No One |05|

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We both sat on the bed, watching a comedy movie. I looked at Mena's precious face, and admired his skin, his smile, his eyes. The way the brightened when he laughed. The little cute dimples and wrinkles that would appear every time he laughs his famous Mena laugh.

I looked back at the movie, not paying attention but think about the man next to me. He was really an amazing human I only met a while ago, but I already feel safer with him then I've ever felt with anyone else (other than my parents of course). I feel completely comfortable with him, especially after what he did, letting me live with him, saving my life, and getting my enemy arrested.
He looked at me and I smiled at him.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm great Mena thanks for asking."
It was silent for a few seconds. Then he lowered the volume making me pay attention to him.
"Look y/n, I know we met just a little while ago, but I feel completely comfortable with you. You are amazing and such a fighter and you're beautiful, so I was wondering... would you be my girlfriend?"

I kissed him. Just like that. I did the thing I've been wanting to do since the day I met him.
I leaned in and pressed my thin, soft lips on his nice pink ones. I put my hands in his hair and he put his in mine. We both let go at the same time, but our foreheads remained pressed against each other.
"And yes by the way, yes I'll be your girlfriend!" I whispered, causing him to laugh.

We turned off the TV and for the first time, we laid down next to each other. I wore my pajamas and he wore pajama pants, but no shirt. He wrapped one arm protectively around me, the other one in my belly. I put my hand on his bare, warm chest, tracing patterns before falling asleep, the love of my life in my arms. I wonder what Naomi will think about this...


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Naomi screamed.

I hate to be the person who rants at the end of stories, but thank you so much for around 350 reads!! This is the end of this imagine, PLEASE RECOMMEND NEW STORIES FOR ME TO WRITE!! Ok goodbye my lively tacos!!

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