Kagura Jaden

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Kagura Jaden Takeyama






Jaden is a rather shy yet understandably clumsy person, with a tendency to over apologize with most things he does. He is fully socially awkward and tends to stay away from large crowds for as long as he can only sticking by if his mother wants him to. He loves to talk about the concept of time and space and usually spends most his time in a book or something; although when it comes to being a hero, he's quiet the opposite, often feeling like there wouldn't be a need for heroes or villains if there was a king to keep everything in order, but alias everyone finds his beliefs rather adorable and never takes him too seriously often making him more socially closed off, he still tends normal high school as his quirk wasn't all that impressive but he does enjoy hanging around his uncle and helps him with building clocks



Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:

Light skinned [Brown]


Rather short for his age, literally only as tall as Mei's shoulder. He had a cheeky face with a slim body, often labeled as a shota in most cases.

Distinguishing Features:

He has ' dial ' like marks around the outside of his inner eye

Casual Clothing:

He tends to wear a black hoodie with a red undershirt. A white wrist band with dark navy blue shorts. He also wears black sneakers.


he is a Sophomore in his High school currently



Hero/Villain Info

Hero/Villain Name:

-To Be Determined-


-To Be Determined-

Quirk Name:


Quirk Description:

During the age of five, Jaden began experiencing what doctors called intense flashbacks, as Jaden kept complaining about having headaches whenever he ' remembered ' something of the past, the doctors weren't sure how to stop this from worsening and even stated that they didn't know if his pains would ever go away. Soon three months later, he realized his quirk had manifested, what he thought was a dream of his family's death was actually a harsh reality, he had learned that he was able to see mere seconds even rare occasions of minutes into the future mostly by pure accident.

His quirk allows him to few seconds into the future, although three seconds is really what he sees, he can not control his quirk, making purely worthless throughout most his life, although whenever he does peer into the future he does what he can to alter any bad situations

Quirk Drawbacks:

He can't control it and the time he sees is never consistent, this also leaves him wide open whenever he does peer into the future making it hard to leave him by himself


He's great with technology, he's a fast learner, can adapt to most situations given time.


Sometimes is easily demotivated, often puts himself down whenever he fails at something, cant focus on multiple things at once, is bad at working with a team.


-To Be Determined-


-To Be Determined-



Sweets, treats, reading, physics, cosmology, Horology, watching TV


Being told he's a failure, not being able to do things on his own, asking for help, socializing


Yu Takeyama


He tends to daydream even when wide awake, he also a tendency to get off topic when he talks


Getting attached to someone just for them to hurt him, bugs, losing people he cares for


Momo Yaoyorozu
Hatsume Mei


Jaden was born and raised to a decent family, being the only child, it wasn't too hard, although little after he obtained his full on quirk, his parents died in fire due to a villain running rampant.

For the next three years he would be alone within an adoption center, waiting for someone to take him to a new home and wondering why he was cursed to such a fate. By the age of Nine, he was adopted by Yu Takeyama's brother, Bakura although he was mostly raised by Yu as her brother would always be working so she became a mother to him while Bakura was more like an Uncle of sorts.

Although he couldn't make it into U.A. by the time he was of age, he took up working with his Uncle at his clock store, often getting paid well as a reward for his hard work.


There is more than just a mystery behind Jaden, as there more to him than what meets the eye.

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