Forty Two

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"Eomma?" Jin looked up as Yejun entered the room, his eyes wide and his form looking a bit hesitant as he hovered near the door.

Jin sat up in the bed, smiling at the boy as he motioned for him to come closer. "Yejun. Hey, buddy, how are you?"

"Good." Yejun instantly brightened, smiling at the man as he jumped onto the bed and made himself comfortable. "Appa is sad, he didn't want me to see, but he was. He spent lots of time with me and every time I asked about you he tried to pretend like he didn't know what I was talking about."

"H-he did?" Yejun nodded.

"Appa is sad. Appa....just wants you to be happy and wants to be with eomma, but he keeps saying that he doesn't deserve eomma and--"

Jin held his hand up, halting the child from speaking once more. "Yejun, have you been eavesdropping in on your father?"

"He cries at night." Yejun said, looking down at his hands. Jin felt bad. Such a young child and he'd already gone through so much, had already grown up so fast.

But then Jin focused in on what the boy had said. "H-he does what?"

"He...cries at night, when he thinks that everyone is asleep. In his room. He cries and calls your name and stuff...I don't know. He sounds so sad, like you died or something. But Eomma was just sleeping, right? Appa said that you were just so tired, had been tired for so long that you just had to take an extra long nap and that we couldn't disturb you."

"Y-yes." Jin whispered, nodding his head in agreement. He was grateful that someone had thought of such a way to explain why he was unconscious to Yejun.

Honestly he had expected them to just come out and say that Jin was weak and tried to take his own life. It was apparent that the men had stopped liking him once they thought he'd been nothing but a gold digger. They had never said or done anything mean to him, in fact, the only thing they had done was keep their distance, but whenever Jin had needed them for something, they were all for it.

But it felt like more of a business arrangement than anything with them. Like he wasn't a part of their close knit family anymore.

And Jin was partially to blame, himself. He had allowed himself to be shoved out. He didn't talk to them unless absolute necessary, and even the few time Jimin or Namjoon had tried to talk to him, he'd opted to give them a cold shoulder and walk away.

"Stop that." Jin looked up at the voice and found his brother standing there, staring at him.

"W-what?" Jin asked.

"Stop thinking so hard. Stop doing that. Everytime you do, none of the results are good." Jin looked down, an ashamed blush coating his cheeks. "Hyung." Taehyung said more gently this time. "Yoongi hyung wants to see you."

Jin bit his bottom lip. It had been like this for a few days. Ever since Jin had woken up and told Taehyung that he didn't want to see Yoongi, the younger would insist that the man wanted to see him, talk to him.

But Jin was too scared.

It was always the fear that got to him, overrode his senses and made him unable to think of anything but the worst possible outcomes for anything.

Especially anything related to Yoongi.

Everytime Jin thought of the man, even so much as thought of his name, his heart began to race, but pain also blossomed in his chest as well.

He loved Yoongi, but he had betrayed him. He could have said no to Desung, could have stood up to him, maybe even told Yoongi what was going on, but he hadn't, and that was his own fault.

Jin turned back to Taehyung and the younger sighed, already knowing what the answer would be. "Please...he just wants to talk to you. He just...he really wants to see you."

"Is Eomma mad at Appa?" Yejun asked quietly, and the attention was brought back to the boy, who stared at Jin with wide eyes. "Did Appa do something?"

"No." Jin said, sighing. "It was me who did something to hurt your father, Yejun."

"Then why is Appa always so sad?" Jin didn't know what to say to the boy. But Yejun's face suddenly lit up and he smiled. "I'll go get him and then Eomma and Appa can talk and--"

"Yejun--" But it was already too late. The boy was running off to grab Yoong, leaving Jin and Taehyung alone. Jin sighed and looked down.

"You need this. The both of you." Taehyung whispered. "I'm going to go and check on some things, but...please talk to him. Don't shut him out. I want you to be happy."

"And you think he'll make me happy?"

"I know he will."

Nanny (YoonJin) ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz