Social Assistance

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At around 7:00am, Haida and Retsuko awoke to the sound of their alarm, telling them to get up and get ready for another days work. Haida sat up right when the alarm went off, stretching and yawning as he reached over to turn it off. He looked over at Retsuko, who he knew woke up, but was still laying in bed with her eyes closed. Haida smiled softly, and chuckled. "I know you're awake." He said. Retsuko groaned and put a pillow over her head. "5 more minutes?" She asked. Haids chuckled again, rubbing her back. "We've got to get ready hon. Want me to make your coffee for you?" Retsuko nodded, smiling softly into the pillow. "Alright. I'll go get the coffee started. Go ahead and take your shower, ok?" Retsuko took the pillow off of her head, and rolled over to look at Haida. She leaned up and kissed Haida on the cheek, smiling. "I will. Thanks Haida." Haida smiled and blushed, getting out of bed.

Retsuko sat up, stretching. "Thanks for getting me up every morning." She said, chuckling. Haida smiled, and looked at Retsuko as he was headed out the door. "It's my pleasure. You remember what I said to you the first time you asked about us getting married way long ago?" Retsuko looked confused, and shook her head. "No, what did you say?" Haida smiled. "You asked me, if we were to get married, would I want you to keep working? Or would I be the breadwinner?" Haida said, thinking back. "And I said, I would want you to keep working here, and that we could keep eachother motivated on the days where going into the office is tough." Haida chuckled. "I'll never go back on that promise either." He said, before leaving the room. Retsuko thought back on that moment, smiling and sighing. She got out of bed, and headed of take her shower.

Haida stood in the kitchen, still in his sleep clothes as he prepared Retsukos coffee. Haida always got canned coffee from work, so he had the time to make Retsukos for her. He sighed softly, standing as he waited for the coffee to brew. He yawned, thinking about the singles party that would happen later tonight. "I've never even been to a singles party. I don't know how much help i'll be.." Haida thought to himself as he started adding things to the coffee. As he finished making the coffee, Retsuko was getting out of the shower, drying off and getting dressed. After she got dressed, she headed to the kitchen, where Haida was waiting with her coffee. He smiled when he saw here. "Hey, your coffee's ready." Haida said, motioning his head over to the counter. Retsuko smiled. "Thanks Haida. Now go get ready, we've got to catch the train soon." Haida nodded, heading into the bathroom to take his own shower.

After Haida finished showering, and got dressed, the two of them walked out of the house and locked the door. "Ready for another day?" Haida asked, holding Retsukos hand as the walked down the driveway. Retsuko nodded, sighing a little. "As ready as I can be." She stated, holding Haidas hand. The two arrived at the train station, and boarded the train to head to work. When they arrived, Haida stopped before entering the office building to check his watch. "We've still got 20 minutes before the day starts." He said, glancing over at Retsuko. Retsuko nodded. "Nice. Maybe one of us can go talk to Resasuke about tonight?" Haida sighed, remembering about the singles party. "Sure. Do you want to do it?" Haida asked. Retsuko shook her head. "No, I think you should do it. It would be awkward if I asked my ex boyfriend about a singles party, right?" Haida sighed again, and nodded. He really didn't want to talk to Resasuke one on one, but if it meant making the night smoother, then he was willing to do it. "Ok. I'll meet you in Accounting right after." Retsuko smiled, and leaned up to kiss Haida on the cheek. "See you soon." She said, walking inside and to the elevators.

Haida headed to the elevators as well, but instead of going to his usual Accounting department, he headed for the sales department, where Resasuke worked. Once he arrived, he walked into the office. He noticed that nobody was really there yet, considering Sales work didn't start for another hour or so. However, there were two people already there and talking. It was Resasuke, and his work friend, Manumaru. Haida took a deep breath and walked over. Before he could even say anything, Manumaru looked up. "Haida? What are you doing here? Don't you work in Accounting?" He asked, curiously. Haida chuckled nervously. "Oh, I was just getting something for my boss. What are you guys doing here so early?" Haida asked, acting like he was grabbing something off the printer. "Oh, we're talking about the singles party tonight! I'm trying to hook this guy up with someone more fitting for him." Haida nodded, walking over to where they were sitting.

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