Joy & Surprises

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The next morning, Haida was the first to wake up, around 10:30am. The sun poured through the windows of their new home, and he smiled. Retsuko was still asleep on top of him, and he realized they hadn't even unpacked anything before falling asleep. He very carefully put Retsuko down next to him, then got up. He would make breakfast, but the kitchen was nowhere near ready to be cooked in. He sighed a little and looked at the boxes. Surprisingly, there wasn't too much to be unpacked. Considering the house was pre furnished, all they had was clothes, personal belongings, and some utensils for the kitchen and such. He decided to walk around the house for a minute, looking at the empty rooms, smiling to himself as he thought about what this place was going to look like. He took the boxes and placed them where they belong. The clothes in the bedroom, the utensils in the kitchen, etc. He pulled out a clean pair of clothes and changed into them, before going into the kitchen to unpack the utensils. As he worked, he heard Retsuko wake up.

Retsuko sat up and looked into the kitchen, smiling and rubbing her eyes. "Morning Haida." She said, yawning and stretching. Haida looked over and smiled as well. "Morning." He replied, continuing to put things away. Retsuko got up and walked into the kitchen. "So what are you up to?" She asked, sitting in one of the chairs by the table. "Just putting some things away. If I can get this done fast, then we'll have more time to just relax." Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Want me to go put some of the clothes away?" Haida smiled and looked over at here. "Sure! That'd be great." Retsuko smiled and walked away and into the bedroom, starting to put some of the clothes away. Haida smiled to himself, then remembered something. Today was the day he was going to give Retsuko the special gift he bought. He smiled as he thought about it. Around half an hour later, Haida managed to put away everything. He walked into the bedroom to see Retsuko, who was still putting clothes where they went. "You want some help?" Haida asked. Retsuko sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I think I may need it." Haida smiled and got down with here, folding and hanging up clothes.

"So Retsuko, what do you want to do today?" Haida asked, as he worked. Retsuko shrugged. "I'm not too sure. Maybe we can go out tonight, celebrate everything that's been happening." Haida smiled and nodded. "Yeah! That'd be nice. You want to have lunch here though?" Retsuko smiled as well. "I think it would be good, yeah." Haida nodded, putting the clothes away. "I think now would be a good time." Haida thought to himself. "Hey Retsuko?" He said, reaching into his pocket. Retsuko looked over at Haida. "Yes?" Haida smiled. "You said you wanted to go out tonight, right?" Retsuko nodded. "Yeah, why?" Haida looked at her. "I know how much you like death metal, so I was want to go to a concert with me?" Retsuko smiled wide. She always wanted to go to see a concert, but never could. "I'd love to! But wouldn't the tickets already be sold out?" Haida pulled some tickets out of his pocket. "They would be, but I bought some already." Retsuko smiled and hugged Haida. "Thank you so much! It's going to be so much fun!" Haida smiled, happy with the result. "I know it will. It's not until 8:00, so we can even get dinner beforehand." Retsuko nodded and smiled, her heart beating fast from excitement. "Cool!" She replied, and the two continued putting the clothes away.

After they finally finished, it was already around 12:30pm. Haida and Retsuko walked out of the bedroom and into the living room, sitting down on the couch. Haida looked over at Retsuko, who was still very clearly excited about the concert. "If you want me to make some lunch, I'd have to run to the store real quick to get some things. Is that ok?" Haida asked. Retsuko smiled up at him. "Sure. Want me to go with you?" Haida shrugged. "You can if you want, but you don't have to." Retsuko thought for a second. "I think I'll stay here, take in the new house some more." Haida smiled and got up. "Alright! I'll be back soon." Haida headed out the front door, making his way to the store, which was thankfully walking distance with their new home. Retsuko sighed, leaning back on the couch. She was going to a concert with Haida, pretty much a dream come true. "He really is the nicest guy in the world, isn't he?" Retsuko thought to herself. Not only did he buy them tickets to a concert, but he had done so much for her since they got together a few months ago. A new bass, a new house, helped her at work, and even more. Retsuko smiled and she thought about it, laying on the couch and looking up at the ceiling.

A few minutes later, Haida came back in with a bag of groceries. Retsuko had fallen asleep on the couch, and Haida chuckled a little before going into the kitchen. All the appliances were new, and a little confusing to use. He eventually got it though, getting the stove on with some boiling water. Retsuko liked the homemade noodles Haida made for them a while ago, so he decided to make them again. He whistled and sang to himself a little as he worked, however staying quiet so Retsuko could sleep. When he finished, he went over to the couch. "Retsuko?" Haia said, causing Retsuko's eyes to open. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep again." Haida smiled. "It's ok! Lunch is ready." Haida went over and sat down at the table, and Retsuko sat next to him. The two ate Haida's food and talked a little, enjoying eachothers company. When they finished, Haida took the dishes and cleaned them. "So we still have a few hours until the concert. Anything you want to do?" Haida asked. Retsuko smiled. "Want to go lay in our bed together?" Haida blushed and nodded. "Sure." The two headed into the bedroom and laid together, smiling as they did. "I love you." Retsuko said, leaning against Haida. Haida blushed and smiled. "I love you too."

The time was now 6:00 pm, and after a nice nap, the two got ready to go, getting dressed in clothes appropriate for a concert. They wanted to leave early so they had a chance to eat dinner before going. "This is going to be so cool!" Retsuko said, looking over at Haida. Haida smiled and nodded in agreement. "I hope so." When they were ready, the two left the house and locked the door. "So where do you want to go for dinner?" Haida asked, holding Retsukos hand as they walked down the street. Retsuko looked up at Haida. "I'm not too sure. I don't know what's around here." Retsuko looked around a bit, taking a look at the new neighborhood. "Pretty much anything you can think of." Haida said, still holding Retsukos hand. Retsuko thought for a minute. "Maybe something fast, so we can get to the concert early." Haida nodded in agreement, and the two found a small restaurant to eat at. After they ate, they headed for the concert.

Upon arrival, they walked into the auditorium. Of course, it being a metal concert, there were no seats, just a lot of people standing around. Haida realized it would be hard for Retuko to see, and he looked down at her. "Want to get on my shoulders?" Haida asked, smiling. Retsuko blushed a little, but it was the only thing she could do to see. "Sure." She said. Haida picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. "And don't be embarrassed, it's dark, nobody can tell." Retsuko laughed a little and nodded. When the concert started, the music was loud and everyone was moving around. Despite it all, Haida held onto to Retsuko the whole time. They cheered, they sang along, and they just had an incredible time. A few hours later, it was over, and they left and started heading home. "That was so fun!" Retsuko said, looking up at Haida with a big smiled on her face. Haida smiled back. "I'm glad you liked it!" Retsuko leaned against Haida as they walked. "Thank you so much for taking me." Haida blushed a bit. "My pleasure Retsuko." Haida sighed happily. Haida took a deep breath as the got onto their street, and in front of their house. Retsuko started to walk up the driveway, but Haida stopped her. "Hang on one sec."

Retsuko looked back at Haida, a little confused. "Is something wrong, Haida?" She asked. Haida was red in the face, and he swallowed nervously. "N-No! I just...need to ask you something." Retsuko turned to face him. "What's up?" Haida put his hands into his jacket pockets. "Retsuko, these last few months that we've been together have been the best in my life, by far. I had been crushing on you for years, so I thought I had a snowball's chance in hell with you when I asked you. And when you said yes...I couldn't believe it." Haida smiled and looked at here. Retsuko blushed and smiled back. "That's really sweet." Retsuko said. Haida took another breath. "Listen...I know we haven't been together too long...but I really love you. I really don't want to ever lose someone like you." Retsuko blushed even more. "What are you trying to say?" Retsuko asked. Haida looked at her in the eyes. "I'm trying to say...I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Retsuko watched as Haida got down onto one knee. Her face shifted form one of confusion, to complete shock, yet joy. Haida reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a box, opening it up to reveal a beautiful ring. The surprise gift? Not the tickets, but the ring. "Retsuko...will you marry me?"

Retsuko felt tears come into her eyes, and she turned red. She nodded. "Y-Yes Haida! I would love to!" Haida's eyes started to form tears as well, almost like he was expecting the opposite answer. "R-Really?" Haida asked, and Retsuko nodded. Haida put the ring on her finger, then instantly hugged her, still on his knees. Retsuko hugged him back, tears running down her face. "I l-love you Haida." She said. Haida was crying, putting his face against Retsukos neck. Retsuko rubbed his back, smiling to herself. "Hey, it's ok. You did great." Haida and Retsuko stayed in the driveway for a while. Just enjoying this moment together. Haida tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't, still holding Retsuko. This moment was a moment he had dreamed of for years, and now, it was a dream come true.

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