𓁹Part 27𓁹

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It's a week or so later. Everyone healed up fine. Except for Peter. He's having a really slow recovery. His open wounds are mostly healed up, but he had bad internal wounds, and they're taking longer to heal. I sit by his bed everyday. I talk to him, and hold his hand. I haven't left his side since I was cleared to leave my own room. Pepper, Natasha, and Harley have tried to get me to go take a shower, but I don't want to leave him. Harley is back at it again now. "Y/N you're no help to Peter if you're unhealthy too." He says. I sigh. "And I'll sit here with him the entire time you're gone." He adds. I look up at him. "Promise?"
"I promise."

I nod, and stand up. I lean over the bed, and kiss Peter's forehead, then I leave. We've been transferred back to the Tower, so I go to the common room to shower. When I get out, Natasha gets me to eat a little something, so I sit on the couch between her and Steve and eat. I finish, and sit with them a little longer. I feel myself dozing off, but I can't fight it. I fall asleep on Steve's shoulder. When I wake up, I hear voices in the kitchen. I sit up. Harley walks in the living room and sits next to me. My eyes widen. "You're supposed to be with Peter!" I say. He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, mom and Dad are with him." He says. I relax a little. "They asked me to come get you." He continues. "Get me for what?" I yawn. He smiles. "Peter's awake."

If I've never ran, boy did I run when I heard that news. I flew off the couch and to the elevator. "Wait up!" Harley calls, laughing. He gets in and the elevator shoots down to the Towers medbay floor. The doors open and I sprint to Peter's room. I pause in front of the door. Harley catches up to me. "What are you waiting for?" He asks. "My composure to catch up with me. If I walk in I might actually break down seeing him awake." I say with a small laugh. Harley squeezes my hand. "The first person he called for when he woke up was you." He says. My heart breaks, but in a good way. I take a deep breath, then open the door. Pepper looks up from where she's holding Peter's hand. Then I follow her gaze to Peter's face. His eyes are open, but only slightly. He has a little smile on his face.

"There she is." He says, his voice barely a rasp. I walk over to him and take his hand. He opens his eyes more to look at me. "Hi." He says. "Hi." I barely choke out around the lump in my throat. Tears prick my eyes. "You look like crap." I say as a tear slips from my eye. He laughs, then hisses in pain and clutches his stomach. "Sorry, Sorry." I say. He breaths, and relaxes back into the pillows. "S'okay. Needed to laugh." He says groggily. His words were slurring. He was probably tired, and the pain medicine was kicking in. "Mm heard you." He says. "What?" I ask. "Heard you. Talk to me. Whn I wassout." He slurs again. "Oh. Yeah. I was talking to you." I say. "Brave." He tries to say. "You're brave." He says again, clearer. He squeezes my hand. Harley brings me a chair so I can sit next to the bed. I sit as close as I can and hold Peter's hand against my cheek.

"Ove...you." Peter slurs again. I kiss his hand. "I love you too Peter."

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