New Home

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Retsuko's alarm went off at around 10:30 am. Usually, on days off, she wouldn't set an alarm, and sleep in as late as she possibly could. However, today was a special day. Now it was a bit later in the week Haida and Retsuko took off, and Haida had been slaving away in paperwork and such to try and move into their new house as quickly as possible. Retsuko smiled as she got out of bed, immediately checking her phone. She had received a text from Haida:

Haida: Today's the day! I'm going in to sign the final papers to close on the house. Better start packing your things! :)

Retsuko couldn't help but smile. She had been dreaming of getting out of this small apartment since the first year she lived in it. Yes, it was pretty nice considering the cost, but she felt there wasn't enough space. Now, she would have all the space in the world. Retsuko grabbed out some boxes from her closet, opening them up. Thankfully, she didn't have too much stuff, so packing wouldn't take the whole day to do.

Meanwhile, over at Haida's place, he was getting ready to go and sign the papers. He was in the bathroom, fixing his tie. "Alright Haida, this is it. Once you get these papers signed, we'll be good to go." Haida smiled at himself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. He didn't take anything else with him but his phoned and a pen as he headed out the door and to the realtors office.

"Ok, so where do I start?" Retsuko looked around her small apartment. All the furniture came with the apartment, so that could stay. Really the only things she needed to pack were clothes, and other basic essentials like toiletries and such. She started to fold up her clothes and neatly put them into a box. As she did, she tried thinking of other things to pack. Of course her bass and her microphone would be coming with her. Maybe some other special gifts that were given to her on birthdays and holidays she would keep as well. She wandered around the room, packing up things as she went. As she did, Haida was arriving at the realtors.

Haida walked into the small office building, and up to the front desk. He asked to see the same guy who showed him the house, and headed back to his office. The realtor was sitting there, and he got up to greet Haida. "Hello Haida, you ready to sign?" Haida nodded and smiled. He sat down in the chair across from the realtor and the realtor took out some paperwork. "I just need you to look through this and sign a few things, and we'll be all settled!" Haida smiled and nodded, and began working on the paperwork.

After about an hour or so, Retsuko managed to find everything she wanted to keep and pack it up, while taking the items she didn't want to keep and tossing them. She surprisingly only had a few boxes, as she found most of her items were stuff she bought from the store because she didn't like leaving without buying anything. She smile happily as now all she had to do was wait for Haida to get home, so he can help move the boxes. Retsuko sat on the couch, smiling to herself. She was finally moving into a big, nice home with the man of her dreams. How could she not be excited?

After a long couple hours of talking and paperwork, Haida finally finished closing on the house. He got up and shook the realtors hand. "Enjoy!" The realtor said, and Haida nodded. "I will!" He said, leaving the meeting. He took out his phone and called Retsuko, who picked up quickly. "Hello?" She greeted. Haida smiled. "I did it, the house is ours now!" Retsuko smiled. "Yay! I can't wait to move in." Haida chuckled. "Let me get home and pack my stuff up, then we can move everything at once, ok?" Retsuko smiled. "Ok!" She said. Haida smiled and sighed happily. "I love you." He said. "I love you too, bye!" Retsuko hung up the phone. Haida smiled to himself as he eventually got back to his apartment.

When he walked into the door, Retsuko had somehow got inside the house. She was already cleaning things up. "Uhh, Retsuko? How did you...get in here?" Retsuko saw Haida, and laughed a little. "You leave the key under your mat, it's not difficult! Speaking of, don't do that at our new house." Haida chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "I w-won't." Haida walked over. "Speaking of..we got the house!" Retsuko smiled happily. "Yay! Now let's get in as fast as we can!" Retsuko and Haida worked for a few hours, cleaning and packing up Haida's things, which was a little more than Retsukos. After a long day, they packed everything into a car they rented and drove to their new home.

Driving into the driveway, Retsuko and Haida looked at the house they now called home. They got out and unpacked everything from the car, but left them in their boxes. The house was pre furnished, so they sat down on the couch in the middle of an empty living room. Retsuko cuddled up against Haida, who smiled and wrapped an arm around you. "Retsuko, be honest with me here.." Retsuko looked up at Haida. "Yes?" Haida looked at her, sighing. "Did you ever expect that I had a crush on you?" Haida had always been curious if Retsuko had caught on through the years. Retsuko sighed as well. "Honestly...I had my guesses. You always were bashful when you asked to do things with me, but I thought that was just you being the shy guy you are." Haida blushed a bit and smiled. "Well, I'm glad I finally told you in the hospital." Retsuko smiled and nodded, but then remembered something.

"Haida, you never told me. How did you get pneumonia?" Haida thought back to that day and sighed. "I...I was really upset at myself for letting Resasuke get to you first." Haida swallowed a little. "I thought I had missed my shot, so I went out and got myself dazed. I kicked a can while it was pouring rain, and when I slipped I...didn't want to get up." Haida seemed to get sadder and sadder as he talked about it. "I thought I was pathetic so I stayed there...I woke up the next morning in the hospital, people telling me that I was found on the street and seemed in bad condition. Shivering cold and wet."

Retsuko couldn't help but feel bad as she thought about it. "Haida, were you trying to...kill...yourself?" Haida sniffled a bit, swallowing. "Maybe..." Retsuko quickly hugged Haida tightly, and Haida hugged back. "Haida...don't ever think that way again. You're not pathetic, you're an amazing, lovely, kind, and handsome guy." Haida sniffled and smiled a little. "Thanks..." Retsuko pulled away and made eye contact with him. "And I don't know what i'd do if you were gone..." Haida nodded. "I'll stay with you Retsuko...I promise." Retsuko smiled and hugged him again. Soon after, the two fell asleep on the couch in their new home.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this story. As you may be able to tell, this chapter is all over the place. I came to this chapter multiple times, going completely blank on what to write. I'll say it now that this story only has a few more chapters to go, and I hope you enjoy those as they come out! Again, sorry for the long wait.


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