+29: The Love Cats - The Cure [REQUEST]

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+29: The Love Cats - The Cure [REQUEST]

Request from @Allonsy_Cat_Holmes

HEY, GUYS! If any of you have read Downloading... you should go check out the update about a special competition and sequel.


Jim wasn't even a year old when his mother first brought him and Sherlock (the two year old - almost three - next door) matching cat costumes. The costumes were both grey with fluffy white fabric on the front as the cats stomach. Tails hung from their bottoms and the hoods had two grey ears attached to them. Sherlock's mother, Violet, and Jim's mother, Tira, had been out shopping together when they spotted them. 

Now, the women watched as their boys ran around the warm garden together, pretending to be cats and entertaining themselves. 

"Sh-wer!" Jim shrieks,adding a 'w' in to the start of Sherlock's name for no reason other than he had difficulty saying 'Sher'. It was amazing he could say that much, really - the only other things he said was "dada" and "mum". 

Sherlock giggles and continues to run circles another the younger boy. Jim reaches out and his little fist grips Sherlock's tail, pulling Sherlock to the floor. 

Sherlock blinks a few times when he lands on his bum, trying to register what's happen. His face scrunches up into a frown when Jim begins to laugh like crazy, his giggles filling the garden. 

"Stupid baby" Sherlock hisses at Jim, yanking his tail out of Jim's hand. 

Jim stops laughing and looks at Sherlock, his lip beginning to tremble. He starts wailing, not liking the tone Sherlock had used when talking to him. 

Both the mum walk over to their sons and Jim's mother scoops him up immediately. 

"Sherlock, be nice. He's just playing" Tira scalds lightly. 

"He made me fell!" Sherlock exclaims, pointing a finger at the crying Jim as his own mother picks him up. 

"Fall, darling. He made you fall" Violet corrects, brushing some curls one of Sherlock's face. "And Jim's mummy is right. You should be teaching Jim to play nice, not getting angry with him" 

Sherlock whimpers and curls against his mother, not liking the fact that Jim wasn't being told off for making him fall over and hurt his bum. He accepts her words though and promises himself he'll remember to teach Jim. 

"I'll grow him up" Sherlock says, sniffling still. 

Both women chuckle at Sherlock before they carry the boys into the house to eat lunch with the rest of Jim's family and Mycroft, Sherlock's seven year old brother (who got a Superman costume). 

Afterwards they eat, Jim and Sherlock run into the garden to play again, they're falling out from earlier completely forgotten. 

When Jim was ten, Sherlock and him went as half dead cats for halloween. They brought cat costumes and got Sherlock's mother to paint their faces and make the costumes look like they had blood stains on them. Mycroft, now sixteen, had to go with them to watch them but he usually stayed about ten paces behind them, tecting his friend on his phone and he'd wait at the end of a driveway when the two went up to a door to knock. 

It was the first halloween where they'd not been with a parent and both of them were giddy with excitement, yelling "Trick or treat?!" when the doors open with great big smiles on their faces. 

Even though Sherlock had gone up to secondary school now, the pair were still close and even held hands as they walked down the street, carrying their bags of sweets. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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