Christmas Day

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Retsuko slowly woke up, yawning and sitting up in bed. She looked over at the clock, which read 8:30am. It was Christmas morning! Retsuko smiled upon the realization. She glanced to her side to find that Haida was still asleep, which was a very rare case, considering Haida almost always woke up early. "He looks so comfortable..I don't want to wake him!" Retsuko thought to herself, as she carefully got out of bed. Haida rolled over, snoring gently as he slept. Retsuko was about to leave the room, when she heard Haida move a bit more, slowly getting up. Retsuko looked behind her to see Haida sitting up. "Oh, morning Haida!" Retsuko said, smiling. Haida stretched, yawning as well. "Morning Retsuko..sorry I slept in." Retsuko smiled. "No worries. I just woke up too!" Retsuko smiled and watched as Haida got out of bed. Haida smiled at her. "Good, so you get to open your presents now then!" Retsuko smiled, and blushed a tiny bit. "Aw, that's so sweet!" Retsuko walked over and gave Haida a hug. Haida picked her up, which caused a slight surprised gasp from Retsuko. Haida carried her bridal style and gave her a kiss. Retsuko smiled, looking into Haidas eyes as he carried her to the living room.

Haida sat down on the couch with Retsuko, putting her down next to him. The christmas tree had some presents under it, all labeled to Retsuko. Retsuko smiled and blushed looking at the gifts, all very neatly wrapped. Haida didn't even seem to notice that he didn't have any gifts under the tree, either that or he didn't care. Retsuko smiled to herself, knowing the Haida was going to love what they would do later that day. Haida stood up, and smiled. He walked over to the tree and grabbed the gifts that were under the tree. There were two actual gifts, and one envelope. Haida handed them to her, smiling happily. "Sorry I didn't get you that much..but I hope you like what I got you!" Retsuko smiled and looked at the gifts. "Don't worry about it Haida! I know I'll love them." Retsuko started off with the smallest gift, which was a small neatly wrapped box. Haida smiled as he watched Retsuko open it. It was a small jewelry box, and when Retsuko opened it, she saw a beautiful necklace. "Haida, this is so pretty!" Haida chuckled a little bit. "Thanks, but did you read what it said?" Retsuko read the word that was on the little heart, which said Rage on it. Retsuko chuckled and put the necklace on. "It's perfect. Thank you Haida." Retsuko gave Haida a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.

Retsuko then moved on to the second gift, which was a bigger, more rectangular box. Retsuko held it in her hands, and she can nearly guess what it was from the weight alone. "I really hope you like this one.." Haida said, almost sounding nervous.Retsuko opened the box and smiled wide when she saw it. It was a new Microphone, but not only was it new, it was custom made. "This is so cool Haida!" Retsuko said, sounding really excited. She had been wanting a new mic for a long time now, so this was perfect. Haida smiled, his tail swaying a bit. "I-I'm glad you love it!" On the Microphone, the words "Death Metal Forever" were engraved on the side. Retsuko kept the mic in its box for now, so she didn't mess it up. "Alright, the next one is just a card." Haida said, as he handed her the envelope. Inside of it, was a picture of the two of them on their wedding night. Haida was holding Retsuko bridal style, and they looked like they were laughing. Retsuko read the card.

"Dear Retsuko. Ever since the day I met you, you've been special to me. You were the person who inspired me to come into work every morning, because I knew that if you could deal with all the shit people gave you, that I could deal with my work. Never in my wildest dreams, did I imagine I would be waking up next to you every morning. You have such a beautiful smile, laugh, hell, even your voice. There isn't anyone more perfect than you. I couldn't ask for a better present, than your presence. I love you, and Merry Christmas. Love, Haida."

Retsuko was blushing a lot, and nearly tearing up as she closed the card. Haida smiled. "Well..did you like it?" Retsuko didn't respond with words. Instead, she threw her arms around Haida, giving him a big kiss on the lips. Haida turned red as well as Retsuko held the kiss for a long time. She eventually broke the kiss, and Haida was blushing bad. "I-I assume you liked it then." Haida chuckled, and Retsuko smiled. "Merry Christmas Haida." She said. Haida smiled back. "Merry Christmas Retsuko." He said. Retsuko then stood up, and looked at the clock. "Now we need to get ready to go!" Haida looked a little confused. "Go where?" Retsuko smiled. "It's a surprise! Now come on!" Retsuko made her way into the bedroom, leading Haida to follow.

After Retsuko and Haida got dressed, they made their way into the living room. "I still have no idea where we are going." Haida said, rubbing the back of his neck a little. Retsuko playfully punched Haida in the arm. "Don't worry about it! You're going to love it." Haida chuckled. "Ok Retsuko, I trust you." Retsuko then held Haidas hand and pulled him outside. Haida looked around a little as Retsuko pulled him out of the driveway. "Ok Retsuko, I think I can walk." Haida chuckled. Retsuko let go of Haida's hand. "Sorry, I'm just excited!" Retsuko was smiling as she lead Haida down the street. "I can tell!" Haida smiled, following her. Eventually, they got to a little park, which looked awfully familiar.

Haida let his eyes wander around the park area as Retsuko continued to lead him through it. Retsuko was a little worried Haida wouldn't recognize it. Haida then realized where they were, and he smiled. "Is this where I took you on our first date?" Haida asked. Retsuko smiled. "Yep! I thought we could spend some time here. We can even go get lunch where we did the first time!" Haida blushed, and pulled Retsuko in for a hug. "This is so nice Retsuko. Thanks!" Haida sounded as if he might cry, a flood of memories coming back. "Aw, I'm glad you're happy with it!" Retsuko then held Haidas hand, and they continued walking.

After spending some time walking and talking, the two of them headed to go get lunch where they did the first time they ever went on a date. Haida smiled as they walked in, finding a table and sitting down. "This is great!" Haida said, smiling as he looked around a little. Retsuko smiled. "It's not over yet either!" Retsuko said, making Haida look confused again. "What do you mean?" Haida asked, looking at the menu at the same time. "I'm taking you to that bar you like later!" Haida then looked up at Retsuko, very surprised. "The Punk Rock one? How did you even know about that?" He asked. "Oh, Fenneko told me. She helped me come up with this idea!" Haida smiled. "That's nice! Are you sure you want to go there though? I tend to drink a bit too much when I go there.." Haida chuckled nervously. "Oh. it's ok! We're going to have a good time!" Retsuko held Haidas hand from across the table, and smiled. "Just enjoy yourself, ok?" She asked. Haida smiled and nodded. "Will do!"

Eventually, Haida and Retsuko got their food, eating and chatting like they did on their first date. "Hey, you know what we can do with our time off?" Haida said as he ate his food. Retsuko looked at Haida. "What's that?" She asked. "We can practice your bass more! Now that we actually have time for it." Haida smiled a bit. Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I would love that!" Retsuko had almost forgotten Haida had gotten her a bass. With work, the wedding, and moving, she barely had any time to practice it. "You should play yours too!" Retsuko said, finishing her food. "I will, I'll need to show you some stuff." Haida smiled, also finishing his food. Haida then asked for the check, and was about to pay for the food before getting interrupted by Retsuko. "No!" Retsuko took the check from Haida. "This is my Christmas present to you, I'm paying for it this time." Haida blushed a little. "O-Ok." He smiled as Retsuko payed for it, then the two of them stood up.

"Should we go home and get ready for tonight?" Retsuko asked. Haida shrugged. "Maybe. The bar is a very casual place, so we don't really have to dress up or anything." Retsuko nodded. "Ok! So let's just spend some time walking around for a bit." Haida nodded in agreement, and the two spent the majority of the afternoon together in the park, enjoying the first part of a lovely christmas day.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I haven't released two chapters in the same week in a while, so this was a bit of a surprise. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy your holiday! And for those who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope y'all enjoy your day!


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