1. Dear Darling - Olly Murs

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1. Dear Darling - Olly Murs


Dear Students,

Your task over the next two months is to exchange letters with a student that will be picked for you according to the interests you list below. This Pen-Pal project will make up 25% of your coursework grade for PSHE/Human Studies. You are to get to know you pen-pal.

No limits are put on the amount letters you can send and you will be supplied with 25 stamps. Additional stamps needed can be brought at school for 40p per strip of five.

While we encourage you to be yourselves when writing we do ask you to keep the swearing to a minimum and not to make sexual advances. 'Flirting' is acceptable, suggesting a 'hook-up' is not. The rules will be explained in further details. Please fill in the form below so we can choose someone suited to yourself.

Good luck!


As a member of this school you will be the first to write a letter to your pen-pal.

Name: Jim Moriarty

Teacher: Miss Smallwood

Target Grade: A

Interests: Death

Preferred Gender of Pen-Pal: Male


As a member of this school you will be the first to receive a letter from your pen-pal.

Name: Sherlock Holmes

Teacher: Ms Hudson

Target Grade: A*

Interests: Detective work, Death, Crime, Violin.

Preferred Gender of Pen-Pal: Either.



So. You're the guy the school chose for me as a penpal? I'm sorry but what the hell were you parents thinking when they named you, were they high?

Apparently, you're the only one you shared my interest of 'Death'. Does that mean you're some Gothic boy with long black hair that covers your eyeliner rimmed eyes?

Okay, I'm done taking the piss now. Seeing as I'm the first person to write that means you don't even know my name.

I just spent fifteen minutes trying to think of a witty name or something as interesting as your own - you have to tell me about that - but I think it's best we being truthful and professional about this.

I laughed so much at that. I'm never professional about things like this. How the hell can you be professional when you're writing to a complete stranger? Seriously, our schools are just weird. Apparently your head teacher and ours are together and they want their pupils who are 'like their own children to bond'. Know anything about that?

Right. I should probably get round to telling you about myself. That is, after all, the purpose of this letter.

My name is Jim. Although it does say James on my birth certificate. Call me Jim, please. Or Moriarty, if you prefer. That's my surname, by the way.

Jim Moriarty, hiii!

So, stranger, the floor is yours. The curtain has risen. The ball is out of my court. Yeah, you get the point.

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