12. Possessive

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Chapter 12 :




"I'm not in love," I said with a smile, "I do like him and I'm not gonna deny it, but I'm not in love with him. No, nothing even close to that."

"I hope so," she sighed, "It'd be a huge problem for you to start dating."

I laughed, "Right."

That night we didn't go to sleep until midnight, but thanks god, the restavration sounds weren't heard anymore.

My own screaming voice woke me up in the middle of the night, as I jumped sit on my bed, swimming in my own sweat.

"What happened?" a girly voice asked. All of my senses were so blurry I couldn't understand was that Ellie or Nina.

My head was spinning as if on a rollercoaster and it felt like my brain was hitting the insides of my head. "I guess I had a nightmare," I said dryly, wiping sweat away with my palm with my eyes still closed.

"What about?" the fact that I still couldn't recognize the voice scared me. I opened my eyes to see both of them sitting on their beds, no one else in the room. So it actually was one of them.

"I don't remember," I said, feeling my leds get heavier and heavier with each second, so I closed my eyes and fell back on my bed, burying myself in blankets. They were asking more questions but I couldn't understand any of them. My ears were like screaming at me and after that I remember falling asleep immediately.

In the morning, when the alarm woke me up I was feeling normal. At first I couldn't remember what happened at night when Nina asked me, but then it hit my head like a hammer and I remembered, still having no idea of what I dreamt about, so that's what I answered.

As soon as I entered bathroom I stripped my long-sleeved shirt off, looking down at my bruised wrist, avoiding any questions about it. It looked even worse than yesterday, I guess the ice didn't help. It was colored in all shades of blue and purple, having red dots here and there, and going all around my wrist- wherever his hand had touched me.

I looked over at the little shelf in the corner, finding some bandages so I wrapped it around my wrist, hoping nobody would touch it.

I rushed to school as soon as I got ready, heading straight to my locker where Clary was waiting for me. She became my best friend at Lestrade High, and I was glad I had someone like her inside the academy.

"Hey," she said as I approached her, "Wassup?"

"Ugh," I groaned as I opened my locker, "I don't know what is up!" I said desperately, "I woke up in the middle of the night from my own screams, being all sweaty and my head aching like hell... And I didn't even remember what I dreamt about! And this bruise looks soo totally terrible; normal human shouldn't be able to leave a bruise like that! And weird things keep happening around me and I have no idea what is up! Damn, I'm so stressed out..."

"Geez Zoe, chill. What the weird things do you mean? And show me your wrist."

I pushed my sleeve up, discovering my bandaged wrist as I said, "I don't know... Like, light bulbs keep going black wherever I go - I know it's nothing it just happens so often! And when Nick and I were arguing with Martha about a ban, the glass on the table broke on it's own!"

"What do you mean, on it's own?" she said as she wrapped my bandage back around my wrist after taking it off to have a better look at the bruise.

"On it's own! It just broke and the water spilled everywhere! And Nick told Martha that he was meeting me every time he left the school teritory and so did I! We were always going out at the same day, same time and the same place even!"

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