Allergy Fiasco

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The next morning, Haida woke up earlier than he usually would on a weekend, getting up around 8:00am. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking over at the sleeping Retsuko next to him. He sighed softly, looking at the clock. He wanted to go back to sleep, but he had gone to bed so early last night, it would probably be impossible. He got out of bed slowly, ensuring that Retsuko didn't wake up, and heading into the kitchen to find something to eat. He opened up the fridge, realizing they ran out of food to make for breakfast. He sighed, closing the door. "I should probably go to the store, so there's food in for when Retsuko wakes up." He made his way back into the bedroom, quietly going into the closet to get some clothes. He grabbed his clothes, and made his way into bathroom to take a shower. He closed the bathroom door, and looked at himself in the mirror as he set his clothes down on the counter. He saw the dry tear stains on his face, and bags under his eyes. "You're a mess, Haida.." He said to himself, as he got undressed, and got in the shower. He took a longer shower than usual, getting out and getting dressed. He made himself look presentable, and quietly left the house to go to the store.

Only a couple minutes after he left, Retsuko woke up, rolling over to see if Haida was there. She saw that he wasn't, causing her to sigh. "I wish he would just sleep in for once." Retsuko thought, getting out of bed. She assumed Haida would be in the kitchen or something, so when she didn't see him there after exiting her bedroom, she began to worry. "Haida?" She called out, wondering if maybe he was in another room. She didn't hear a response, and decided to text him. "Please be ok.." She thought as she texted him. She breathed a sigh of relief when she got a response.

Retsuko: Where are you? Are you ok?

Haida: Oh hey, sorry, I realized we didn't have any food and went to the store to get some. I probably should've told you before I left. Sorry..

Retsuko: It's ok Haida! I'm just happy you're ok!

Haida: Yeah, i'm ok :) Do you want anything from the store?

Retsuko: I want you to come home so we can spend time together

Haida: I'll be back soon <3

Retsuko smiled reading the text messages, setting her phone down on the counter and sitting on the couch. Meanwhile, Haida was at the store, gathering some groceries for the house. He gathered some ingredients, as well as just some quick snacks. He smiled thinking about what Retsuko said, happy that she wanted to spend time with him. "Is there something different we can do together today?" He thought as he wandered down the aisles. He came across some an aisle that had things like chalk, and other writing utensils. That got him thinking about music, and writing songs. "What if we wrote a song together?" He thought, smiling as the idea came to mind. His tail slowly wagged as he put some chalk and some chalkboards in the cart, heading up to the counter to pay for everything. When he was done, he headed back home.

Retsuko was sitting on the couch, looking through her social media as she waited for Haida. She saw people like Tsunoda and Kabae posting about the work party that would take place that night, which Retsuko had completely forgotten about. "That would be a good way to get out of the house. Chances are Haida doesn't remember being asked about it. I'll have to check with him when he gets home." Retsuko thought. Soon after, Haida came home, smiling as he walked through the door. "Morning Retsuko." He said, closing the door behind him. Retsuko stood up, smiling at him. "Morning Haida!" Haida went over and set the groceries on the counter, and Retsuko hugged him from behind when he did that. Haida blushed softly and smiled, putting the groceries away. Retsuko noticed the chalkboard, and gew curious. "What's the chalkboard for?" She asked. Haida smiled. "Oh, well, I assumed maybe we can try something new today. Maybe writing a song?" Haida asked, and Retsuko smiled. "That's a great idea Hai-" She stopped talking, being interrupted by a sneeze. Haida chuckled a little. "Bless you. Guess you got a little excited." He said, and Retsuko smiled, sniffling. "Maybe just a bit."

Once Haida finished putting the groceries away, he took the chalk and chalkboard into the music room. Retsuko sniffled again as Haida walked by, sitting on the couch. When Haida came back from the music room, he went into the kitchen. He looked at the clock, seeing it read around 10:00am. "Do you want me to make something for breakfast? Or should we just wait until lunch?" Haida asked, looking in the now stocked fridge. Retsuko shrugged, sneezing again. "I guess we can wait until lunch. I'm not too hungry right now." Haida closed the door. "Alright. And bless you again." Haida went over and sat next to Retsuko, who leaned on him right when he sat down. "I feel like I hardly got to see you yesterday." Haida sighed, putting his arm around Retsuko. "Sorry about that. I just didn't sleep almost at all the night before. I was just out of it." Retsuko smiled, looking up at Haida. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

Retsuko went to kiss Haida on the lips, but sneezed when she tried, accidentally sneezing on Haidas face. Haida jumped a little in surprise. Retsuko sniffled, blushing. "I-I'm so sorry!" Haida chuckled, wiping his face off with his sleeve. "It's ok Retsuko. Why are you sneezing so much though?" He asked, then going down and kissing her. Retsuko smiled, and thought. "I don't really know. It wasn't happening until you got home from the store." She said. Haida thought, and shrugged. "I guess we'll have to see if it gets any worse." He said, getting up. "Ready to go into the music room?" Retsuko nodded and smiled, standing up. "Yep! Let's go!" Haida smiled, and headed into the music room. Right when they walked in, Retsuko sneezed again, causing Haida to actually become a little concerned. "I don't think it's normal for you to sneeze this much." Retsuko sniffled, nodding in agreement. "I don't know what it could be though." Retsuko said, sneezing yet again. Haida thought. "Well, if it didn't start until I got home from the store, I might have brought something home that you're allergic to.." He walked out of the music room. "I'm going to check the fridge, i'll be right back."

Haida went to go check over the things he bought, wondering if maybe he bought something he had never bought before that could be causing Retsuko to sneeze. He checked all the ingredients, and none of them seemed out of the ordinary. "What could it be.." He thought to himself as he looked. Meanwhile, Retsuko was still in the music room, sneezing constantly and sniffling. "What is causing this?" She asked herself as she looked around. That's what she came across the realization that Haida had brought home chalk, something he hadn't brought home before. Also, she had been sneezing a ton more since going into the music room, where the chalk was.

"Haida!" She called out, and Haida went into the music room. "I couldn't find anything different from what I usually buy." He said, sighing softly. "I did!" Retsuko pointed at the chalk, sneezing again. "You've never brought chalk home before, and I remember having sneezing problems back in elementary school." She said. "Ohh, so it's the chalk then. Damn, that sucks. Looks like we'll have to hold off on writing the song then." Haida said, shrugging. Retsuko went over and hugged Haida. "It's ok Haida, we'll write it another time. Hey, I forgot to ask." Retsuko looked up at Haida, who looked down at her. "What's up?" He asked. "There's a work party tonight that we got invited to. I figured you probably didn't remember about it because of how you were yesterday. Would you want to go?" Haida looked surprised that he didn't remember that, and he nodded. "Sure! It would be a good way to get out of the house."Retsuko smiled, and gave Haida a kiss. "Let's get rid of that chalk, and we can go to the party later tonight." Haida smiled, blushing again. He went and took the chalk outside and threw it away, before coming back in. The two spent the rest of the afternoon together, soon to get ready for the party that would happen that night.

That concludes this chapter, which was a recommended chapter topic. If y'all have any recommendations, feel free to leave a comment. Also, i'm pretty sure today marks the one year anniversary of the day I published the first chapter. It's crazy to think this stories been going for a whole year! Thanks to everyone who has read, voted, commented, etc. I hope to keep updating for as long as possible. Thanks for reading!


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