6. Give Me Your Hand - The Ready Set

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6. Give Me Your Hand - The Ready Set


The beat of the music travelled through the nightclub like a pulse, keeping the venue and every person inside it alive as friends and strangers alike laughed and danced together.

Sherlock stood by the bar, a smile on his face as he taps his foot along to the music and scans the crowd. He takes a sip from the drink in his hand before draining the glass and placing it on the bar.

Rolling up the sleeves on his dark blue shirt he slipped into the crowd, moving along to the music and smiling at the people around him.

He loved it. The energy and the excitement of it all. The feel of the music beating against him, the flash of coloured lights under his eyelids every time he blinked and the way everyone just went with it, enjoying the moment and not caring what tomorrow might bring.

It doesn't take long for a pair of hands to settle on his hips. He leans back a little, seeing a man- only slightly shorter then himself- with a charming smile and warm brown eyes.

He was dressed in a simple button up white shirt and trousers, the outfit was so simple and yet he still looked like the most interesting person here. His dark hair, Sherlock couldn't tell if it was black or just a really dark brown, was slicked back. He looked smart like that. It was an odd look, something Sherlock wouldn't normally go for but now he found himself loving it.

Sherlock moves his body in time with the nameless mans, smiling brightly as the hands on his waist pull him close.

"James" The man introduces himself, whispering against his ear, hot breath fanning down Sherlock's neck. He was Irish, Sherlock notes with a grin, he'd always loved Irish accents.

Shivering in delight at the feel of warm breath on his skin, Sherlock tilts his head to whisper in James' ear, telling his dance partner his name as well. "Sherlock"

He then takes hold of James' hand and twirls them both until their positions were reserved, his head beside the others as he laughs lightly. His hands wrap around James as they move together, the beat slowing down to give all the dancers a little bit of a breather and a chance to go grab a drink if they wanted.

James laughs along with him, tilting his head sideways to look at Sherlock. "I've seen you here before, I like watching you dance"

Sherlock smiles "Thanks. I love to dance"

James sways their hips, humming as he did "Mm, I can tell"

They continue like that for some time, just swaying together and enjoying the atmosphere of the club as they wrap themselves in a little bubble.

They had their dance partners for that evening and now all that mattered was enjoying themselves while they had this time together.

James' eyes fall shut as he leans into the taller man. Sherlock's arms tighten around him just as the song changes.

The tempo was fast and the beat an addictive formation of sounds. The lights dotted around the club picked up their pace, swinging around as the dance floor was filled once again.

"I love this song" James grins, turning in Sherlock's arms so they were facing one another.

"I've heard it before" Sherlock nods, pulling James close once again as they begin to move in time with the ever changing beats.

James begins to mouth the words at Sherlock, not at all fazed by the fact it was a love song. Sherlock squeezes his hips, silently encouraging him to continue and spinning them around with a grin. To those around them they appeared to be in their own impenetrable bubble of love and happiness.

James' hands rest on Sherlock's shoulder, his fingers playing with loose curls as his face slowly gets closer to the others. Sherlock can hear his voice now, his soft tone was alluring as he quietly sings along.

Before long Sherlock's forehead is resting on James' shoulder, the soft voice singing the lyrics directly into his ear with such a beautiful and sincere tone that Sherlock felt his heart skip a few beats along with music.

They dance around the floor, smiling like the Cheshire cat and ignoring the existence of the others around them as they become more and more absorbed in the other.

When James sings the last word of the song Sherlock lifts his head to look at the other man. Their eyes meet and Sherlock sees a whole new kind of beauty in the bright cheery brown eyes.

"You have a beautiful voice" Sherlock compliments, his left hand coming up to stroke James' cheek.

A faint blush covers James' cheeks "Thank you, Sherlock"

The taller of the two grins, loving the way his name sounded coming from James' mouth.

The pair dance for hours, the songs flying by and James' voice occasionally mixing with the music to sing along for Sherlock.

Finally, when they could dance no more they retired to the bar, ordering themselves some drinks and taking a seat in the corner of the club that was filled with purple, blue and black sofas.

Sherlock guides them to a purple love seat, pulling James onto his lap when he sat down. He takes a sip of his drink before smiling up at the man on his lap.

"This is new" James says, sipping his own drink but his eyes staying on Sherlock.

Sherlock raises an eyebrow at the comment, wondering what the devilishly handsome man on his lap meant.

"I've never seen you have drinks or sit with someone before, does that make me special?" James asks, winking as he did despite the blush painting his cheeks.

"I suppose it does" Sherlock replies, only just realising that James was correct. "Hold on, do you watch me often?"

He couldn't deny that he liked the thought of James being an admirer.

James rolls his eyes "Yes, I'm surprised you haven't noticed. For the past few months I've been watching you dance"

Sherlock placed his drink down on the round table beside the sofa before wrapping his arms around the other mans waist.

"That's.. cute"

"Creepy" James says at the same moment Sherlock says 'cute'

Both of them laugh a little bit before Sherlock smirks at James and nudges him.

"Did you get jealous when I danced with other men?" Sherlock asks.

It was rare for Sherlock to dance with other men. More often then not he'd befriend a group of girls, who all fell in love with him because he was gay and they couldn't have him, and they would all just dance and have a good time.

"Maybe a little" James mumbles before downing the rest of his drink and leaning forward to put his glass with Sherlock's.

"What made you come over to me then? Why tonight? Why not the first night you saw me?" His eyebrow raises as he smiles gently at the blushing man.

James nods towards one of the speakers "It played the song, twice. I knew it'd come on again and I knew I had to be the one to dance with you when it played"

Sherlock follows his glaze before grinning as the song changed again and the melody of the first song James sang began to play.

"Well, that's just a little bit scary" James frowns at the speaker.

Sherlock stands them up, twirling James around as he did. Their hands entwine as Sherlock pulls them onto the dance floor once again.

They grin at each other, already moving along to the beat once again, and neither could be happier.

Sheriarty One Shots (Adapted Version Of Da Music Meme) [REQUESTS TEMPORARILY CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now