"What the fuck is your ex doing here" Kendall said looking his way when he looked ours walking over


(greg remmey as Greg remmey Vanessas ex has short part)

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(greg remmey as Greg remmey Vanessas ex has short part)


"Vanessa is that you" Greg smirked walking over "Wow I haven't seen you sense you were smaller" He said making me roll my eyes

"And we haven't seen you sense you were taller" Kendall said grabbing my hand

"You still single Vanessa" He asked trying to touch me making me back up

"What are you doing here greg" I asked

"I was invited and didn't think I'd see you here" He smirked looking me up and down "I just can't believe this is you I mean you got hotter then I last remember" He smirked disgustingly"

"Can you leave as you can see she doesnt wanna talk to you" Chantel said

"That's ok she's not worth my time" He said when I looked ahead seeing Jason and Za walking over and I never realized how tall Jason actually was till now

"Who are you" Jason spat making Greg look back small as an ant compared to Jason

"Oh so you're the dude who took my sloppy leftovers dude she ain't nothing special" Greg laughed which no one else did but him. I looked at Jason who looked with an angry look which I was scared to see his next movement

"What did you just say to me" Jason asked and everything seemed to stop and look in our direction everyone already knowing what was gonna happen

Jasom punched him literally making him fly into the glass table making it shatter making my eyes widen

"No I'm the guy who's dick she rides every night now if you come near her again I'll kill you" He said punching him a few times before taking out a gun making me gasp rushing over to him

"Jason he's had enough" I said pushing him back. Jason pulled my arm pulling me out of the house towards the car

"Jason" I called but he ignored me clearly pissed

"Jason talk to me" I said

"Shut the hell up and get in the car now" He spat yanking the car door open. I didn't say another word but get inside as he slammed the door shut making me jump. He got in as well starting the car up before he sped off

"Jason" I called looking over at him as he still kept the angry scowl look on his face "Jay I'm sorry" I said

"Damn right your sorry you're always sorry" Jason sneered

"I didn't know he was gonna be there Jason" I said calmly

"Sure you didn't just like you didn't know that many men was gonna be there is that why you lied to me so you can be there with him huh" He yelled

"I can't believe you're saying tis right now I'm telling you I didn't know he was there"

"I don't believe you, you lied to me what the fuck else are you lying about" He said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance at how over dramatic he was being

"I lied to you cause I knew you were gonna get all worked up for nothing" I said

"Whatever" Jasin said. I sighed looking out the window seeing not to keep arguing back and fourth with him knowing he wouldn't believe me anyways. I watched all the passing cars seeing he passed the way home

"Where are you going Jason" I asked

"It doesn't matter" Jason said

"Well whatever you're about to do do it alone" I said

"I thought we were spending quality time" He mocked making he roll my eyes looking back out the window. After hours of driving he pulled up in the middle of nowhere. He turned the car off about to get out looking back at me

"Are you coming" He asked but I ignored him keeping my attention up ahead "Vanessa" He called

"I don't wanna go inside that place" I said

"Well I'm not leaving you out here so lets go" He said. I sighed in annoyance getting out following him inside that disgusting smell filling my nostrils

I watched as he looked through papers I guess soon finding what he needed. He walked into a room putting it into a machine when he looked at me

"Come er" He said. I looked at the room he was in seeing guns everywhere making me shake my head

"I'm not going in there Jason" I said

"Come its fine" He said holding out his hand. I was hesitant but walked inside seeing the room much bigger when I walked inside. I looked ahead seeing a shooting station seeing shooting dart boards with bullet holes in them

"Have you ever shot a gun before" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind

"No and I'm not going to" I said about to walk away when he grabbed my hand pulling me back. I looked at him then his hand seeing a gun in it

"Sure you are" He said "Here hold this" He said

"Jason I'm not holding that noe can we go" I said

"Not till you hold this and shoot it" I said

"You're crazy if you think I'm shooting that" I said. He placed the gun in my hand closing my fingers around it

"Nothings gonna happen you'll be fine" He said caressing my cheek before turning he towards the board "now raise your arms" He said. I was hesitant but did so "Bend them a little bit" He said fixing my arms

"Now aim your gun trigger it then shoot" He said

"I can't Jason" I said

"Yes you can do it" He said placing his hands into mine keeping the gun straight "Shoot" He whispered in my ear. I was hesitant but slowly pulled the trigger hearing a loud bang go off

"There" Jason smirked turning me around "You're not so innocent now" He said against my lips before placing his against mine our lips molding together so perfectly.

"I love you Jason" I whispered against his lips

"I love you more baby girl" He said making me smile placing my lips against his.


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