Holiday Times

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The rest of Haida and Retsuko's work week went well. They were able to get back into the swing of things pretty quickly, and now that Ton was gone, Retsuko no longer felt overworked. However, now with the stress of getting back into work was gone, a new thing to stress about was coming to light. It was the holiday season; the time where couples usually buy things for each other. Haida, being the kind of guy that he is, already knew what he was going to get Retsuko. After trying so hard to get with here, you'd figure he'd know a thing or two about what Retsuko might want. However, Retsuko was having a bit of a hard time. She didn't just want to get him something basic, like a shirt. She wanted to get him something meaningful, that could possibly show how much Haida meant to her. Thankfully, they had some time off of work during to holiday season, giving both of them more time to buy gifts, and enjoy Christmas together.

"I need to go to the store later today." Haida said, as he was hanging up on ornament on the Christmas tree they had just put up. "Ok. What do you need to get?" Retsuko asked, helping Haida with the decorating. "Just need to do some Christmas shopping. Tis the season after all." Haida smiled a little as he hung up the last ornament, brushing his hands off. Retsuko smiled somewhat nervously, chuckling with around the same amount if nervousness. "Yeah..I-I need to do Christmas shopping too." Retsuko said. Haida looked at Retsuko with a bit of concern. "You ok? You sound nervous." Retsuko let out a sigh. "I just don't know what to get all my friends and family yet." Haida went around the tree where Retsuko was, and put a hand on her shoulder. "You still have time. Besides, whatever you get them will mean a lot to them, no matter what it is." Retsuko nodded a little in agreement. "Yeah, I know.." Haida smiled. "Well, I probably won't go to the store for another hour or so. Should I make lunch?" Retsuko looked up at Haida and smiled. "That'd be great." Haida smiled and leaned down, planting a kiss on Retsuko's cheek before walking to the kitchen.

Retsuko sat down on the couch, and looked at the ground. What Haida said about giving gifts was true. Hell, Retsuko could probably give Haida a stick and some leaves for christmas, and he would be thankful for it. However, she still wanted to give him something much nicer than that. She listened to Haida whistle a tune as he made lunch, contemplating as to what she could possibly get for him. "Maybe I could ask Fenneko for suggestions.." Retsuko thought to herself, pulling out her phone. She glanced behind here to make sure Haida wasn't paying attention, then texted Fenneko.

Retsuko: I need your help. I have no idea what to get Haida for christmas.

Fenneko: Wait, seriously? Christmas is in four days.

Retsuko: I know! I just want to get him something that means something.

Fenneko: How about something for his bass? He'd love that.

Retsuko: I feel like that would be too expected.

Fenneko: Cooking stuff?

Retsuko: He has a lot of those already.

Fenneko: Is there something he's been wanting to do? Maybe a place he's been wanting to see?

Retsuko: Hmm..I never thought of that. I'll text you if I get an idea.

Fenneko: K.

Retsuko smiled a little. She had completely forgotten that a gift didn't have to be a physical object. Maybe she would take him somewhere special? At least she didn't have to go out shopping now. As she thought, Haida called her name. "Lunch is ready!" Haida called from the kitchen, putting the food on plates. Retsuko stood up and walked into the kitchen. Haida had made some fresh noodles, which Retsuko really loved. The two sat down with their food and began to eat. Haida glanced at the clock, nodding to himself. "I'll need to leave after we eat. I want to get there before the store gets super busy." Retuko smiled at Haida, eating her food. "Ok! I'll be here when you get back." Haida smiled back at her. "Not going out shopping?" He asked. Retsuko shook her head. "No, I have to take care of some things." Haida nodded in response, finishing his food and getting up from the table. Haida went over to the sink and washed his plate before grabbing his jacket. "Well, I'll see you later!" Haida smiled as he headed for the door. Retsuko smiled back. "See ya!" She said, as Haida left.

As Haida left, Retsuko pulled out her laptop and opened it up. " where is somewhere I can take Haida?" She thought, opening her search engine. That's when something struck her mind. She has no clue where Haida likes to go. "How have I never asked him where he liked to go before we got together?!" Retsuko put her forehead down on the table, groaning. She pulled out her phone and texted Fenneko again.

Retsuko: So funny story. I have no clue where Haida likes to go.

Fenneko: There's this one punk rock bar he took me to one time before asking you out. He said it was where he went every time he had a panic attack over something,

Retsuko: He has panic attacks?

Fenneko: Not in front of you he doesn't. Anyways, maybe take him somewhere that he's never been to? Or maybe somewhere he took you before?

Retsuko: I just got an idea!

Fenneko: Don't lose it.

Retsuko typed somewhere into the search engine, and smiled when she saw it would be open on Christmas. "This is perfect!" She smiled to herself as she closed up her laptop. She then got up and went into their bedroom, sitting on their bed, happy with the idea she had. "Maybe I can take him to that bar too? He might like that!" Retsuko laid back and looked at the ceiling, smiling to herself. Meanwhile, Haida was on his way home, happy with the things he bought. He had the store keep them on reserve, so Retsuko didn't get to see them early. Haida unlocked the door and walked in. "I'm home!" Haida said, hanging up his jacket. Retsuko got out of bed and walked to the living room, smiling. "Hey Haida!" Retsuko went over and hugged him, making Haida blush. He returned the hug. "You seem to be in a good mood." Haida said. "Yeah, you could say that." Retsuko smiled as she let go.

The two of them then sat on the couch together, turning on the tv to watch something. Retsuko cuddled with Haida, warming him up after he had been out in the cold. Haida smiled, keeping his arms around Retsuko. Christmas was only four days away, and both of them were excited to see the other's reaction to their gifts. Hopefully it would be as good as the other hoped.

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