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Clary's POV

It's been a week. I visit their graves everyday. I don't think so many tears have ever been cried by so many people at the same time. Everyone cried. I cried a lot.

At least, everyone knows the truth now. That is the main reason why almost whole school went at the cemetery that day. The sky was grey, just like our lives from now on.

A day after Zoe and Nick entered the portal David did his job. Zoe told me she'd reveal the truth, but I had no idea about such. I went to that wonderful place that evening to try and talk to Zoe. To thank her and tell her how thankful everyone at Lestrade was, but the sight in front of me was ubearable.

Zoe and Nick were there. On the ground. Holding hands. Pale and lifeless.

I don't know what we did wrong, but their bodies were lying without any sign of living. When kids at Lestrade heard the news, nobody could stop any of them from coming to their graves, which were next to each other. Everyone cried. Some people didn't even know them, but cried, too, because they knew that without these two guys they'd never know the truth. All of their friends and relatives outside of Lestrade came, too. They didn't understand what happened, but what actually mattered was that Billy and I told everything to their parents, as promised.

Nobody will ever forget the Stir Couple. Everybody will always remember two Silvas that loved each other more than anything and died saving their world.

Now it was hope and only. Hope, that another Stir Couple would save Thella, but they'd never replace Zoe and Nick.

Everyone wished to have love like theirs, including me. They went against the rules, risked with expelling, went over troubles like Terry Blocks and died together.

Even Terry Blocks cried.

I knew that Zoe Millery and Nick Simon would always have a special place in my heart. Memory about them will never get lost. I will tell the story about star-crossed lovers to my children and my grandchildren and they will know that a love like that exists and it's the only thing worth dying for.

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