Chapter 1 Part 2: Kamen Rider.........

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After walking around chatting with on another, they soon found a small food court and sat in a both room continue they're chats. " So Kagura what's your quirk? " Midoriya asked Kagura from across the table " O-Oh I can per into the future and see different things....but it happens at random right now " Kagura murmured " That's fine! I still find it amazing! " Midoriya reassured Kagura as Todoroki looked over at him " How exactly can you tell when your quirk is active? " he asked rather curious " W-Well it usually happens when I'm asleep, it rarely ever happened when I was awake and when it did it was minor things like a glass of milk falling off the counter. My mother told me my eyes turn pink when it's active "Kagura answered a bit more confidently " That's a very interesting quirk...I wonder what potential it holds when you fully master it " Todoroki said which prompted Yaoyorozu to ask a certain question " Oh! Kagura-kun, what are your plans for when your older? " she asked him and instantly he smiled and said " I want to become a king! " he said and his tone and smile were so innocent that Yaoyorozu caught a faint nosebleed and covered her nose while looking away. " A king? That's a new but I wouldn't say it's impossible, there a kings and queens all over Europe " Todoroki leaned back in his seat. Kagura gained a brighter smile to which Jirou smiled softly to herself ' for a sec there I thought they were gonna destroy his confidence '

After a couple hours of hanging around the mall and chatting, the group had began to exit the facility. " So that's why your so tech smart? " Yaoyorozu giggled as Kagura just smiled " Yep, I loved breaking down old tech my uncle and mom brought around. " he replied " He was always doing stuff like that ever since I knew him, ya shoulda seen him in elementary, he was always fixing stuff all around the place " Jirou said casually while having her arm around Kagura's shoulder as they walk " You know you two seem more like a couple than siblings " Todoroki commented causing Kagura to make a small squeak " We're just really close Todoroki! " Jirou replied while Kagura had his face covered " Don't go flustering them Todoroki " Yaoyorozu sighed to which the half-half made simply gave a sly smile. They kept walking down the side walk enjoying themselves and their conversations, but it wasn't long before the fun was cut short:

A crowd of innocent people began swarming their direction causing the group to become more hostile. Jirou looked at Kagura " Hide I'll come get you when it's safe.." she said which Kagura quickly ran to hide. Todoroki narrowed his eyes to find an odd creature, zombified almost, roaming around the streets.

" what is that? " Midoriya blinked " I've never seen anything like it " Yaoyorozu added " Whatever it is, we can't let it harm any civilians, and it's best we stall it for the pros to arrive " Todoroki said as he took off his jacket and placing hi...

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" what is that? " Midoriya blinked " I've never seen anything like it " Yaoyorozu added " Whatever it is, we can't let it harm any civilians, and it's best we stall it for the pros to arrive " Todoroki said as he took off his jacket and placing his hand on the ground showcasing his immense power: from where his hand touched a large series of ice spikes erupted from the ground before suddenly encasing the monster ahead " Whoa...." both Jirou and Midoriya were stunned while Yaoyorozu narrowed her eyes " Its not gonna be that easy.." she said as she heard the ice cracking before it shattered fully " Best match....." this monster muttered before looking at the teens
" " It questioned which none of them understood " Yeah...that thing is not human " Yaoyorozu said as she created a staff while Todoroki stood back up " This might take some time..."he sighed. This creature had suddenly disappeared " Where'd he?! " Todoroki soon found himself against a wall falling unconscious from a speed strike the beast. " Todoroki! " Yaoyorozu was taken back from this creatures speed " match..." it spoke before turning to hit her but luckily Midoriya had tackled her out the way " You bastard! " Jirou went to strike the fiend from behind with her knife only to witness it not even scratch the beast " fail....ure...." he uttered as it kicked the girl back " Kyoka! " Yaoyorozu soon charged towards it and striking the beast rapidly with staff. " weak..." it grabbed her staff and tossed her aside. Midoriya was frozen by the fact that not even the strongest in his class could even damage this thing. Frozen in his steps he began to cower a little in fear of knowing he was completely useless in the moment " Picking on small fry are we? " a masculine voice said from behind the creature and looking behind itself, it saw a male standing there with an expressionless face: around 6 foot tall, of dark skinned complexion. He had a black low top cut with brown edges, a pair of blue eyes with odd question mark pupils; dressed in a red hoodie with the words ' keep calm and quiz on ' written across it, dark blue cargo shorts, a white baseball cap with the label ' quiz master ' across the front, and white shoes to match the hat. " You......are? " this creature tilted his head which Midoriya shouted to the male " G-Get out of here its dangerous! " he shouted but the male's expressionless face turned into a confident grin as he pointed towards the fiend ahead of him " This isn't ' dangerous ' this is a test " he said aloud before putting his hand inside the collar of his hoodie and pulling out a question mark themed necklace, it began to emit a purplish aura which that same aura circled around his waist before manifesting into a belt that began to a small constant ' ringing ' sound. He pulled out a ' exclamation mark ' from his pocket causing it suddenly expanded into a ' question mark '

Gaze into the Future [ My Hero Academia x Kamen Rider Zi-o ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu