A Day Off

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Now it was Monday, but unlike a usual Monday, Retsuko didn't wake up to an alarm early in the morning to drag herself out of bed. Retsuko and Haida decided to use some of their vacation days to take the week off, so they can close on the house and hopefully move in. The clock read 12:24pm, and Retsuko was finally waking up. Karaoke last night kinda took a toll on her. She slowly got out of bed, stretching and yawning. She grabbed her phone and checked it, seeing she had gotten a text from Haida about an hour ago.

Haida: Hey, good morning!

Retsuko smiled a bit, as she usually did when she got texts from Haida. It almost always seemed like no matter how bad of a mood Haida was in, he managed to make other people happy by just being himself. She didn't text back quite yet, instead she decided to surprise him. She showered and got dressed, grabbing her bag and heading out the door. She skipped breakfast, as she was heading to Haidas apartment, hoping he would make her some.

Retsuko took a train over to Haida's apartment, walking up the steps. She could hear him practicing his bass, and smiled to herself as she walked up and knocked on the door. Haida was a bit surprised at the knock, jumping a bit. He looked down at himself. He still didn't have a shirt, as they were in the laundry. He got up and answered it anyways, blushing when he saw it was Retsuko. "H-Hey! What's up?" Haida asked. Retsuko blushed a bit too, smiling a tiny bit. "Not much, just thought I would surprise you by showing up." Haida chuckled and blushed more. "You succeeded. Come on in!" Haida let Retsuko in and closed the door behind her.

Retsuko took a seat on the couch, looking over at Haida. Haida walked into the kitchen. "You hungry?" Haida asked, looking over at Retsuko. Retsuko smiled. "I was hoping you would ask that, yes." Haida chuckled a bit. "Why were you hoping I would ask that?" Retsuko got up and joined Haida in the kitchen. "Because I forgot to eat lunch, and I love your cooking." Haida blushed a bit. "Well then, let's see what we have." Haida opened up the pantry, and to his displeasure, he didn't have anything to cook with. He sighed, and then checked the fridge, which also had nothing in it. "Damn it, I'm out of food." Haida looked over at Retsuko, who was still smiling. "Should I go to the store? She asked. Haida shook his head. "You don't have to do that. I can just go later." Retsuko placed a hand on Haidas arm. "Haida, it's fine. I need to pick up some stuff for myself anyways." Haida sighed. "Alright, I'll be here." Retsuko smiled, giving Haida a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag and leaving yet again.

Haida finally put a shirt on, sitting down on the couch. "Now what am I supposed to do?" Haida thought for a minute, then smiled when he realized something. He got up and threw on a jacket. "This is the perfect time for me to go get it." He said to himself, grabbing his wallet. There's something he had been wanting to go get for a while, but it was a surprise, so he had to wait until he was alone. He was hoping it was something Retsuko would enjoy, but was afraid it might not go well. Despite the nervousness, Haida ran out of his apartment to go and find the gift.

Retsuko was just arriving at her stop, getting off the train and heading to the store. She had to walk for a few minutes before arriving, but she eventually made it, walking in and grabbing a basket. "Let's see here..." She thought as she walked through the aisles. Retsuko had completely forgotten to ask what Haida needed from the store, but she decided that she had a good enough of a grasp on cooking ingredients to not have to ask. She continued searching through the aisles, grabbing things as she went. Thankfully, it was a weekday, so the store wasn't near as busy. As she was checking out, she spotted someone a couple aisles away. Retsuko wasn't sure it was who she thought it was, but when the person started to walk towards her, they both recognized eachother. "Hey Puko!" Retsuko said, giving her a hug. "Hey, good to see you Retsuko!" Puko said, returning the hug.

Puko was Retsuko's old friend before Retsuko got the job at the accounting firm. The last time Retsuko saw Puko was talking about having a job at a goods store, which of course, was shot down due to the fact that it would just be a stay at home on the computer job, which wouldn't pay well enough. Puko looked in the basket and saw all the ingredients, a little surprised. "I didn't know you cooked!" Puko said, laughing a bit. The two started to walk out of the store with their baskets. Retsuko laughed a bit. "Oh, I don't'. My boyfriend does." Puko looked even more surprised when she said that. "When did you get a boyfriend?!" Puko asked, looking at Retsuko. Retsuko blushed a bit. "A few months ago. I guess you and I just haven't seen eachother since we got together." Puko stopped the cart. "Then let's catch up. How does lunch sound? I'm starving." Retsuko thought. "I was buying all these ingredients for him to cook, but maybe he can make dinner. Let me check with him." Retsuko texted Haida:

Retsuko: Hey, I ran into an old friend. Is it ok if I go to lunch with her then you can cook later?

Haida: Yeah, sure! Have fun <3

Retsuko: Thanks, love you

Haida: Love you too

Retsuko smiled and looked up at Puko. "I'm good, let's go!" Puko smiled back. "Perfect!" The two walked out to Puko's car, and Retsuko put her bag of groceries in with Pukos. Retsuko climbed into the passenger seat. "So, where do we go for lunch?" Puko asked, pulling out of the parking lot, Retsuko shrugged. "I don't know, you pick." Retsuko looked out the window as Puko drove. She was hoping Haida wasn't disappointed that she bailed on him. She wasn't aware that Haida was actually thrilled something came up, because it gave him more time. Puko parked outside some restaurant and got out, Retsuko following behind her. The two found a table and sat across from eachother. "So, what's this boyfriends name?" Puko asked, curious as who Retsuko finally found interest in. "His name is Haida, I think you might know him." Retsuko said, smiling. Puko looked surprised yet again. "I do! Isn't he the adorkable Hyena who wouldn't stop making sure you didn't fall over at the dinner party a few years ago?" Retsuko smiled a bit, nodding. "Yep, that's him! Did you just call him adorkable?" Puko laughed. "Yeah! He was so bashful all the time and it was great. He asked you out I assume?" Retsuko nodded, as the food was given to them. Puko started eating. "That's awesome! I'm so happy for you guys." Retsuko smiled. "Thanks!" Retsuko also started eating, and the two ate and made small talk about work and such. "Wait, why aren't you at work? It's Monday afternoon!" Puko asked, finishing her food. Retsuko finished hers as well. "Haida and I took the week off so we can move into our new house." Puko smiled. "Wow, and you're moving in together? I'm surprised he hasn't proposed yet." Retsuko blushed at the comment. "P-Proposed?" Puko laughed. "Oh don't get all bashful on me. Yeah!" Retsuko laughed as well. "I don't know, he seems too shy to do that anytime soon." Puko and Retsuko stood up. "Well, when you guys have a wedding, call me and make me one of your bridesmaids." Retsuko smiled. "Will do!"

After a short drive, Puko dropped off Retsuko at the train station. She grabbed her grocery bag. "Thanks for the ride!" Retsuko said, smiling and waving. "Yeah, anytime! We need to hang out more." Puko said, waving back. "Bye!" Puko said, driving away. Retsuko went and waited for her train. After a few minutes of waiting, the train arrived, allowing Retsuko to get on and head on back to Haida's place. When she got there, she knocked on the door, and Haida let her in. "Hey, welcome back! How was lunch?" Haida asked, closing the door behind her. "It was great, thanks for understanding and letting me go." Retsuko put the grocery bag on the counter, then going and giving Haida a kiss. Haida blushed a bit. "No worries." He said, going into the kitchen. He unpacked the ingredients Retsuko bought, looking them over. The two spent the night hanging out together, Haida cooking a nice meal and just enjoying eachothers company. At the end of the night, Retsuko went home, looking forward to the rest of the week off.

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