Thirty Seven

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Taehyung smiled as he walked down the street, both of his hands occupied by one of the two men. They were heading home, enjoying the afterglow of a newly formed relationship, and Taehyung couldn’t be happier. 

He’d almost all but forgotten the other purpose in coming here. 

At least he wasn’t nervous anymore. 

Because if this relationship had worked out, then a simply apology for up and leaving his brother without a word would go by even more smoothly, right?

They finally made their way up to the front door of Yoongi’s house, Namjoon fumbling around his pockets for the keys. 

“Fuck…” He whispered gently. 

“Hyung!” Jungkook whined, groaning afterwards. “Don’t tell me that you forgot the house keys again!?”

“Sorry babe…” Namjoon said sheepishly, biting his lower lip as Jungkook groaned once again, frustratedly. 

“I guess we better hope that someone’s home then…” Jungkook muttered, knocking on the door. 

Taehyung hummed, gently leaning into Namjoon’s arm as they waited for someone to answer the door. Jungkook and Namjoon normally wouldn’t be worried, since there was often an abundance of low level men wandering around the house, guarding it or doing some odd jobs, but today Hoseok and Jimin had gone on some sort of special mission or something and taken most of the men with them. 

But they could see the silhouette of someone walking towards the door through the glass panels, and relaxed. Taehyung looked up at Namjoon and smiled as the person opened the door, before turning his head to look at their apparent savior. 

And froze. 

Taehyung’s eyes widened as they landed on a man he thought he’d never see again. 

A man he never wanted to see again. 

“You…” Taehyung breathed out. Desung’s eyes widened and he took a step back, but before he could move another muscle, Taehyung was rushing forward, punching him right across the jaw. “You motherfucker!” Taehyung screamed, tackling the man to the floor and getting on top of him, sending blow after blow to his face with his fist. 

He was furious, all happiness he’d been filled with earlier dissipating into nothing but cold, hard anger. How dare this man show his face to him? How dare he even be in this house, this close to his brother, who had already suffered enough under his hands?

Jin hadn’t pressed charges, he hadn’t sought any sort of vengeance, any sort of revenge upon the man, and instead of taking it as it was, he dared to return?

How long had he been here?

How long had he had his hands on Jin?

All of these questions flashed through his mind as he delivered blow after blow. 

Taehyung screamed in protest as hands grabbed him and pulled him off of the man. Namjon wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s torso, forcing his arms down and to his side, however had to pull him further away when Taehyung kicked out and landed a good and solid blow to Desung’s ribs. 

“Oh my god! Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, kneeling beside Desung, his eyes wide with concern. 

“Don’t fucking ask if he’s okay!” Taehyung screamed. “Why is he here!?”

“Taehyung, calm down!”

“Calm down!? Do you even know who that motherfucker is!? What he did!?”

Namjoon was confused. Why was Taehyung suddenly so upset? How did he know Desung? He hadn’t met him before leaving for his school, and Desung had been gone when Taehyung had come to visit before. 

“What the fuck is going on here?” Yoongi asked as he walked into the room, taking in the scene before him. 

Desung was lying on the ground, his face battered and bruised, blood leaking from several cuts and his nose. 

Taehyung had blood on his hands, a crazed look in his eyes. 

Yoongi stepped over and helped Desung to his feet, stabilizing him with both hands and turning to Taehyung. “What the hell are you doing, Taehyung?” He demanded, his voice low and threatening. 

“You...Jin told you, didn’t he?” Taehyung nearly begged, hoping it was true, that they knew who this man was, all that he had done. But he knew that the chances of that being true were zero to none. He wouldn’t have been free to roam the house, opening the fucking door for them like some savior if they truly knew what he had done. 

But all Taehyung saw was a look of hurt cross over Yoongi’s expression at the mention of his brother’s name. 

“Jin told you about high school?” Taehyung pressed, trying again. He wanted to know if anyone even had an inkling about what Jin had been through, what had happened to him. 

That garnered a different reaction from Yoongi. The man’s eyes widened and he definitely looked like he was listening now. Taehyung felt tears come to his eyes, even thinking about all of the horrible things that his brother had had to endure. 

For him.

And now he had to suffer through that all over again, and Taehyung once again…

Hadn’t been able to save him. 

“What does that have to do with anything?” Yoongi asked, his voice cold and withdrawn. 

“YOU LET THE FUCKER RIGHT BACK INTO HIS LIFE YOU MOTHERFUCKING BLIND IDIOT!” Taehyung screamed, still struggling against Namjoon’s hold. He wasn’t done with the man, not nearly done, but he was still being held back by Namjoon. 

“What…” Yoongi’s eyes widened. 

“He never told you his name...did he?” Taehyung asked, finally stopping his struggle. “Jin. Of course he didn’t. Even when he was being put through hell he never wished harm on anyone. He protected him, even then. But I won’t I refuse to! You wanna know his name? That motherfucker’s name?”

Desung was silent next to Yoongi, watching everything happen. 

“Kim Desung.” Taehyung spat. “And you let him back in, Yoongi. You motherfucking idiot, you led him right back to him!”

It seemed as if time stopped at that moment. 

Yoongi turned slowly to Desung, shock, anger and everything else crossing his features. 

But he snapped out of it and growled, taking the man by the throat and slammed him to the floor. Desung gasped, the wind being knocked out of him, but after he had regained his breath…

He laughed. 

“You motherfucker.” Yoongi growled. He brought his gun out and pointed it directly at Desung’s head. “You’re a pathetic excuse of a human being.”

Desung merely smiled. “You’re too late.” He whispered. 

Yoongi pressed the trigger. 

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