7. Another Strange Event

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Chapter 7 :

Another Strange Event



After the usual morning routine I went to school. And after the usual school classes I changed to my jeans, colorful shirt, boots, a leather jacker, and went outside to meet Billy.

"Going somewhere?" Ellie asked before I exited the room.

"I'll just have a walk in the backyard," I lied, not wishing her to come with Billy and I.

"Then I'm coming with you," she said, taking a handbag.


"No, I wanna be alone," I said, "I need to think."

"About what?"

"My personal problems are none of your bussiness!" I snapped, being that incredible actress I am.

"I want to advice you," she sweetly smiled. She guessed I lied? Huh, I'm a high-class liar!

"Listen, I really need to think," I said with annoyed, yet hurt face, "I have some family problems back there, in New York. And my parents might even divorce, so... I just wanna be alone."

She now nods, completely believing what I just said. Praise my lying skills!

I ran all the way down the wooden stairs, seeing Billy already in front of the silver gates. I gave him a quick hug before jumping in his car.

"How's life, Zo?" he asked, his voice as cheery as always.

"My life's great. This drive's gonna be fun, I have to tell you such things!" I gladly exclaimed.

"Tell me then," he said, driving off.

"On tuesday I went at McDonald's with one of my friends, Clary."

"Clary?" he questioned, trying to remember if I ever said anything about her.

"Yea, she's in all of my classes," I explained. "So we went at McDonald's. You remember Nick?" I asked with a grin.

"The one that ran against you and caused problems?"

"Yea," I furiously nod, wide smile never leaving my face, "He was there with a ftiend of his, Cole-"

"Cole?" he cut me off.

I slightly poked his shoulder, "Stop interrupting me! So they just sat at their table, and I sat at mine with Clary. And all of a sudden, two boys sat on our sides. At first I thought it were Nick and Cole, but it weren't. They started flirting untalantly and then it turned to a dirty words fight. When I understood they weren't gonna leave alone, Nick and Cole came to help. So those clingers provoked the two of them, and there was a fight. A great one."

"You alright?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm awesome," I quickly waved the question off, not mentioning my hurt wrist. "So the four of them damaged McDonald's pretty badly, scaring everyone out. I had to give one of my credit cards later to cover the harm, and to stay for one more hour so I could eat my meal and work boys' bruises and cuts out."

"You worked their faces out?" he asked with surprised grin, his eyeballs about to fall out.

"Don't be surprised, I've worked your face out bazillion times!"

"Yea, but you're my best friend from the kindergarten, and he's a boy who you can never hang out with, and who fought for you," he said as if it had to be absolutely obvious.

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