❁Part 5❁

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We finished up dinner. Wanda and Rhodey had to leave early. But then we had ice cream sundays for dessert. Pepper had everything set up in the kitchen like an ice cream bar, so we got to pick everything we wanted. Me and Peter are deciding what we want. "I'm so full I honestly couldn't eat a whole sunday." I say. Peter smiles. "Well I'm a bottomless pit so I'll eat whatever." I laugh. "Hey, I'll make a banana split and we can share?" I offer. He nods and smiles shyly. "Sure."
I start to work on making it. Once I finish, I hand Peter the whipped cream. "Wanna put the finishing touch?" I laugh. He goes to put whipped cream on top, then Morgan yells my name from the dining room. I look up at her. (You can see the dining room from the kitchen. Thought I'd elaborate on that)

"Y/N! Wook at my nose!" She says. Tony had dotted whipped cream on her nose, and she had chocolate from one ear to the other. "Oh my goodness, your mommy is gonna have fun cleaning you up." I laugh.
"Y/N." Peter says to get my attention. "Wha-" I don't even get the words out before Peter rubs a hand full of whipped cream all over my face.
Harley erupts in laughter. "Peter!" Pepper tries to scold him, stifling a laugh. Tony is laughing just as hard as Harley, but trying to hide it. Steve has a hand over his mouth laughing, and Natasha has a big smirk on her face. I wipe the whipped cream out of my eyes. Then I look at Peter. He has the biggest grin on his face. I try to get mad at him, but everyone's laughter is making me laugh. "You. Rotten. Boy." I say trying not to smile.

He just laughs even more. "I'm sorry." He says. "No you're not." I cross my arms. He clears his throat and try's to stop smiling. "No I am. I shouldn't have just done that." The corners of his lips are still turning up. "You are such a pain." I say, then I laugh. Pepper has made her way to the kitchen, and she hands me a towel to wipe my face on. I clean myself up, then grab the can of whipped cream. I walk closer to Peter. Peter backs away slowly. "Are you out for revenge?" He laughs. "No." I say lightly, still walking closer to him. He backs all the way until he's against the kitchen counter. I keep coming closer. "Then what are you doing?"

I don't answer. We are an inch or so apart now. I put a hand on his chest. Then I go on my tip-toes, and kiss his cheek softly. But it's almost not even his cheek, because I make sure it comes super close to his lips, but not quite. I pull away and look up at him. His cheeks are rosy. "W-what uh, what was that for?" He stutters. I smile. "A distraction." Then I pull the can of whipped cream from behind my back and spray the rest of its contents in his face, hair, chest, etc. He's practically iced by the time I'm done. Then I set the empty can on the counter. Natasha claps from the dining room. "Go girl!" She says.
I laugh. Peter puts his hands on his hips.

"That. Was such a cheap trick."

"Hm. Was it?"


"Clever is my middle name."

He lets out a short laugh. "Okay. We're even." He says. "Oh I'm definitely even." I gloat. He ignores my sass. "So, to congratulate you on your win," he does quotation marks with his fingers. "Allow me to reward you." He says. "With what?" I ask. Without missing a beat, he hugs me, getting the whipped cream that was on him all over me. "Awgh, Peter!" I protest. He even went as far as to rub his face on my face to get more whipped cream on my face again. I laugh and push him away. "Stop it." He lets me go and smiles at me. Everyone at the dining room table is laughing and shaking their heads.

Pepper smiles. She had been standing in the corner of the kitchen watching everything play out. "Okay you two. You need to shower. Y/N I have some old black leggings of mine I think you'll fit into. And you can steal a t-shirt from Peter." She says, then hurries us along. I get to the guest bathroom and happily shower all the whipped cream out of my hair. I feel nice and clean after I'm done. I get out and there's leggings and a tank top on the bed. I put them on and then walk to Peters room to steal a shirt. I get in his room and I can hear the shower running in his bathroom. He must still be showering. I go to his closet door and start to look for an old shirt. I get lost in thought as I look. Finally, I find an old Stark Industries shirt and decide that that'll do. I slide the shirt over my head, and then turn around. I stop in my tracks.

Peter is standing in the bathroom door way, kinda shuffling his feet awkwardly, in a towel. Ooooookay I am dying. "Um. Hi." I say. Omg I am literally so stupid. "Hi." He says. He looks up at me, one corner of his mouth turning up. I stare for a minute longer, then I blink, snapping myself out of it. "Sorry, sorry. I'm leaving. I'm being weird." I start to speed walk out the door. I can hear him laugh behind me. I continue speed walking down to the hallway, then end up in a jog, headed to the living room. Natasha is sitting on the couch with a magazine. She watches me sit cris-cross on the opposite side of the couch from her.

"If you don't mind, may I ask why you look so flustered?" She says. I look at her. "Well, I was okay, then I went to grab a shirt from Peter's room, and then the world decided that right then Peter needed to come out of the bathroom in a towel. Have you seen his abs? I'm not trying to be weird, but holy cow. And his wet curls only made it worse. Jeez I think I had a mini heart attack." I rant. She laughs. "So you do like him." I feel my face heat up. "Well, I mean there's no denying it." I shrug. "He just doesn't like me back."
Natasha scoffs. "Oh, I beg to differ." I look at her. "What makes you think he does?" She sets down her magazine and turns towards me. "I'm not gonna go into detail, but I'm also not let you say that Peter doesn't like you. Keep your eyes open. There are signs." She turns back to her magazine. I ponder her advice for a minute.

Does Peter like me? I mean we have our playful moments, but is it right to go as far and say it's flirting? I mean, I know the signs for me having a crush, but not him. My stomach does flip flops when he smiles at me. I'm happy when he's around. I love when we play around, and when he teases me. And I'm not gonna lie, my heart beat sped up when I kissed his cheek earlier. But that doesn't tell me what he's feeling. I cut my thoughts short because Peter and Harley walk in the living room at that moment. Peter sits between me and Natasha. He smirks at me, and of course, makes me blush.

He notices too because the smirk doesn't wipe off his face the entire rest of the night. Not when Pepper, Tony, and Morgan walked in, not when Natasha headed to bed and winked at me before she left, not when we picked a movie to watch, not when Pepper put Morgan to bed because she was falling asleep on Tony, and definitely not once I fell asleep on his shoulder.

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