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You were chilling in your apartment hanging out with your favorite cousin, Ziad. It was great that he was here because he lives in Egypt with the rest of your family. You were chilling on the couch watching Mr. Beans and talking when you heard you phone ring.

You saw Mena's smile on the screen, his name flashing as the phone continued to ring. You picked it up and answered:

Y: Hey Mena what's up?!
M: Hi y/n! Hey so I was free so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?
Y: yeah that actually sounds great, I've missed you even though I haven't seen you in around three days!
M: me too!
Y: ok why don't you come over to my apartment, Ziad is here too but I'm sure he won't mind! You too will get on just fine!
M: oh.. ok I'll see you then I guess..
Y: ok bye!!

You put the phone down and smiled at Ziad.

"Who was that?" He asked curiously.
"Just Mena!" I said brightly.
"Oh! THAT Mena? The one you're always talking about? The one you like?!"
"Yeah bro can you be more obvious than that?" I said annoyed but laughing.
"Well thanks, just don't do that when he's here!" I said worried.
"Sure, but I'm positive he'll like you back!" He said.

You continued watching a funny episode where Mr. Beans crashed a funeral.

A few minutes later you heard a knock on the door and got up.

"That's Mena!" I said jogging to the door.

I was wearing my pajamas that don't look too bad and my hair was in a messy bun.

I opened the door and smiled wide as I saw Mena's familiar, attractive face.


I knocked and waited for y/n to open the door.
Once she opened I saw her looking beautiful as always, perfect pink lips stretched in a smile to her amazing eyes.

"Y/n!!" I said happily.
"Mena!!" She said leaning in for a hug and a quick kiss on each cheek. She smelled like flowers and the perfume I had gotten her for her birthday. She wore a ring that I got her a few years back, and speaking of gifts, I was wearing the silver watch she had gotten me.

Me and y/n were the closest friends you can imagine, but I was in love with her and I wasn't too thrilled about this Ziad being home alone
with her.

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the living room and flopped on the couch next to who I am guessing is Ziad. She puts her arm around him and says, "Mena, this is Ziad and Ziad this is Mena!"

"I have heard a LOT about you Mena, y/n talks about you all the time!" Ziad said smiling.

I saw y/n give him a look, and I admit this made me feel a bit better.

I sat down on a chair and we all chatted together. As we spoke, Ziad and Y/N sometimes got really touchy and they sat pretty close to each other. Y/n always had her arm around his shoulders and his arm around her waist, high fiving, tickling, and holding hands.

I kept on dealing with it until I couldn't stand the sight of the love of my life with another man.

I stood up and said, "I actually need to go now!"

Y/n POV:

Disappointment spread through my whole body.
"Why?! Please don't leave!?" I blurted.

He started walking away quickly looking very annoyed.

I caught up to him and put my hand of his shoulder. I really hate seeing him sad or mad, it makes me sad.

"Mena don't leave, what's wrong?! You look really mad!" I said worriedly, nervous that I was being irritating.

"Why should you care about me leaving? You have enough company! You don't need me when you have your stupid boyfriend..."

"WHAT THE HECK!! Mena what boyfriend, because if you are implying that me and Ziad are like that you couldn't be more wrong!!"

"I saw the way you were holding each other and looking at each other! How close you both were!"

"Um Mena..."
"What?!" He said grumpily.
"He's.. he's my cousin!" I said giggling at the thought of me and Ziad like that.

Ziad burst in panting.

"Y/n did you tell him we're cousins? And all the other stuff? MENA SHE DOESNT LIKE ME SHE SMY COUSIN AND SHES IN LOVE WITH SOME ONE ELSE!" Ziad screamed. Mental idiot.

" Oh.. I'm sorry I'm an idiot!" Mena said laughing lightly.

"Mena why did you react like that?" I asked.

"Because I love you y/n and I have loved you for around two years now, but I've always been too scared to tell you! I'm sorry for ruining our relationship, I'm sorry if you think I'm weird, but that's the truth!"

Silence for a minute.


"Why don't you shut up Ziad?" I said grumpy.

Suddenly Mena grabbed your face and kissed you for one second and let go, but you grabbed his collar and pulled him in again, feeling the warm lips you admired every day pushing hard on yours, moving in perfect sync.
You brushed you fingers through his soft curls, yanking a little while he had one hand on you face, the other in your hair.

"EW EW EEW!" Ziad yelled running away.

"He's an idiot..." I muttered against Mena's lips.

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