28. Wanted

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Chapter 28 :




"Nick," I said, my eyes wide, "Is it safe to drive?"

He tried to keep the coolest he could, "I don't know, but what is the other choice we have?"

I nodded, appreciating his right, "Fine, but drive slowly and if the wind blows harder slow down more."

Now it was his turn to nod, "Okay. Buckle up."

I looked down at myself to see me not wearing my seatbelt. I looked over at Nick to see his seatbelt all over his upper body, neatly and safely. I quickly reached over to it and pulled, securing myself in the sitting position.

Nick looked at me one last time before driving the car. We started moving slowly and carefully and soon were on the main highway.

"You know," Nick said out of the blue, "We can control weather," he glanced at me before returning his gaze back to the road.

Oh, right...

"But this strong? I doubt we'll make it," I said, staring at the raging trees. Their moves looked like dancing, the kind of dancing that Indian people danced around the fire.

"You're right," he replied, "I hope we'll get to the academy safely."

Whole road was a lot less stressful than it had to be. We were laughing and joking and holding hands. Wind sometimes blew hard enough to shake us, but we'd slow down a little and joke about it. Short story even shorter, we were in the garage of girls' side in 45 minutes.

We said our goodbyes and he left to the boys' side. It was still storming outside and the trees on the backyard looked like weak grass. Nick ran in his boarding house and I ran in mine, running upstairs and to my room. Ellie sat on her bed, her phone in her hands and her head low while Nina sat in front of the window, looking like deep in thought.

"Hey," I said, dropping my wet jacket on the floor and leaning on the door, exhausted.

"Where were you?" Nina screamed at me, "Haven't you heard about the storm?"

"I went out to see Billy and then a date with Nick. I'm okay and in the shower," I said, walking lazily and slowly into the hot shower.

It was a little past 8 when I went out with my towel around my body and my hair to see girls taking their shoes on.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Nina looked up at me, "Need to study at the library. Back in an hour or so."

I nodded, pulling out some purple sweatpants and a black tank top. My knees almost went trembling out of the lack of energy. I lied down at the top of my bed, resting my eyes closing. I probably lied like that for an half hour, my eyes closed, but mind awake. I opened my eyes to stare at the plain white ceiling. My mind was comppetely blank. I didn't think about Nick, Thella or anything really. I just lied there, resting my body and my mind.

Suddenly, I heard something heavy hit the floor, like a shelf just fell down from the wall. I jumped up, alarmed, thousands of scenarios running through my head of what could have happened.

I looked around and the only thing I saw on the floor was a weird coin-like thing of huge size. Coming closer, I saw it was a necklace and the brown circle looked ancient. It was completely clear, without any writings or drawings on it. I slowly leaned down, sitting on the floor with my legs underneath me. I picked the necklace up carefully and there was no way it could be so heavy to make a sound like this. It was too lightweight.

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