Chapter 16: House of Osirian

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At Jerome's dad's house, Jerome and Mara were welcomed in by Poppy.

"Poppy,  I didn't know you were going to be here!" Jerome said. "Why aren't you at mum's?"

"Well, dad told me you would be here," Poppy said. "So I knew I had to be here to help with dinner. You know he's not a good cook."

"Well considering I was in prison for a while," John said walking out from the kitchen "I think I have a reasonable excuse" They all laughed.

"I love your dress!" Poppy said to Mara. "But why did you dress up?"

"Well, Ive never been invited to a boyfriend's house before," Mara said. "So I thought this was a special occasion."

"You look lovely!" John said. They all sat down at the dinner table and enjoyed their food. They talked about their summer vacations and Mara's french and journalism internships. They joked around about Jerome's sports internship and his training. After dessert, Poppy took Mara upstairs to show her her room. Jerome helped his dad clean up.

"I just want you to know that I'm extremely proud of the man you've become," John said. "You're no longer the boy playing pranks and asking for attention."

"Yeah" Jerome said quietly.

"Is something bother you?" hi dad asked.

"Actually,yeah. It was something Mr Sweet said when we were talking," Jerome said. "Something about you and him? You two used to be great friends?" John was quiet for a moment.

"Is that all he told you?" he asked.

"Well, no" Jerome said. "He said that you two kind of had a falling out."

"Well, that's what happened," John said. "And that's all you need to know."

"But why?" Jerome asked. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Jerome, you don't need to know everything," his dad said sternly. "All you need to know is I made some bad choices and they left me with a lot of regrets. Can we please drop this?" At that moment the girls came back downstairs.

"Mara, we had best be getting back to the House" Jerome said.

"Already?" Mara and Poppy asked.

"Yes," Jerome said. "I have early training with Mick and Mrs Robinson tomorrow."

"Will you come back soon?" John asked as they walked out the door.

"Maybe" Jerome said.

The next morning the gang sneaked out before Victor woke up. Joy and Eddie brought with them what Nina and Fabian told them to bring. Eddie brought a signed baseball glove and Joy brought Bunsy Buns the Second. Her dad had bought another one after Victor had burned her other stuffed animal. Amber had the fire going and NIna and Fabian were standing around it.

"So what do we have to do?" Eddie asked.

"Throw your things in the fire," Nina instructed.

"What?!" Joy and Eddie exclaimed.

"I had to wait six hours in the rain to get this signed." Eddie said holding up the glove. "It may be worth a lot of money some day. I'm not throwing it in the fire.

"And I just got Bunsy Buns replaced." Joy said.

"Do you guys want to be in Sibuna or not?" Amber asked. Eddie and Joy both sighed and threw the glove and the bunny in the fire. Nina told them what to say.

Joy raised her hand ""I Joy Mercer, being of sound mind, promise to protect the secrets of Anubis House and promise to stand by my fellow club members NIna Martin Amber Millington and Fabian Rutter and Eddie Miller."

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