Chapter 27

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Chapter 28

I was leaving, to New York City. It was the only place I could continue my job.

Tears were still coating my face, and I could barely make out what I was doing, but I was throwing every possession of mine into suitcases and I had to say goodbye.


Thanks for everything, I had fun. Lots of love. xxLyss


I'm going to miss you, stay sassy. :) xxxLyss


I'm so sorry for only leaving you a note, but thank you. Thank you for the best summer of my life. I really owe it all to you. You're probably going to be pissed at me but I will call you and tell you what happened. I'm so sorry. Thanks again. I love you with all my heart. xxLyss


There is no way that this is going to be a proper thank you but thank you for being there when others couldn't. I can't thank you enough. I'm so sorry for leaving you after all you've done for me. I really am. It's so hard to say goodbye to you, but I'll definitely keep in touch. Thank you and I'm sorry. xLyss.

And Niall was last. That bastard didn't deserve even goodbye. I dug out the ring out of my pocket and set it on top of his nightstand. I hope it hurts him as much as he hurt me. Nobody deserves to be cheated on, ever. I took one last look around the room before grabbing my bags and taking a cab to the airport.

I couldn't even comprehend how much he hurt me, and over something so stupid. I gave Zayn a hug and a kiss on the cheek and he does this? I could only imagine what he would have done if I told him he was going to be a father. Tell me to give him or her up for adoption? Break up with me? That was the smartest decision I'd ever made by not telling him.

"Lyss!" I heard a familiar voice yell out behind me. "Please don't go." He barely let out a full breath and I met with the familiar eyes of Zayn. I took him into a big hug and it was the most comforting thing ever. More tears began falling uncontrollably and I didn't want to let go. But it was for my child. It was for my future.

"I have to Zayn. He obviously can't handle being a father if he goes and does this." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"What did he do?" He asked sitting me down in a chair as an attempt to calm me.

"Well, after he saw us hugging, he obviously thought I was cheating on him with you so I followed him out to the pub and well he put his dirty little lips onto a fucking slag and well-" I was cut off by Zayn hugging me even tighter than before and at that moment I knew I could trust him with anything.

"Flight 928 is now boarding to New York City." The automated voice cut off Zayn and I's conversation.

"I guess this is goodbye." I hugged him one last time. "Thank you for everything, I really owe you everything. Please don't tell anyone else, I'll tell Liam when I land so he can't strangle me." I tried to laugh off the joke but it was no match for my mood.

"Goodbye, you're going to be a great mom." He waved me goodbye and more tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I pulled him in for one last hug before leaving for good, not once looking back on this hell hole.

Niall's POV

I saw it with my own eyes that she cheated on me with Zayn. How could he do that to me? I was supposed to be his best mate, a brother from another mother, everything. He can deny it all he wants but that's not what I saw with my own eyes. I was so hurt and upset I did the only thing that could make us even. Kiss another girl. She was some random slag from the bar that made some small talk about how she loved one direction and I just put my hands on her waist and kissed her with as much passion as I could muster up.

It didn't feel the same though, as much as I wanted it to. I raced home and I just wanted to apologize to her and talk to her about it. She was the love of my life even though she hurt me bad and I just wanted to hold her in my arms again. I took a cab home and ran straight to her room to find it empty.

My heart immediately broke. She was gone. No note no nothing. Not a single trace of her was here except for her scent she left on her bedspread. Tears stained my face as I sat down on her bed, inhaling the scent that she left behind. I made my way back to my room and there it was, shining on my dresser, the promise ring I gave her.

I picked it up, admiring what had once been on her finger. It was still warm and that sparked that she was still in London. I ran down the stairs and to my car as fast as my legs could bring me. The bright letters read London Airport as I parked it right up front and raced around the airport. She never told me where she would like to go, so that was another downer. I finally spotted her brown locks cascading down her torso until I recognized Zayn holding onto her.

Fire raced through my veins and I wanted so badly to run over there and strangle him until I remembered that I did the same thing. I let some slag put her lips all over mine, and I was just as much of a douche. They sat talking until her flight number called and I missed where she was going which I soon regretted. She was gone. Forever.

Zayn's POV

As I watched her go onto that plane I couldn't help feel guilty that I was the reason that all of this happened. If I hadn't kept my grimy hands off of her this would not have happened. Everything was my fault. I could have seen them get married, easily. They had that certain spark in their eyes when they were together that just showed that they were going to be together forever. But not anymore, because of me.

I got up and started out of the airport when I met the familiar eyes of Niall. "Niall, can we please just have one conversation before you even get more pissed at me?" I thought he would be reluctant, but he looked me dead in the eyes.

"Fine." We walked back to the car, me trailing a few paces behind him. I got in the drivers seat, Niall to the left of me. "Say what you have to say, I'm only going to listen for so long."

"I am not cheating on Perrie with Alyssa. Why would you even think that? If I didn't love her as much as I do, why? Tell me that!" I was incredibly aggravated with him and I made it apparent in my voice.

"I saw you hug her, than kiss her on the cheek, and the other fucking day you went in the bathroom with her and came out minutes later! Don't think I don't know what you're doing." He basically spat the words in my face and I couldn't help but laugh at how wrong he was about everything.

"Look, she's going through something that I was helping her with. I would never do that to you, ever." I tried my best to remain calm before getting mad and spilling the biggest secret I had ever kept

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