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Chapter 32 :




Zoe's POV:

More pain. I woke up. It felt as if I'd been hit with a hammer in my head for thousands times. I slowly opened my eyes and regretted it immediately as the bright light of the sun blinded me and I closed them, bringing a hand over them for some extra secure. Slowly, I tried opening them once again and found myself in the hospital, the scent of medicines hitting my nose. My stomach grumbled and my throat felt the driest it could.

Looking around the room, I saw Nick in a chair next to mine; asleep. I threw at him the closest thing to wake him up - a box of pills.

He jumped sit, looking at me wide-eyed, "Zoe?" he said, his sleepy voice sexy as hell, "How are you?"

"I'm okay," I said dryly.

He inhaled deeply before beginning to talk, "Zoe, I'm very sorry. She kissed me out of the blue, I swear to you, I tried pulling out."

The memory itself hurt just like hell, if not worse.

"I don't need to know how it happened," I told him, "I just need to know that there is nothing you feel towards her and that your words about loving me were real."

He took my hand in his, staring into my eyes, "I swear to you, I have never felt anything towards her. And I love you, I loved you ftom the very minute I laid my eyes on you and I will love you till the end. Zoe Millery, I am madly, deeply, passionately and unimaginably in love with you."

Tears welled up at the back of my eyes as I whispered, "I love you, too."

Relief washed over his face as he seated himself on my bed and reached over, wrapping his strong arms around my waist so carefully, like I'd break if he touched me in the wrong place. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sitting up and burying my face in his shoulder.

It felt as if the whole world had been lifted from my chest, replaced by beautiful butterflies.

I sighed, "I love you. And I missed you like crazy."

"I love you, too," he said in my shoulder, "I almost went mad until you woke up. Doctors said it'd take you anywhere from two days to a month."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "And how long did I take?"

"Three days."

Wow. Three days.

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked in a whisper, "That poor excuse for a doctor also said you could wake up with amnesia."

"I remember everything," I said, "I remember the horns and I remember my car upside down."

Hs sighed, "I'm sorry, Zoe, I'm very, very sorry. Would you find it in yourself to forgive me?"

"I forgive you," I told hin straight away, "I love you too much not to. And I'm hungry as hell."

He immediately pulled out, "I'll bring something from cafeteria. Back in a minute or two."

I smiled at him. He landed my lips a short kiss before disappearing behind the door.

I leaned against the pillows on my bed, closing my eyes and resting. I was drained out of energy and my legs felt like they've been numb for months. Suddenly, a terrible thought hit me about not being able to walk again and I tried moving my legs. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I felt my legs shift and the blankets move. Good thing, I wasn't connected to too many things, so I quickly took all the wires away from me and pushed the blanket away. I swinged my feet on the high bed for a few times before finally leaning fully on my hands and stepping on the cold, a little too cold, floor. Apparently, being in coma for three days was a good reason enough to make it hard to stand straight. As soon as I tried to take a step, my feet turned and twitched to the opposite directions and I fell down painfully, both of my ankles hurting as hell.

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