+27: Fast Times At Clairemont High - Pierce The Veil [REQUEST]

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+28: Fast Times At Clairemont High - Pierce The Veil [REQUEST] 

Request from @Queen_Of_Michief  (<3 you, amazing song. I didn't think it got better than King For A Day) 

I know that @ConsultingFangirl_ requested first but I finished this one first and thought I'd upload it. I'm doing Every You Every Me next and will be mixing up the order of requests a bit to ensure that I get at least one of everyone's requests ASAP.

Smut request. 

In every school, there's at least one guy or girl that seems to attract the most attention from the opposite sex. They're flaunted over and asked out every week. They get flirted with regularly and usually hop between relationships or they remain single and just date for the majority of school. They can be nice people or horrible. There's not any rules about who becomes this person but there are typical stereotypes. 

For the person that seems to attract most of the attention at Clairemont High's School For Boys... It's a little different. 

First off, he doesn't attract any attention from the opposite sex because the only females that are in the school are teachers. All the attention he gets is from other boys. Second, he doesn't date or have relationships of any kind. Like, at all. He doesn't even have friends. Well, it a way he could fit a stereotype of the school idol in the sense that many people were attracted to the mysterious and the unknown.

He just seems.. different, though. You can't compare him to another person. 

There's no question of why he's popular among the boys, though, even with the odd atmosphere he gives off. 

He has full, pouty lips and a beautifully shaped arse. His curls remind you of dark chocolate and they pool over his forehead in that effortless way you can't help but admire and be envious of. His pale cheek and high cheekbones just add to his mysterious nature, along with that smirk that says he knows something you don't. Then, on top of all that, he's one of just two foreign students. A guy with an English accent in an American school... It sounds like a typical movie set up. 

He doesn't ever express his feelings towards all the attention he gets beyond asking the other boys not to touch his arse (it never stops them, though). 

The boarding school was basically a rich kid's playground and all students had too much time on their hands, being the best and brightest as well as the people who had influence over the teacher's paychecks because everyone's mummy or daddy was someone important meant that they got away with murder. Trips out where often organised and the teachers said nothing when most of the boys seemed to trail after one person like puppies in a way that boarders on obsessive. 

The student's often ensured the trips were to places like the beach where lack of clothing was acceptable. They all seemed like horny, desperate dogs that wanted that one bit of meat their owner said no to. On top of that, all his followers could get rather possessive and many of them referred to him as theirs, as if they owned him. 

Their behaviour disgusted Jim. 


"The beach again, what a surprise" Jim hums sarcastically as he and Sebastian seat themselves on a large towel at the top of the beach where they could easily watch the other students. 

The teachers sat a little distance away from them, obviously having the same idea about keeping an eye on everyone. For different reasons, of course. Neither Jim or Sebastian had any interest in making sure their peers were safe and behaving. No, they simply liked to laugh at the idiots.

Sheriarty One Shots (Adapted Version Of Da Music Meme) [REQUESTS TEMPORARILY CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now