I still spacing out when Kai returned. He quickly bid goodbye, thank goodness. Jennie accompany him in elevator and I just waited inside her condo.

After a minute Jennie returned. I don't know what to say or act so I kept quiet. I didn't look at her, I pretended that I'm busy with my phone. I felt that she sit beside me. She nudge me using her shoulder.

"Hey? Cutie?" She teased. I didn't respond.

"Seriously love? You'll ignore me?" She said. I'm still pretending that I'm busy tho I know this time she's already pouting. Gosh I terribly miss her, I miss her smell argh! I just want to hug her so tight and kiss her.

She grabbed my phone harshly and throw it in the other part of the sofa. This time I showed my irritation.

"What was that for?" I asked

"You're ignoring me the whole time and you'll asked what was that for? Really Lisa?" She shouted to me.

"Its been what? A minute? Lets say 5 minutes of not responding and you're pissed like that? Imagine what I felt when you ignored me for 3 fvcking hours Jennie?! Just Imagine!" I said, now I can't contained my annoyance.

She seemed shocked.

"You waited?" She asked with low voice.

"What do you mean I waited? Of course Jennie I waited! I fvcking miss you! I miss you so much that I let myself believed that you'll still going after one, two, three or even more hours of waiting! I miss you so much that when you told me last night that we'll having a dinner I was so excited that I can't even sleep. It seems like out first date. I rented the whole fvcking restaurant for you not to worry! But guess what? Its useless. I'm still thankful though, that you answered your phone, because if not? For sure I'm still there waiting." I said. I don't want it but I'm now crying. I just miss my girl so much.

When I lift my face to look at Jennie, I was shocked to saw her crying so hard as well. It pained me more. I don't want to see her crying so even if I'm still annoyed I can't help but to hug her tight.

She froze for a second but when she realized I'm hugging her, she cried harder but hugged back.

"I'm so sorry love! I'm really sorry! I'm such an idiot baby. I miss you too so much, you believe that right? Baby?" She pull away from our hug to look at me. I believed her even if it hurts. This is the first time it happened and she's just getting use to what a acting career is so I nodded to show to her that I believed her.

I wiped the tears kept on running to her beautiful face. God I miss her.

"Yes baby, I believed you. I'm sorry if, if I hurt your feelings. Stop crying now, shhh." I said to her then pepper her face with lots of kisses. After a while she giggled. She cupped my face and look intently to my face, for the first time since she entered her condo this is the first time I saw my real Jennie, my girl.

"I love you so much, so fvcking much baby. You're far more important than any of this. If the time ask me to choose, I will always choose you, remember that okay?" She said seriously and it made all my worries vanished.

I nod and lean to capture her lips. Its only a peck but when I pulled away and saw that her eyes still closed, I leaned again this time for much longer kiss. She didn't protest and responded. I bit her lower lip asking for permission which she willingly granted. Our tongues fight for dominance. We don't want to pull away but since we're losing our breath we slowly let go.

"I love you too so much baby." I said to her. I saw her blushed and she buried her face to my neck and bit it. Urgh.

I ignore the feeling of wanting to claim her tonight. I know she's tired and even though I really want that, my eagerness of talking to her about her new career won. That night spent for more cuddles and talks. Her everyday life in shooting, her new learning and discoveries and lot more. We talked about all the things happened this past month. She also assured me that there's no need to be jealous about Kai because she's mine. The next day she received a call that they will resume taping after noon so our little get together was shortened.

I dropped her off to the location. I didn't went down to car. She gave me a long kiss and a promise of meeting again soon. The moment she left, my heart crashed again, that feeling of longing again.

But this time? I trusted her more that ever.

Neverland - Jenlisa One Shots (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now