+7: The Way You Make Me Feel - Micheal Jackson [REQUEST]

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The Way You Make Me Feel

Request from @KelsaFord

I had fun writing this one. Hope you enjoy it!


Working wasn't too bad, really, Jim had discovered. The people were nice (some were very, very nice) and the hours were okay. Jim worked from nine til five on a minimum wage but he still like the job.

All the eighteen year old had to do was stand behind the till and ring up all the orders, being pleasant and friendly to every customer that he interacted with - although that was occasionally harder said than done. Then, when the orders were done, he'd hand the customers their tea, coffee, milkshake or any food that they ordered.

Jim wasn't sure what the place he worked in could be classed as. It was like a local café but also a fast food restaurant/milkshake bar.

The whole place had a red and white theme that really shouldn't work but did. The floors were tiled, all white and perfectly in line with each of the tables. In the centre of the large room, five or so metres from the counter, were tables in alternating colours. Some tables were white with red chairs and some were red with white chairs. The tables ranged from ones for two people to ones for four people. Either side of the cluster of tables, lining each of the walls, were a total of six booths designed for six to eight people.

Music emits from a jukebox sat in the corner, just beside the long counter, giving the whole place friendly atmosphere. The windows helped with that too, as they covered the whole front wall of the café and the centre of the ceiling. The large window in the roof really opened up the place and sometimes they placed a red silky sheet over it to give the place a redy/orangey glow as the sun set. That really filled the two seater tables.

Yeah. Jim didn't mind spending eight hours a day here, five days a week with the occasionally extra day.

Besides, that meant that Jim got five days out of seven to stand and oogle Sherlock Holmes, one of the regulars to the place. He was very very easy on the eyes with those lush curls and sharp cheekbones. Not to mention that he was always nice to Jim - minus the occasionally snide jab that Jim was a tad on the stupid side (but Sherlock did that to everyone, so...)

To this day, Jim remembers the way he'd blushed like a little schoolgirl when Sherlock approached the counter on his first day of work here. He'd squeaked out a greeting before rushing to get Sherlocks order, nearly spilling the boiling coffee all over his hand. After handing it over with a nervous smile, Jim had received a wink from the handsome boy which made him turn a darker shade of crimson before Sherlock wondered over to a booth where two girls and two boys sat that had arrived about ten minutes before. Sherlock had sat beside the girl with brown hair, offering her a brief smile before he began to speak to the blonde boy across from him.

It didn't take long at all for Jim to become acquainted with the group. They were in the place almost everyday and they were always here during Jim's shift, usually towards the end. Soon, Jim learnt all of their names (including Sherlock's) from the oldest among them, one of the boys, called Greg.

The group of five had warmed to Jim quickly, befriending him with open arms. Jim was certain that all of them knew he liked Sherlock - the way they smirked at him after Sherlock said something to him just gave him the idea they knew.

Turns out, there was another reason they smirked at him so much and it was only a matter of time before Jim found out.


"Hey, Jim..." trails off the very familiar voice of a blonde Jim knew.

He looks up immediately from his spot where he'd been sat behind the counter, reading. Standing, Jim crosses to the till and smiles at the girl. He then frowns, noticing that none of her friends were around like they usually would be.

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