{10} Vulnerable

Start from the beginning

"You aren't singing it," Celeste informed him, feigning a pout. "Come on, let me here that golden voice of yours." Raising her hand up, she started twisting the curls of Michael's Afro.

"Okay," Michael responded, chuckling lightly. "For you." With his words, he began letting the lyrics escape his lips as he beatboxed the tune.

"Ooh, my honey, you got me workin' day and night," Michael sang, seeing Celeste's adoration through her gaze. "Ooh, my sugar, you got me workin' day and night." He continued to let the lyrics fall from his lips until he completely finished the song.

Celeste gave him an applause, causing Michael to blush. "It's...amazing, Michael," she breathed, utterly impressed by his natural talent. "Just when I thought that nothing could top the last song you showed me." She couldn't help but beam at her love. His talent kept her enamored, and she only wished that he could see himself the way she saw him. "This is ten times better than anything on the radio right now. You could release it and it would be a smash hit."

Michael allowed himself to blush yet again. "Thank you," he said, giving her a small smile. "It would be nice to pursue music full-time instead of my nine-to-five. One can dream, though."

Letting out a gasp, Celeste swatted his arm playfully. "Hey, stop that now," she scolded him softly. "If anyone can make it happen, it's you. You have real talent, and I won't stop saying that until you believe it, too."

Michael's heart softened immensely, and he felt his adoration for Celeste grow tenfold. She never failed to pick him up, reassuring him that his thoughts were none other than imposter syndrome—that they didn't define him. "You know, you always know just what to say," he informed her lowly, his gaze glowing with love. Before he knew it, he was leaning in to bridge the distance between himself and Celeste as he kissed her lips softly, running his hands through her light brown curls. Pulling away, Michael then faced her fully. "Greg's going to be ecstatic when I show him this."

"You should call him," Celeste insisted, her voice coated with encouragement. "Judging by how good it is, he'll love it."

With her words ringing in his ears, Michael swung his legs over the bed, standing up to complete his task. When he heard the sound of something making contact with the floor, Michael looked down to see the vitiligo cream he'd shoved in his pocket earlier.

Celeste's leaned over the bed, looking to see what Michael had been trying to avoid. "What was that?"

Michael's face flushed pale. "Nothing," he answered curtly. "It was nothing." He bent down, attempting to reach for the cream, but Celeste was quicker.

"Vitiligo cream," Celeste said aloud, reading the tube. She looked over at Michael, who had many horrible emotions going through him. He turned his head away, unable to face her in his embarrassment. "Michael..."

He was silent for many moments, and he hoped that if he just stayed still, somehow he would vanish. "Just say it," Michael finally muttered, holding back sobs. His back was still turned away from her.

"Say what?" Celeste questioned, standing up from the bed to wrap her arms completely around Michael's back side.

Michael sniffled, hanging his head low. "Say that we're over."

Celeste's heart began aching at Michael's distressed state. "Why would I ever say that?"

"Because I'm a freak!" Michael shouted through his sobs. He finally turned around to face her. "This is why I waited so long to tell you! I didn't even want to tell you." He let himself fall into her open arms. "Hell, you would've found out, anyway, because my skin's only going to get lighter from here."

"Michael, shhh," Celeste soothed him, walking to sit back down on the bed once again. "You're not a freak. This is something that you can't control, and I know that." His head fell on her shoulder. "You could never be ugly. You need to know that."

Michael wiped his remaining tears before speaking. "It's just hard. I look in the mirror every day and I see myself slipping away."

Celeste turned his head from where it'd been resting on her shoulder to face him fully. "I'm sure that if you showed me it right now, I'd still see the same man I've come to love."

Michael was hesitant, but soon stood up from the bed. He walked to the bathroom, grabbing a moist cloth before returning next to Celeste. He gently began rubbing his skin, seeing the dark pigment from the make up he'd also been wearing transfer to the cloth. Once he was finished, he kept his head low.

Picking his head up with her finger, Celeste ran her fingers against Michael's uncovered face. "You've never been more beautiful," she murmured. "Witnessing you at your most vulnerable state that you're willing to share with me makes my love for you as strong as it could ever be."

"I'll never know what I could've ever done to deserve you," Michael admitted, giving her a small smile.

"But, just know that you'll have me, forever," Celeste told him softly, brushing her lips over his before sealing them in a loving kiss.

Soon, their feelings of love were exchanged with those of passion and affection as they allowed themselves to melt away in each other that night. After the events that'd occurred, they let themselves be vulnerable to each other for the first time. They absorbed every bit of the blissful feeling that wouldn't give up any time soon.


They're adorable! :') I wanted to end this on a happy note. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading, and as always, I love you all!

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