Parks and Karaoke

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"It's finally the weekend." Haida sat up in bed, sighing happily. The remainder of the work week was fine, but he still felt angry at Ton for what he said. Either way, he was really looking forward to the weekend. He looked over at the clock, which read 11:12am. "Geez, I slept in late today." Haida got up and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. He checked his phone as the coffee brewed. He didn't have any texts from Retsuko or anything, so he just put it down and finished making his coffee. He sat down at the table and drank it slowly, just enjoying the peaceful morning. After a few minutes of quiet, his phone rang. He answered it when he saw it was Retsuko.

"Morning Retsuko." Haida said, smiling. Retsuko smiled too. "Hey Haida! How has your morning gone?" Retsuko was still at home as well, sitting on her couch. "Peaceful." Haida said, sipping his coffee. "Yours?" Retsuko smiled. "Mines been good,just been playing the bass a little." Haida smiled a bit wider. "Really? Great! How's that treating you?" Retsuko sighed. "Still trying." Haida got up and put his mug in the sink. "Maybe I can teach you some. Karaoke tonight?" Haida asked. Retsuko smiled. "Sure! But, what should we do before?" Haida thought. "It is a beautiful day. Want to go to the park?" He asked. "Sure! Meet you there. Love you!" Retsuko hung up. Haida smiled, and went to get dressed.

Around 1:00 pm-ish, Haida and Retsuko met up at the park, and it happened to be the park that Resasuke took Retsuko on their date. Retsuko sighed at the thought of it, but smiled when Haida approached. "Hey Haida!" She hugged him, getting a blush from Haida. "Hehe, hey Retsuko." Haida had his bass on his back, as did Retsuko. They broke the hug and began walking through the park, checking out the rides. Retsuko looked at the one she rode with Reasuke, thinking back to then. The huge difference between Haida and Resasuke was Haida actually cared about how Retsuko felt, unlike Resasuke. Also, Haida was much cuter. Haida picked up on the mood of Retsuko, and held her hand. "Everything ok?" Retsuko nodded. "Yep, all good." Haida smiled. "Good."

After a few minutes of walking and looking, the two sat on a bench together. They looked at eachother, smiling. Haida leaned over and gave Retsuko a kiss, making her blush. "Can I tell you something Retsuko?" Haida asked, smiling. Retsuko nodded. "Yes, what is it?" Haida sighed, then leaned back, looking up at the sky. "Before I asked you out at the hospital, I thought I had a snowball's chance in hell with you. I would burn up before I even came close." Haida chuckled, looking over at Retsuko. Retsuko smiled, kissing Haida on the cheek. "Well, look at how wrong you were." Haida blushed. "Yeah, hehe."

Haida pulled out his bass from behind him, looking at it. Retsuko did the same. "How much have you been practicing?" Haida asked. Retsuko sighed. "Not enough. After work I usually go home and go to bed." Haida smiled. "That's fine. We just need to practice together when we live together." Retsuko put her bass back. "Speaking of, how long till we can move in?" Haida groaned. "I have to go in and do a bunch of paperwork during the week. I don't know how I'll be able to get out of work though." Retsuko thought, then remembered something. "Don't all employees get a certain number of vacation days?" Haida nodded. "Are you saying we should use some and take the week off?" Retsuko smiled and nodded. "That'd be great!" Haida said. "I'll email the CEO, because I'm not talking to Ton." Retsuko nodded. "Fair enough."

The two spent the day together, talking about work and about what they want the house to be like. However, later in the night, they headed for Karaoke. Bass's on their backs, they walked in. "Room for two?" The cashier asked. Retsuko was about to say yes, but then two people walked in, Washimi and Gori. "Oh, hey Retsuko!" Gori said, smiling. Haida and Retsuko turned to greet them. "Hey guys! You two here for karaoke as well?" Haida asked. Washimi smiled. "Yeah, we just finished yoga and decided to come here." Retsuko sighed. "Oh yeah, yoga. I forgot I did that." Gori laughed a little. "Don't worry, you already got a man. No need to work for it anymore." That made both Haida and Retsuko blush. "So, can we join you two?" Washimi asked. Haida nodded, then turned to the cashier. "Make that a room for 4, please."

The 4 of them walked into the bigger room, and sat down on the couches. "It's been way too long since I've been here." Retsuko said, grabbing her mic out of her bag. "We only ever came here with you, so same." Washimi said, smiling. "So, who's first?" Gori asked. Haida pulled out his bass, but looked over at Retsuko. "Why don't you go first?" Haida asked her, smiling. Retsuko nodded, and typed in her number. She took a deep breath and brought the mic to her lips as the music started.

"WORKING ALL DAY AND SLEEPING ALL NIGHT! DEATH METAL IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT KEEPS ME RIGHT! DATING WITH HAIDA AND PLAYING THE BASS! THINGS THAT MAKES ME KICK PAIN IN THE FACE!" When she finished, she got an applause from the three. "That was great!" Haida said, smiling. "You're so good at that!" Washimi added. Retsuko blushed and smiled. "Thanks you guys. Haida, you up next?" Haida blushed a bit, as he had only ever sang in front of Retsuko, not Washimi and Gori. "I guess." He said, getting his bass ready. He started to play a song called My Demons by Starset.

"Mayday Mayday, the ship is slowly sinking. They think i'm crazy but they don't know the feeling. They're all around me, circling like vultures. They want to break me, and wash away my colors. WASH AWAY MY COLORS!" Haida started to play a little heavier. "Take me, high and I'll sing oh you make, everything ok ok ok. We are, one in the same oh you take, all of the pain away away away. Save me, when I become, my demons." Haida sighed when he finished, getting applause as well. "Holy crap, you sound so good!" Washimi said. "That song was nice too." Retsuko added, making him blush. "Thanks guys." He stood up. "Be right back. Need to use the restroom." Haida put his bass down and left the room.

When Haida was gone, Washimi and Gori looked at Retsuko. "You really scored high with Haida, Retsuko." Gori said, making Retsuko blush. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I mean, come on. He's cute, hot, can sing, talented on the bass, kind, everything a man should be and more." Gori said, and Washimi added on. "If I were you, I would never let him go." Retsuko blushed more and smiled. "I wasn't planning on it." She said. "Good.' both Washimi and Gori said. Haida walked back in and sat down. "Did I miss anything?" Retsuko shook her head, giving Haida a kiss on the cheek. "Nope." She said. Haida blushed and smiled.

Now at the train station, Haida and Retsuko were sitting at a bench waiting for Retsukos train to come. "By the way, the CEO approved that we can take the week off." Haida said. Retsuko smiled. "Great!" She leaned on Haida, and Haida wrapped an arm around her. "I love you." Retsuko said. "I love you too." Haida replied, smiling. After a few minutes, the train pulled up. Retsuko got up and looked at Haida. "See you tomorrow?" She asked. "Sure thing." Haida waved as she got on the train. When it pulled away, Haida smiled. Now they had the whole week to themselves, and Haida had some things planned.

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