Meet and Greet

287 9 4

Requested by DeelovesMena


I got dressed in a black semi formal shirt with skinny jeans, hoop earrings, and an elegant updo.

I was going to a meet and greet and I couldn't wait to meet some of my favorite celebrities!

There was one certain actor who I was REALLY looking forward to meeting...

He was amazing. He played Aladdin in the new live action movie, and he is from Egypt (fun fact: I'm from Egypt too!), and he has these beautiful curls and tanned skin with the most stunning smile!

I looked at the mirror one last time, smiled at myself, and left, grabbing my phone and keys.

I got in my Mercedes and began driving to the meet and greet.

Once I arrived, I found the different places for the different celebrities. I found the line for Mena Massoud, the actor I was talking about, and began the long wait. I was half on my phone, half looking around and talking to people.

After three hours, I was super close to the front! I could see a few people standing around at the front, some security but still no Mena.

It was only thirty minutes later when I saw him. And man, he was even more gorgeous in real life.

He was wearing a black jacket over a black shirt with jeans and black shoes. Very BLACK today! But oh my god his smile was absolutely GORGEOUS his teeth were brighter than my future and his eyes looked sincerely happy and bright, although they were almost black. His face was clean shaven and he wore his hair in the natural curls I love so much. They fell over his tanned forehead and around his head. I could se whom shaking peoples hands, laughing, talking, and taking pictures and selfies.

When I finally had only two people in front of me, I began to get ready. I fixed my hair, smiled, and just pumped myself up.

When it was finally my turn, I walked up and shook his hand.

"Hello Mena! I'm y/n y/l/n, and I am such a big fan of you and your movies! Especially Aladdin was AWESOME!!"

He looked at me, his pink lips slightly parted. He looked me up and down and then he stared at my face. I worried there was something wrong with it. Then he finally looked in my eyes and said, "oh, hi! I-I'm M-Mena! Mena M-Massoud!"

I laughed, "I know..."

Mena shook his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, it's been a long day, and, and y-you're beautiful!"

I blushed, "thank you so much, you don't know how much that means to me!"

I took a picture with him and got his autograph. Then I had to leave so I said bye and left, feeling very happy.

Just then, I was stopped my a warm hand. (I know it's cliche 😂) I turned around and found... MENA?! Ok it kind of makes sense but he's a celebrity he should be back with his fans signing autographs and taking selfies!

"Oh hi again!" I said cheerily.

He smiled at me, "I just wanted you to know you're beautiful, and so far a great person," he handed me a slip of paper, "and we should get to know each other more, maybe over lunch some day?"

I was shocked, "I-I... OF COURSE, that would be great! I wasn't expecting this to happen..."

He smiled, hugged me and left.

What just happened.

Thank you guys so much for around 650 views, I never thought I'd get this far! 😂I need more requests, so feel free to give me any ideas! I will be continuing this one soon...

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