+11: Drive By - Train [REQUEST]

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+11: Drive By - Train [REQUEST]

Request from @ConsultingFangirl_

I didn't plan for it to go this way... But it did. Oops.


Rain. Always turns up in movies when something over dramatically sad happens. It pours down, usually soaking the person that's feeling depressed. Often, it'll start as a light drizzle and as the background music gets louder and even more down heartening, the rain picks up.

Jim's life is a bit like that right now.

He's soaked to the bone by rain that has gotten worse as his mood has. His white shirt clings to his skin and the rain water drips off his nose as he looks down at the puddle by his feet.

He's on a bench, beside a bus stop. He's not waiting for a bus, though.

He'd come here to see someone off. His best friend, actually. Even though he had convinced both himself and his friend that he was fine, the moment Jim saw that bus disappear into the distance it hit him just now not okay he is.

He didn't want Sherlock to leave. He wanted the boy to stay here, in the town were they'd spent the past five years in school together. But now they're growing up and Sherlock's going off to University in Oxford.

Forcing himself up from the bench, Jim begins the trek home.

He just had to accept it. He may never see Sherlock again.


Two weeks pass. The two boys Skype and email each other every day.

Two months pass. Sherlock begins to tell Jim about a boy he met at University. The calls become less frequent...

Two years pass. Jim hasn't heard a word from Sherlock for almost a year. He still thinks about him each day and sends a text now and then despite knowing that Sherlock's changed his number.


Now twenty-five years old, Jim's all grown up and is making his way through life. He's still in the same town and he's working for his dad's company. It's boring and he wishes he had something more for himself but he just can't bring himself to leave this town.

Life is more than boring, if he's honest. It's depressing.

He gets up, goes to work, comes home, eats, sleeps, repeats. He can't keep a stable relationship and everyone seems to get sick of him after a while. Even his friends don't like to be with him for extended periods of time.

After Sherlock left and stopped having contact, Jim fell into depression and just never seemed to get himself out. Not that it was all because of Sherlock. Many things got Jim down but that was a large blow, the one to fully knock him into the pit of sorrow and despair.

Sighing, Jim picks up his coat and shrug it on. He tries not to think about Sherlock now.

Grunting at the fact that he doesn't have a hood, Jim pushes the door to the office building open and strolls out into the downpour without much thought or cares. He doesn't care about the fact rain is seeping through his clothes and he even finds a little enjoyment out of the way others make mad dashes for cover like the rain was some kind of poison to them.

He's just turning onto his street when he stops.

There, rushing towards him, is a figure wearing a Belstaf coat that has a very familiar head of curls. Jim shakes his head and tells himself he's seeing thing. He starts walking again. As he grows closer, Jim finds himself stopping again and squinting.

Sheriarty One Shots (Adapted Version Of Da Music Meme) [REQUESTS TEMPORARILY CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now