"It's good to see you Mrs Gray." Chama said. "This woman is causing us a little bit of trouble." Mrs Gray looked to the woman at the desk, raising her brow. "Is she now?" 

"What kind of trouble are you causing?" She asked the woman, who was now shaking. "I-um.." She stuttered. "She wouldn't allow us vampires to come into the meeting." Chama said for her. 

Mrs Gray sighed. "Stay after work." She said. "We are going to have a little talk." 

The woman nodded, still shaking. "Now, why don't you all step into my office, I have tea and scones waiting." Mrs Gray said, leading them down the hall. 

"Is it me, or is she a little scary?" Jimin whispered to Chama. "Trust me, you are not the only one." He whispered back. "Lot's of people are terrified of her, even me back when we first met." 

They entered the white and black themed office. "Sit near the couches." She said. Everyone sat down and got comfortable. 

"Now, you guys wanted to talk to me about Kokan." She started. "Yes." Jimin replied. "Give me a good reason why I should let him go." She said.

"Well, for starters, he didn't attack the school on his own free will. He was controlled by the vampire Junsuina. I'm sure you heard of her." Jimin said. 

"Yes, she causes a lot of trouble." Mrs Gray said. "So, you're telling me that she controlled Kokan to attack the school and you?" 

"Yes." Jimin replied. "My younger brother was also a victim to her power. She wants world domination, and to do that, she needs all the jewels and the beasts dead." 

"So does that mean she tried going after that vampire right there?" She asked, pointing to Hoseok. "Yes, she captured me and tried to make me give her the jewel." Hoseok replied. 

"Okay." She hummed, writing on her clipboard. "What will happen to Kokan IF we do free him?" She asked. "He can go back to JYP high." Jimin replied. 

She clicked her tongue, still writing on her clipboard. 

"I've made my decision." She said. "What is it?" Jimin asked. 

"Yes." She sighed. 

Jimin's face lit up along with everyone else's. "The information you gave me all makes sense, plus we do want to have a peaceful existence with the changelings one day."  She said. 

"When can he go back?" Headmaster asked. "Tonight." She said. "Thank you Mrs Gray." Chama bowed. 

"No problem." She smiled. "DANIEL!" She screamed. A guard walked in, he looked tense. "Get prisoner 13 out of his cell and bring him here." She commanded. The guard nodded and walked out of the room. 


Kokan was sitting there with his eyes closed, one of his hands rubbing the top of Ringu's head. The sound of keys jingling made his eyes shot open. "Return." He said, returning Ringu before the door swung open.

A guard walked up to Kokan and unlocked the shackles. "Okay, let's get this punishment over with." He sighed, getting up. He was wobbling slightly since he rarely got the chance to stand up. "Your not getting a punishment, follow me." The guard said. "And you can release your beast if you want." 

Kokan stood there shocked. One, where was he going if he's not getting a punishment. Two, Ringu is allowed out?! "Well, aren't you going to release her?" The guard asked. Kokan shrugged and released Ringu. 

"Follow me." The guard commanded. Kokan and Ringu started following the guard, but Kokan can see that Ringu is wobbling a lot as she walked. "Small form." He commanded. Ringu's body began to glow and next thing you know, she is small, about the size of the average house cat. 

Kokan picked her up and ran closer to the guard. They made it to the ground level, all eyes were on them while they walked through the building. Well, I guess seeing one of the prisoners out with no shirt and a small black cat in his arms isn't exactly common. 

They made it to Mrs Gray's door. "Why are we here?" Kokan asked. The guard ignored him and opened the door. 

He was shocked and a little happy to see Jimin. "Kokan." Jimin said, getting up. The vampires were shocked, Kokan looked different. His hair was a little longer and messy, he had dark circles under his eyes and his torso was covered in cuts and bruises. He also looked a lot skinnier.

"Is that Ringu?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah." Kokan replied. "Well, good news Kokan, you are free." Mrs Gray said. "Really?" He asked shocked. "Yes, these guys were able to convince me. But you will still be on close watch. We will be putting you on territory arrest. You are not allowed to leave the northern territories for two months." She explained. 

"I'll take it." He smiled. "Hear that girl? We're going home." He told Ringu who looked up at him. "Daniel, make sure he arrives at JYP safely." She commanded. 

"Yes, come along." He replied. Kokan nodded. "Thank you Jimin." He said before leaving the office. 

"Well, we should get back to the school, you all still have class." Headmaster said. Everyone said goodbye to Mrs Gray before leaving the office and building, heading into the car. 


2127 words. I am back. I am sorry for lacking, I had a bit of writers block with this chapter. The sequel is coming closer and closer. I will try and make next chapter full of fluffy moments with Jimin and the vampires.

Also (if you want) go check out my new book 'Opposites Attract' my Sope book. There's only 3 chapters so far but I will updating it more. I really do like writing it.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading, and please don't be a silent reader. Vote and comment your opinions. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day.


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