+16: Demons - Imagine Dragons

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+16: Demons - Imagine Dragons

Request from @ConsultingFangirl_

Love. This. Song. *praises ConsultingFangirl_*


Sherlock really never expected that of the two of them, he'd be the one thinking that their relationship was moving at a snail's pace. They're young and have only just started dating. Surely they'd be all lovey dovey and unable to get enough of each other?

He'd always known that tons of intimacy would probably cause him, personally, to go running for the hills but that didn't mean he didn't want intimacy of some kind. Of course he did.  He wanted to be held and kissed by his boyfriend. He wanted to be told that he was loved and that he meant a lot to Jim.


Jim is distant.

Ever since they started dating, the Irish boy had drifted further and further. Like he was shielding himself and avoiding Sherlock. Which is completely ridiculous because before they'd been friends for almost five years and, if they're honest, were probably closer to each other than they were to their parents.

So this distance Jim had put between them... It was hurting Sherlock. Very much so.

He wanted to understand. Jim was his boyfriend now and surely that would mean they'd get even closer? Maybe he had it all wrong.

So he asked his brother. Now, Mycroft wasn't one for relationships or people in general but he did understand how people work and knew a lot about life. So Sherlock asked him if what was happening was normal.

He basically gave Sherlock a theory he already had and he didn't want to accept.

He was doing something wrong.

It was obvious, really. Of course Sherlock was doing something to drive Jim away.


Jim's parents hadn't been the best people in the world - there was a reason that he was sent to live with his Aunty. Despite the countless times Jim was told that what his parents taught him was wrong and that they lied to him all the time.. well, some of the things they said were deeply embedded and he couldn't convince himself that the things he truly believed was false.

So when he entered his relationship with Sherlock... He struggled. Immensely.

A number of things his mother had taught him came to mind.

You're not lovable, Jim.

Don't let people look into your eyes for too long. They'll see how horrid a person you are. They'll see your demons.

You're an evil person. You don't deserve love.

He believed his mother when she said those things and to this day he believed her. He wasn't a good person and he certainly didn't deserve Sherlock.

Sherlock was gorgeous and so clever. Even though he was just seventeen, Sherlock was already on track for doing incredibly well in life no matter what he decided to go into, be it politics or sport (not that Sherlock really cared for either).

Jim, in no way, deserved to call Sherlock his boyfriend.

So he kept his mother's word in mind. He didn't let Sherlock close and didn't let him look into Jim's eyes for extended periods of time. He kept the boy at arms length so he wouldn't have a reason to run off and leave Jim.

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