26. Unexpected

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I'm being totally irresponsible and uploading two chapters as a Christmas gift...

Chapter 26 :




I was lucid dreaming, again. Even if  I slept in the Earthly heaven with the love of my life on my side, I started lucid dreaming nonetheless. It lasted for half an hour and then I woke up.

I woke up to the beautiful singing of little birds. Opening my eyes, they immediately got adjusted to the sunlight directly above us. The little bird flew inches above my nose, singing a beautiful melody with mysterious lyrics that not a human understood; or Silva, whatever.

I slowly sat up, taking in my surroundings. Seeing how close Nick lied next to me, I had to be hugging him unconsciously. His one hand laid on his chest and his hair was messed up in a sexy way. His dark, long eyelashes laid peacily on his pale cheeks as his soft lips were stuck in a thin line. He looked so rested, just like I felt myself. Something caressed my ankle and I darted my gaze away from Nick to the end of my leg.

A bird flew down right next to my ankle and it's wing tickled my bare skin on my ankle.

"Hello," I whispered, "Come here," with a gentle touch I pushed the bird towards me and it sat on my index finger like a parrot would. It snuggled in what was supposed to be shoulder and closed eyes.

Nick sat up next to me, "Hey babe," he said, his eyes barely open and his deep, sleepy voice terribly sexy.

"Hey," I told him, pecking his lips, "Looking who I've found."

"How did you catch it?" he asked, carefully looking at the bird as it whistled.

"I didn't, it came on own will."

"Really? Just flew to you?"

I nodded, grinning, "I told you, there's something magical about this place. Cone here," I told him, standing up as the bird flew up and walked to the rabbit's hole. I started making some weird sounds and clapping my hands until the little nose came to sight and sniffed my hand. I giggled, letting my hand slip in the dark hole and take gentle hold of the little rabbit. I carefully took him out of it's home and hugged closer to my chest.

"Hello," I said, "Little rabbit."

The rabbit didn't even move, just peacily lied in my arms. It was pure white with grey fur every here and there. Carefully staring at the rabbit, I noticed it. He had a little furless pink dot on his - supposedly - thigh, like a burn or something,

"Oh my God!" I cried out, holding the rabbit out and staring at it's black eyes and small nose, "Old Rab, it's you!"

I looked at Nick in amazement, only to notice his puzzled gaze on me. Old Rab was the first rabbit I saw in here. I wanted to take it home since his leg was mysteriously burned and all, but realized that he was better off in this beautiful place. I gave it name when I was 10. At first he lived here alone but when I returned at age of 10, I saw him with another rabbit and soon they made some more little rabbits. So Old Rab was named after being the oldest one here. I loved this little creature!

"Old Rab," I told him, "This is Nick, he is my boyfriend. You remember me, right?"

Old Rab caressed the back of my hand with his nose; he remembered me.

"Nick," I turned to Nick, "This is Old Rab, he lives in here longer than others. When I found this place as a kid, he already lived in that hole. I named him when I was 10. Right, Old Rab?"

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