Fenneko's Emotions

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The next morning, Haida and Retsuko woke up at the same time, sitting up. When Haida looked over and saw Retsuko with him, he blushed. He had almost forgot that he spent the entire day with her yesterday, and not to mention sleeping with her. "Morning Retsuko!" Haida smiled. Retsuko stretched, and smiled back. "Morning Haida." She got out of bed, and Haida followed. "How'd you sleep?" He asked while grabbing his work clothes. "Good! How about you?" Haida blushed a little. "Good, except...I feel bad for waking you up with my stupid nightmare..." Haida was clearly upset about it. "Don't worry about it Haida, it happens." Retsuko walked into the bathroom to change, and Haida changed out in the room. "It was stupid, I don't know why it happened." Haida looked down, for some reason feeling ashamed about it.

After getting some breakfast, Haida and Retsuko started walking to the train station. "So, ready for another week at work?" Haida asked, just trying to start some small talk. Retsuko sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. Haida nodded in agreement. "Yep, I just hope I don't screw up like last time." Haida shuddered. "I don't want to have a face to face meeting with Mr. Ton again." Retsuko chuckled. "See how terrible it is?" Haida sighed. "I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. He's a sexist piece of shit." Retsuko never really heard Haida talk bad about anyone before, so it was a little surprising. "Yeah, he sure is." She agreed.

After a long and crowded ride on the train, Haida and Retsuko walked into the accounting department, about 15 minutes before the work day started. They walked into the breakroom to see Fenneko waiting for them. "Oh, hey guys." She said as the two sat down. "Morning Fenneko, how was your weekend?" Retsuko asked. "It was alright, just kinda stayed at home. How about you guys?" Haida smiled. "It was great. We went out on Saturday, and Retsuko spent the day with me on Sunday." Retsuko smiled and blushed. Fenneko nodded. "Sounds fun.." She said, looking at her phone. Retsuko and Haida looked at eachother, then back to Fenneko.

"You doing ok?" Haida asked. "Mhm." Fenneko said, not breaking contact from her phone. After a few minutes, Okami walked in. "Oh, hey Okami. What's up?" Haida asked. "Oh, not much." Okami replied. "Just getting names for the drinking party at the end of the week. You in?" Haida looked at Retsuko, who nodded. "Sure, why not?" Okami nodded, and looked at Retsuko, who also said she would go. Okami wrote that down, then looked at Fenneko. "And you Fenneko?" Fenneko looked up, and shrugged. "I guess." Okami smiled. "Great! See you all there." Okami left the room, and the three stood up. "Back to the desk I guess." Haida said, taking a deep breath. "Yep." Retsuko agreed, and the three left.

Retsuko was doing her work like she usually did, of course, with some extras. However, while working, she noticed that Fenneko was moving a little slower. "Fenneko, are you sure you're ok? You're moving slower today." Retsuko asked, with a hint of concern in her voice. "Yeah, just a little tired." Fenneko said, still working. "Huh, ok." Retsuko said, looking at Haida across the way. Haida was busy at work, so she left him alone for now. "I need to talk to him as soon as I can." Retsuko thought as she worked.

During lunch break, Retsuko pulled Haida to the side for a second. "Yeah, what's up?" Haida asked, curious as to why Retsuko pulled him into private. "Something is wrong with Fenneko, and I think I might know what." Retsuko said, and Haida tilted his head a little. "What?" He asked. "She started acting this way when we started dating...I think she might feel lonely." Retsuko pointed out. "Hm..I think you may be right." Haida got an idea, and smiled. "You know what? When she went to that singles thing, she called me, and apparently she thinks Okami is a nice guy. Maybe we can somehow seat them together at the drinking party?" Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Good idea...wait, why was she calling you during that?" Haida blushed, and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, uhh..I w-was worried you would end up falling for someone...I was still working on a-asking you out then." Retsuko smiled, and gave Haida a kiss on the cheek. "You're so sweet." She said, walking back into the break room. Haida smiled, and followed.

They all sat down with Fenneko, who was still on her phone. Okami walked in as well, sitting alone at a table. Haida noticed, and walked over to him. "Hey Okami?" Haida asked. Okami looked up, a little surprised by the company. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked, and Haida smiled. "Why don't you come sit with us? There's an open seat." Okami nodded. "Yeah, sure!" Haida walked back over, and Okami joined them. Fenneko glanced up, and had a very light blush when she saw Okami. "So Okami, how are you doing?" Haida asked, starting to eat his lunch. "I'm doing quite well, just work and such." Retsuko smiled. "Yeah, work is work I guess." Retsuko was waiting for Okami to say or do something interesting, as she really knew nothing about him. She listened as Haida and Okami had a conversation about numbers, as they were both excellent mathematicians.

Okami pulled out his phone to check something. "Oh jeez, again?" Okami said, leading a curious look from Haida. "What?" Haida asked. "It's Tsunoda. She just keeps posting the same three pictures in some sort of pattern...but I thought she was dating Kobia. Why would she post thigh pics still?" Fenneko looked up, as Okami's thoughts about the pattern lined up with hers. "Wow, sounds crazy." Haida said, standing up. "Well, gotta get back to work. Say, do you have anyone to sit with at the drinking party?" Okami shook his head no. "Why not sit with us?" Retsuko asked, smiling. "Sure, why not?" Okami smiled as he left the room. "He seems like a nice guy." Retsuko said. "Sure does." Haida smiled. Fenneko was blushing a little bit, and smiled slightly. "He really is a nice guy." Fenneko said, causing Haida and Retsuko to smile more.

After the normal work hours, Haida and Retusko stayed late, as they have been. "It was great to hear Fenneko thinks highly of Okami." Haida said, as he worked. "Not to mention how they both seem to recognize social patterns. I think that they would be great, even just as friends." Retsuko smiled. Haida chuckled as he did his work. "Yeah, I agree." The two had small talk as they finished work, and they left together.

"You going to be able to make it home ok?" Haida asked, looking at Retsuko. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Retsuko asked, blushing. "I don't know, just being careful I guess." Haida blushed and smiled. "Alright Haida, see you tomorrow." Retsuko gave Haida a kiss before getting on her train. Haida waved as she was driven away. "I can't believe how lucky I am." He thought, smiling to himself as he got on his own train, heading home to get ready to repeat the same thing the next day.

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