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“Yejun, you know appa’s busy.” Yoongi tried not to roll his eyes at the girl who’d entered his office.

Honestly, he’d just hired her since she was qualified and could help watch his kid while he was away on…’business’.

But she always seemed to be more of a distraction than his son could be. Song Soyun was a beautiful woman, no one could deny that. Her voice was smooth and rich, her body a sin.

Yoongi had allowed to himself a taste once, but now the woman thought she was his wife or something. She always seemed to bother him at the worst of times, and often used his son as an excuse to try and talk to him; try to flirt with him.

He just wasn’t interested.  

She had been a good fuck, but so had the other nannies.  

That’s all she was; just another nanny he’d probably fire in the next few weeks once she got too annoying for him to handle.

“Come on, Yejun. Your appa’s busy. Sorry about that, Yoongi.”

“Mr. Min.” Yoongi growled out. Soyun simply giggled and walked out of the office thinking that he was just messing with her.

He sighed and leaned back into his chair. Why couldn’t he just find a fucking nanny that would focus on Yejun and not him? He wasn’t the one that was getting babysat.

“Jungkook.” He called. The man appeared in the office soon after.

“Yes, hyung?”

“Go tell Soyun to take Yejun to the park. I don’t want her in the house and my son needs to go and play for awhile. I think she’s been keeping him inside for too long.”

“Very well.” Jungkook left the office to do just that.

Soyun was in the hall, flirting with one of the bodyguards. As practically the only woman in the house, save for some of the maids, who were all about twice the nanny’s age; she often found herself flirting with the handsome men who roamed around. She loved the attention, and she wouldn’t deny it if asked if she’d slept with a few of them.

To her, Yoongi was only a rich businessman who had a lot of enemies and needed protecting. That was fine with her, more men to fuck.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and approached Soyun; the man she was talking with instantly stepping away. The woman turned and smiled. “Oppa~” She said happily.

Now, Jungkook didn’t have anything against the title.

He just hated it when women older than him said it like it was cute.

“You’re older than me, Noona, that is inappropriate. Mr. Min has instructed me to inform you that he expects you to take Yejun to the park this afternoon and allow him to play for awhile.” The woman pouted, rolling her eyes.


“It wasn’t a suggestion, Soyun. Go, before you get fired.” The woman sighed and nodded, walking down the hall to where Yejun’s room was.

“Come on, you little bug.” She finally grit out. The boy rose, eyeing his nanny with discontent.  

“What?” He asked, sounding annoyed.

“We’re going to the park. Let’s go.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“Too bad, you weren’t given a choice. Let’s go.” She grabbed the boy’s wrist and dragged him out and down the hall. They exited the large mansion like house and Soyun was forced to walk to the park that was only a few blocks away.

“Honestly.” She muttered. “I’m the nanny to the fucking richest guy in Korea’s son and I have to walk?” She complained. Yejun simply rolled his eyes.

“Appa hates you.” The boy offered,

“Shut up. You’re just a brat who doesn’t know what your appa likes.”

“I may not know what he likes, but it sure isn’t you.” Yejun stuck his tongue out and then ran for the playground as soon as it came into view. Septum rolled her eyes and looked around.

She spotted someone, a man; sitting on a park bench; reading a book. Her eyes widened when she got a closer look.

She smirked and sauntered up to the man, running a hand through her silky hair. “Mind if I sit here?” She asked.

The man looked up, blanking when he saw the woman. “Sure.” He finally said. She smiled at him as he turned back to his book.  

“What are you reading?”

“Just a textbook for my class.”

“A uni student?”


“That’s adorable. What are you going f—“

“Hey!” Soyun stopped talking and turned to face a Yejun, who’d approached. She frowned. Great, now she’d lost her chance of getting it on with this guy.

“Oh, is that your kid?”

“What? N—“

“Yes!” Soyun said, seeing the man take an interest in Yejun. “This is Yejun, say hi sweetie~”

“Hi.” The boy said flatly. Jin merely smiled and held his hand out.  

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kim Seokjin. You?”

“Min Yejun.” The boy then turned to his nanny. “I want ice cream.”

“Well, I didn’t bring any mo—“

“Ice. Cream.” The boy demanded. Jin laughed at the cute boy.  

“It’s on me.” He finally said, standing. He placed the textbook back into his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. “Come on, wouldn’t want it all to melt, hmm?” He asked.

“Oh no!” Yejun cried out, dashing away. Jin chuckled, amused, and walked after the boy, not noticing the smirk Soyun had as she followed close behind.


After getting the ice cream, Jin sat on the park bench with Yejun, listening as he started talking about his likes and dislikes.

“And I love peanuts...but I’m allergic, so I can’t have them. Appa doesn’t let me have much candy, but oh! I love giraffes and they have such long necks, but the color green is pretty, and it’s Uncle Hobi’s favorite color, too!” Jin smiled at the chaotic thoughts the young child spewed out. “What’s your favorite color, mister?”

“You can just call me Uncle Jin, Yejun-ssi.”

“Eomma!” Jin blinked, surprised.  


“My Eomma died when I was born.” Yejun said, frowning a little. “Appa says it wasn’t my fault and that he doesn’t blame me, but I can tell that sometimes he does. He misses her, and he doesn’t leave his office much. He always gets me nannies who all seem to hate me, and they pay more attention to Appa than they do to me.”

“I’m sorry, Yejun.” Jin looked up, over at Soyun, who had moved on from Jin and started flirting with a jogger who’d stopped for a drink. “Is she your nanny?”

“Yeah. She’s the worst. She makes me interrupt Appa when he's working so she can see him, and she always tells me that someday she’ll marry Appa and be my Eomma, but Appa hates her.”

“I see.”

“I want an Eomma, though. But not her. Someone like you!”

Jin smiled. “I’m sure your father will find someone, soon, Yejun-ssi.”

“You!” Min merely smiled and pet his head. “I’m gonna call you Eomma from now on. You’re nice and I like you a lot. You bought me ice cream and actually played with me!”

Jin smiled, sadly this time, at the child. Yejun must be lonely, to want a random stranger he’d met that day to be his mother.

He felt bad for the kid, but it wasn’t his place to say anything.

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