40. End of All

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Chapter 40 :

End of All


"I think we should do this tonight," said Martha later that day. All of us, including Thomas and Terry, were there, sitting in the living room.

"What?" I asked.

"We should send you to Thella tonight."

"Why?" Everyone asked in unison.

"To finish with this once and for good."

Nobody argued. So, after an hour, all of us stood in the place that once used to be my secret place. Mrs. Shoo gave us all instructions. Thomas and Terry had to stand in the center in the middle of Nick and I. They had to clutch the necklace in their hands and retell the spell that they memorized earlier. Nobody knew what would happen afterwards, though.

So we all took our places, held hends and the couple in between of Nick and I started retelling the ancient spell in unison. I stared at everything around me, waiting for something to happen. They repeated the spell three times and then something happened. A white light flashed in front of us.

"You have to step in," said Mrs. Shoo from behind.

Billy, Clary and Colton were there, too. We have already said our goodbyes, but their sad expression made me want to do this again. I made Billy promise to tell everything to my parents. They deserved the truth.

And now, I had to leave.

I didn't know what this would bring. I had no idea what Thella looked like, but I was ready. I wouldn't be disappointed even if I died today, because my last mission on Earth would be completed tomorrow. It was not fair that you had to be a part of the Stir Couple in order to know the truth. It's not fair that everyone else in the academy has to live in a lie. It's even more unfair that you have to think you're a monster when you find your powers. All those people in Lestrade Academy have to know the truth. They deserve to understand why they are different and, most of all, they deserve to feel understood.

This is why I had a plan. If I was leaving the Earth forever, I knew what I had to leave behind me. The plan forced me to bear the computer genius called David when I told him everything, but it was worth it. Tomorrow, he will get in my side. He will gather all the girls in the living room and will roll down the huge white cloth that has explanation written in capital letters with black marker. Then he will get into his side and repeat the actions. The peincipals will be furious just like all the kids, but it's better to be angry at something you understand than at something you don't.

Even if this portal brings me death - which I hope will not - I will feel fulfilled, because tomorrow, whole world of Lestrade Academy will change. Forever.

I looked over at Nick, ready to enter the light in front of me. His eyes bored into mine and even if the universe depended on it, I would never be able to explain what it did to my heart.

"Zoe Millery," he said, "I want you to know something and I want you to remember it forever. I love you with everything in me and I would love you even if none of these soulmates things existed."

I smiled. It wasn't one of those smiles that I was making everyday recently, the forced smile that took everything in me to make. It was a real smile, a smile from my heart.

"I love you, too."

I gripped his hand and, together, we made our first step into the bright, white light in front of us.

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