+18: The Carnival - Amanda Jenson

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+18: The Carnival - Amanda Jenson

Requested by @CountVonSquash

Happy (extrmely belated) Halloween!

I struggled with this one...


Fingers curled around his own, squeezing tight as little frightened puffs of air leave the boy by Sherlock's side. Glancing to he side, Sherlock watches Jim close his eyes tightly and try to get his breathing under control.

"It's okay..." Sherlock speaks softly, trying to calm him down.

Jim shakes his head. "How is this okay? Why did we think this was a good idea?"

Sherlock's arm wraps around Jim's shoulder and he pulls the boy into him, planting a kiss on his forehead. "It's abandoned"

"We're so stupid. Let's just leave..."

Sherlock frowns "We're meant to find John"

Jim pulls back and looks Sherlock in the eye. "I really don't care, Sherlock. I don't even like John. Please, let's just go"

A sigh leaves Sherlock's lips and he trails his hand down the side of Jim's face, one arm around his middle as they looked at each other. Jim looked absolutely terrified and Sherlock could understand that.

They stood at the gate of an old rundown carnival. It was void of people and the place looked like it was falling apart. Abandoned stalls remained set up and occasionally a light from a ride would flicker on - but only for a second. It looked like all the people that worked here had got bored and just left.

According to John, the story of this place involves a crown who went crazy. Murdered everyone and buried the bodies over the site in places that 'made sense'. For example, he supposedly buried the manger of the grounds somewhere in the gold mine ghost train because he loved money. It was all a bit sadistic.

Being the whimp he is, Jim had believed every word and automatically latched onto his boyfriend for dear life. He hadn't let go since and, honestly, Sherlock was liking it a bit - the way he was protecting Jim and looking after him.

"I know you're not John's biggest fan but it's not nice of us to leave him here. C'mon, I'm going to be here with you the whole time" Sherlock presses a kiss to his lips. "Not need to be scared"

Jim huffs "I am not scared..." He pauses, glancing at the gate before he presses into Sherlock's embrace again. "I'm bloody terrified"

Sherlock laughs and Jim glares up at him. Smiling, Sherlock takes hold of Jim's hand and starts walking down the path into the carnival. "Look at it this way, the sooner we find John, the sooner we can go back to mine and have a warm cup of tea and fall asleep watching whatever stupid romcom you choose this time"

"We could go do that now if we leave John" Jim mumbles, not intending for Sherlock to hear.

Choosing not to comment of that, Sherlock continues to walk and hold Jim close.


"Sherlock! Sherlock!! This isn't funny anymore. Just fucking call him or text him or whatever. I want to leave this place... Fuck, it's creepy"

Jim grips on to Sherlock's arm, panting heavily as he tries with all his might to drag Sherlock away from the entrance to the Gold Mine Ghost Train. Jim was in no hurry to go in there and search for someone he didn't even bloody like.

"It makes sense that John would hide in here. It was the main setting in the story he told us" Sherlock speaks as though Jim wasn't pleading for them to leave

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