𖧷Part 8𖧷

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(Peter POV)
"What are you scared?" I raise my eyebrows at Y/N. "Pssh. No." She scoffs. I smile. "Good. Now get in here." She looks at Nat. "Well go on. He wants you to play." She laughs. Y/N smiles and rolls her eyes.
"We're not three." Y/N says. I splash her.
"Hey!" She yelps. "Three year olds aren't afraid to get in the pool." I taunt. She stands up and folds her arms with a cute pout. "I'm not afraid."
"Prove it."
"I will."
She walks over to where Natasha was sitting. I grab my bottle of Coke and take a sip while I wait. She pulls off her cover. I choke and my drink shoots out my nose. Harley smirks at me from the other side of the pool. Y/N doesn't notice thankfully. She pulls her hair out of its ponytail and shakes her head slightly.

I was checking her out the whole time. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. She is so... I don't even have a word for it at the moment. Steve meets my eye and raises an eyebrow in a 'calm it down on the staring' look. I blink and try to actually breath again. She walks over to me. "Happy now?" She laughs. I swallow, then look up at her. "Yes. Very. Now come in." I say. She goes over to the diving board, and dives right in. We all swam and goofed around for the rest of the evening. Y/N looked even better all drippy and wet. Clint and Harley teased me every second Y/N was t looking. After that we all headed back up to our rooms to shower. Once I get done, I put on some sweat pants and then go out into my room. Y/N was sitting on my bed in her pj's, shorts and one of my Spider-Man shirts (which was too big for her but it's cute to me), and looking at her phone.

"Y/N?" I say. She looks up at me. "Oh hi. Um, I'm not really, tired. So I thought I'd see what you were doing. Then you were still in the shower so I thought I'd wait on you and see if you wanted to hang out." She rambles. I smile and shake my head. "What if I had come out in a towel again?"

"Then we would be in a much more awkward situation wouldn't we?"

"What if there weren't towels involved at all?"

"You? Come out of a bathroom in nothing? I know you better then that. You wouldn't." She laughs. She was right. "Now shirtless I've come to expect." She sits crisscross on my bed and watches me walk to the closet to get a shirt. I laugh. "So did you come here because you bored? Or did you wanna see me in a towel again?"

She snorts. "I was bored." She says and flops onto her back. I put on my Captain America shirt and flop onto the bed next to her. "Isn't it kind of blasphemous to your dad for you to wear a Cap shirt?" She asks. I laugh. "Yes. That's why I wear it." She smiles and shakes her head. Then we just lay there for awhile, staring at the ceiling. "You have such an amazing family." Y/N finally says. I think about it for a second. "Yeah. I know." I smile. "Everyone is so amazing. And you're all so close. And everyone already treats me like a family friend they've had forever. It makes me happy." She says. I laugh. "You haven't met everyone yet though. Wait till you meet my Aunt May. She's my moms sister, and they are the same, but also complete opposites. It's funny." I turn to her.

She had teary eyes. I sit up. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask, slightly worried. She sniffles and sits up too. "Nothing. Just thinking about your family made me think of mine. And how broken it is." She hugs her knees. "W-why is your family broken?" I ask quietly. She takes a deep breath. "Well, for as long as I can remember it was just me and my dad and mom. But that was enough. It was perfect. And my mom was the foundation of our little family triangle. I never had any siblings, but that was okay because mom would always be there to do things with me." She pauses, and a single tear runs down her cheek. "But um," her voice quivers. "She died years ago. And so now there's no more mom." More tears are leaving her eyes. "And I'm still trying to get over the fact," she pauses again and takes a shaky breath. "T-that she's not gonna be there anymore." She try's to wipe her tears but more take their place.

"God, what am I doing. I came in here to hang out with you, not vent about my sob story." She gives a teary laugh. I ignore her comment and put my arms around her. She startles for a second, but then she leans her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." I whisper. She sniffs again. "It's okay. I shouldn't have brought it up though." She says. I hug her tighter. "If it made you feel bad enough to cry, it was good for you to tell someone. You shouldn't just hold all of it in." I say. She doesn't say anything, just puts her arms around me and snuggles deeper into the hug. We sit like that for a while, and she cries a little harder. But then she finally calms down and looks up at me. I wipe the tear tracks off her face with my thumb. She cuddles back into my shoulder. After awhile she falls asleep. I lay back onto my pillows, her still tucked into my side, and put a blanket over us.

Then I put my arms around her, and fall asleep.

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