𓆉Part 24𓆉

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"Are you sure about this?" Peter asks me for the billionth time. "Peter." I grab his arm. He stops and looks me in the eye. I kiss him softly. "I'll be fine." I say. "And I want to go because maybe I can try to get my dad to change his mind." I say worriedly. Peter takes my hand and squeezes it in his. "I just don't want you to like, get zippity zapped by some bad-guy super weapon or something. Or worse." He says with a small smile. He's so cute I swear. "I'll be fine. I promise." I say. He kisses my cheek. Then we walk out to meet the others. "Alright, everyone on the quinjet." Tony says. I watch Peter walk as we get on, then I stand next to him. "You know, I feel very aware of how tight my suit is on me right now." Peter says.

"Why, because I'm staring at you?"
"Whoopsie my mistake."
"I hate you."
"I love you, especially in your suit."
"Will you stop."
"What? It's hot."
"What! I'm complimenting you!"
"All of the comms are connected and on."
"So? Nobody cares about me staring at your butt."
Peter snorts. I laugh. "I bet your face is a tomato under that mask." I tease. "And you would be right." He laughs. "You're cute." I say, shaking my head. "Okay guys, you're a great couple, but for gods sake please stop." Harley says. I roll my eyes.

"He's just sad that he has no lady. Don't worry Harley. I'm gonna set you up with Michelle from school." I say. Peter's eyes widen. "Michelle? She will chew him up and spit him out if he even looks in her general direction." Peter says. "No she won't." I laugh. "Y/N, no matchmaking. I am perfectly charming all on my own." Harley laughs. "I'm still giving her your number."
"What? No."
"What? Yes."
"Yes Harley bear?"
"Dang, you gotta come at me too? Why don't you stick to embarrassing Peter?"
"Because you're both fun to tease. Sorry not sorry."
"Don't tell her I'm a weirdo or something."
"But you are?"
"Just stating facts."

He rolls his eyes. I grin at him. "Okay, Y/N, I love you, and you are officially a member of the Avengers family." Tony says, laughing. "Yeah, you've officially grown on all of us." Steve says. "Awwwwwwwwww you guyyyysss, I love you too." I laugh. And that was the truth. I love everybody here. I've gotten really close to all of them. "We're almost there. We land in 10 minutes." Clint says from the front of the jet. I take a deep breath as the nervousness starts to settle in me. Peter squeezes my hand. I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes to try to settle my thoughts. He kisses the top of my head. "I love you, we got your back" He whispers. "I know. I love you too."

(Peter POV)

Clint lands the quinjet. We all get ready, and we slowly get out. It's about mid-evening right now, so it's almost dark. We head inside the building, and I lead the way, since I've been here before. I lead everyone down to the locked door, and hack it open. "Jeez, it's about time you got back, I've been waiting for y-" Y/N's dad rounds the corner. He looks at us, and then he spots Y/N. His eyes turn steely. "What have you bozos brainwashed my daughter into thinking?" He snaps. Y/N steps forward. I stand right behind her. "Dad, they didn't brain wash me. They're trying to help. We want to help you." She says. "I don't want their help." He snarls. "They ruined everything."

"Dad that's not true. Didn't you know mom was a Shield Agent? She died saving people. It's nobody's fault. She gave her life so others could keep on living. Isn't that a heroic legacy? Isn't that something to be glad about? She wouldn't want you to avenge her, she'd want you to be with me, watch me grow up, live your life. Don't you want that? Don't you want to let the pain go?" Y/N says. Her dad stands still for a bit. "They didn't kill her." He finally speaks up. "What do you mean?" Y/N asks. Her dad looks up at her. "They didn't kill her. I did."

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