Hawaii!! |02|

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We were at the airport, just finished the sign in and gave them our luggage. I was carrying a backpack with my laptop, book, sketch book, pencils, and a card game. And of course a few snacks and candies from my secret stash.
We were so early that we had two hours until our plane flys. We'd probably need thirty minutes to get to the gate, stand in line, and board the plane, so we decided to grab a quick bite before we boarded.

We found a sandwich place so we all got a sandwich and waters. We ate quickly and began walking through the airport.

"Which gate are we?" I asked.

"Gate E... 6!" Will said, checking his plane ticket.

"Ok we're at E2..."

A few minutes later we were at the gate so we sat in some chairs. We had a half an hour left until we would board the plane.

To pass the time we all played Uno. We found a little table and sat down, talking and laughing quietly as we played. Mena one first place, I was second and Nasim was third. Will was hilarious, he pretended to be super angry that he lost.

We heard an announcement over the loudspeakers signaling that gate E6 should begin boarding.

We stood in the line and because no one wants to hear about standing in a line, I'll skip to when we actually board he plane.

Will had gotten us all first class, which was awesome. The chairs we huge, reclining chairs with black leather. There was a vast space for stretching my legs and a pretty big TV in front of me. There was a wooden table that literally slid out of the wall on my side. Each person got their own compartment, but they were all connected. There were these cute little doors that opened if you wanted to sit with someone else, because there were even little chairs that slide out! There were also windows that you can slide open to chat with the person next to you. Then right in front of you was a little door to open out into the aisle.

We sat down, impressed. I was sitting in between Naomi and Mena, which was great!

I just chilled and read my book for around an hour, then I finished it and I knew I would regret finishing it because I have no more books for the whole flight.

I decided to open my window and saw that Naomi was sitting and staring into space and Mena was reading a book. Naomi looked relieved when she saw me and opened the door to sit with me. I pulled up a mini chair and we sat talking quietly. Mena decided to join us and he sat on the arm of the recliner chair.

I patted the space next to me, saying, "Mena you can sit next to me you know, this thing is HUGE!"

Mena chuckled and did as I said, and as I said there was more than enough space. He put his arm behind my head and we continued talking but Naomi suddenly stood up, smirking and saying, "you know, I think I'll go take a nap! I am pretty sleepy..."

That's when I realized what she's up to... she saw that me and Mena got snuggled up together and decided to give us some "privacy." Ugh classic Naomi. It's ok, I'll make use of it!

Mena and I decided to listen to music together using ear buds, he had one and I had one.

That's when a Whole New World started playing. I was so tempted to sing along but we were in an airplane, so we both just mouthed the words, giggling quietly.

After we shut off the music, we sat in silence for a little.

"So Mena... excited for Hawaii?!" I asked.
"Of course I am I can't wait!! It's gonna be so much fun, going to the beach, swimming, relaxing, staying up late... and spending it all with you." He said, looking me in the eyes, "y/n, I haven't been able to say it for the past couple of years, but I like you. I more than like you, I love you!"

I gasped. No way. Is he serious?!

"Wait... for real or are you kidding?" I asked.

"I'm... not kidding."

"Mena... I- I like you too man!!  And I have for the past year!! Hell yes this is amazing!" I said excitedly.

He laughed softly, "yes it is... well uh will you be my girlfriend?" He looked so nervous that I laughed. Oops...

"Sorry I laughed!! OF COURSE I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!! I only laughed because your expression was so freaking cute!" I said laughing even more.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. We kept talking, now more free and happy then ever.

I sat up and looked him in the eyes, biting my lips.

"W-What's wring y/n? Are you ok?" Mena asked.

"No, I'm not." I replied.

"Why, do you need anything?" He asked, sitting up as well.

"Yes I do, I really do need something."

"What? I mean can I help?" Mena replied.

"Kiss me."

And he did.

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