it!" The cashier smiled, and rang them up. "You have a date or something?" The cashier asked. Haida blushed. "Uhh, well, I guess you could call it that." The cashier smiled, seeing the joy yet nerves in Haida's eyes. "Don't tell anyone, but the roses are on me. Go enjoy yourself." Haida smiled wide. "Really? Thank you so much!" Haida took the roses and left, heading for the station.

Haida arrived back at the station, exactly at 12:00. He looked down the walkway and saw Retsuko making her way down. Haida quickly put the roses behind his back and smiled. He waved with his other hand as Retsuko walked up. "H-Hey Retsuko! Y-You look great!" Haida smiled and blushed, as did Retsuko. "Aw, thanks Haida, you too." That just made Haida blushed even more and give a nervous chuckle. "Yea, t-thanks..anyways I got these for you." Haida revealed the roses, making Retsuko smile. "Aww, thanks Haida! How did you know these were my favorites?" Retsuko took the roses and smiled. "I may not know everything about you, but I pick up on some things." The two smiled and got onto the train as it pulled into the station.

The train dropped them off in a shopping center, with a few restaurants and some shops around the area. The two stepped out, and Haida smiled at Retsuko. "So, where do we get lunch?" Retsuko smiled. "Hmm..I don't know." Haida thought for a second. "Do you have a favorite?" The two started walking out of the station. "Yeah,'s a little pricey." Haida smiled and chuckled. "So? Today's on me. We can go wherever you want." Retusko blushed. "He's so sweet!" She thought. "O-Ok, let's go then!" Haida followed Retsuko as they headed for where their lunch would be, having small talk along the way.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated at a table and given menus. Haida opened his up, but Retsuko didn't. Haida glanced up from his menu. "Already know what you want?" Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Yep!" Haida blushed a little and smiled back. When Haida found what he wanted, the waiter came back over and got their orders, and gave them drinks. They weren't anything alcoholic, just some tea was all. "So, Retsuko. I was wondering, what do you do for fun?" Haida asked as he sipped his drink. Retsuko sighed. "I don't have too much time for fun besides the weekend. I usually stay so late I just go home and get some sleep." Haida thought. "Well, I know you do yoga, so you must have something you do for fun besides that." Haida smiled, and the food came. Retsuko started eating, almost as if she was avoiding the question. Haida chuckled a bit, and he started as well.

"How about this, you tell me what you do, and I'll tell you what I do. Deal?" Haida asked as they both ate. Retsuko swallowed and blushed "Uhm..ok." Retsuko took a deep breath. "I sing Karaoke." Haida smiled. "Really? That's so awesome! What kind?" Retsuko blushed more. "Usually..Death Metal." That only made Haida more excited. "That's so cool! Wait, that means that I do remember correctly you destroying Mr. Ton in that Karaoke match." Retsuko nervously laughed as she finished her food. Haida blushed, looking from Retsuko to the roses he got her. This really seemed like it was going well. "It's uhh...funny that you mention rock because, I play the bass." Retsuko suddenly looked really excited as here eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, really? That's so cool! I always wanted to learn base but I never could." Bam, golden opportunity. "Well..maybe I can teach you a little bit." Retsuko looked really excited. "Wow, thanks Haida!" Haida blushed a lot, and smiled.

After having more conversations about music and other things, the two headed back to the station. "This was so much fun!" Retsuko said, smiling. "Yeah, it really was." Haida replied, blushing. Retsuko suddenly had an idea. "Say, do you have any plans tonight?" Haida blushed more and shook his head. "No, why?" Retsuko smiled. "Want to go to Karaoke with me? We can go back to our homes for a little bit, grab our music stuff and meet up!" Haida smiled a lot. "That sounds awesome! What time?" He asked. "Hmm, it's 2:00 about 7?" Retsuko asked. Haida nodded. "7 sounds good. Text me if plans change." Retsuko hugged Haida. "Thanks for a fun afternoon. See you tonight!" Retsuko let go as the train pulled up. Haida blushed and laughed. " too." The two got on the train and headed home, until it was time for some Karaoke. 

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