21. Troubles

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Chapter 21 :




"Is she sick? Is she dying?" I said, panicking. She could be the only one out there that had the answers.

The silhouette nodded creepily, but I had no time to be scared now.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Make sure you meet her more than once."

Then, all of a sudden my hot cocoa exploded and hot liquid spilled all over me, burning my every inch. Then I woke up.

So, keeping my promise, instead of school, I went at Mrs. Lynn's.

"Zoe, hello," she greeted me with a toothy smile, "How have your night been?"

I told her everything. Well, the part. I haven't mentioned neither that talking silhoutte, nor Sabrina.

"Zoe, do you trust me?" Mrs. Lynn asked slowly and carefully.

I didn't trust her a bit, "Yes."

"Well, then," she said, smiling again, "I want you to lie down right there," she gestured towards the clinic bed, "And sleep."


"Yes. To understand what is up with you, I have to get inside of your subconscious. I am going to attach wires to you, and your dreams will be shown on the screen of my computer."

I think I forgot how to talk. When I finally managed to speak, my voice was hard, "How is that possible?"

She smirked, "High technologies. Do you agree?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Yes, absolutely. You can refuse anytime."

I was just about to tell her I'd never go on this when I remembered my promise to Nick. Seems like she's going to see my dreams on her freaking computer.

"I'll do it, but you have to promise it's safe."

She nodded and we moved to the clinic bed that was as white as anything else in this room, including Mrs. Lynn's clothes.

I lied down and she attached wires on my vains, my forehead, the back of my head and my bust - right where my heart was supposed to be. I saw something dipping in the wire that was attached to my vein, and my eyelids immediately felt heave as I drifted off to sleep.

I was still in this room when I opened my eyes, everything was as before, except I was alone. I moved to the small mirror that hung on the opposite wall to make sure I was asleep. I wasn't seen in that mirror, therefore, I was asleep.

"Can you see me?" I called out, "I'm here. I just checked the mirror. I found out that I'm not reflected in the mirror in my dreams. Is it normal? Guess so," I whispered the last part before calling out again, "Anyways, I'm asleep and I kind of feel like awake."

Then something flashed, like a minimized copy of a sun just appeared in front of me. The white light blinded me and I turned around, covering my face with my hands.

I woke up on the same bed, seeing Mrs. Lynn sitting next to me. I sat up, wires still all over me as she stared at me with a terrified expression.

"Mrs. Lynn? Are you alright?"

Her face became eeven paler and even more scared, "N-nothing," she stuttered, still looking at me like I was an alien, "You might not remember the part of your dreams, it's because of me."

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