꧁Part 15꧂

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A few months have gone by and me and Peter are closer then before. We've been on a lot of dates. I'm happy to say that we're doing good. Right now, we are in the middle of watching "Chaos Walking" a movie based on the books Michelle likes to read, it's actually pretty good so far. It's a cloudy day so our little 'date night' is movies and pizza. Well, we're supposed to be watching the movie anyway....

(Peter POV)

I am so not paying attention to the movie. Y/N is a complete distraction. I rest my forehead against the side of her head, because she's looking at the tv. Then I kiss her cheek. She turns to looks at me, and I steal a kiss from her lips. She puts a hand in my hair and deepens the kiss. We kinda just sat and kissed for a little while. "EW!!! Omg dad they're making out gross!!" Harley just walked in on us. Y/N pulls away and dies laughing. Morgan runs in the room and squirms right in between me and Y/N. "Daddy said to sit with you guys so you can't kiss." She giggles. "Yep. That sounds like dad." I roll my eyes. Y/N smiles at me, then kisses Morgan's cheek.

"How about we go play a game?" She says. Morgan kicks her legs excitedly. "Yes! Harley has to play too! Let's go get him!" Morgan hops off the couch and pulls Y/N along with her. I smile and shake my head, then follow them. "Harley! We are gonna play a game!" Morgan runs in the dining room and hops on Harley's lap. He laughs. "It's not 7 minutes in heaven is it?" He smirks at me. I sideways glare at him. "Oh no my mistake, I meant 7 hours in heaven." He laughs maniacally. Y/N laughs with him. I laugh, but flick him in the ear. He acts fake hurt. Then we let Morgan pick the game. "Extreme hide and seek!" She says. Y/N laughs. "What's extreme hide and seek?"

"Boy are you in for it." Harley laughs and rubs his hands together. We explain the game to her. It's just like regular hide and seek, but you have to hide in the hardest places you can think of. "Since Y/N is new to this, we'll just stay on our floor." I say. "No way! Don't go easy on me. Let's do it."
Y/N says. I laugh. "Okay, then we'll do three floors. This one, the workshop, and Steve's floor." I say, ticking the floors off on my fingers. "Whoa whoa whoa, no running around in the workshop. Too dangerous." Dad says from the kitchen. "Okay then our floor, Steve's floor, aaaaand.... the common room floor. There." I clasp my hands together. "Who's the seeker?" Y/N asks. Harley, Morgan, and Y/N all look at each other. "Peter." They say in unison.

"Aw what? I wanna hide." I whine jokingly. "You can hide next round." Y/N kisses my cheek. "Okay, Peter, count to 100. Morgan, choose your partner." Harley says. Morgan always has a partner so she doesn't end up somewhere in the building she's not supposed to be. "I pick Y/N!" Morgan says. "Alright, lets do it!" Y/N says excitedly. I close my eyes and lean against the wall. Then I start counting. I hear Morgan and Y/N giggling and I smile as I count. I hear them walk away, but they're really quiet. I finish counting. "Friday, will you tell them I said 'ready or not, here I come'?" I say. "Of course Peter. Good luck on finding them." Friday quips with her accented AI voice. "Thank you dear." I say. Dads gotten us used to calling her 'Dear'. Just another one of our Stark Quirks I guess. I head out to find everyone.


Me and Morgan hold hands and head down to the common floor. I have no idea where Harley went. We get there, and Natasha, Wanda, Clint, and Steve are there. "Hey girls! What's going on?" Natasha says. Morgan giggles. "Extreme hide and seek." I say. They all laugh. "Not another hide and seek game." Steve laughs. "Just to warn you Steve, I think Harley is hiding on your floor." I laugh. Steve shakes his head. "Okay we gotta go hide!" Morgan grabs my hand. "Oh wait! I have a perfect spot for you." Clint says. He motions for us to follow him and he opens an air vent. He motions for us to climb inside. "In there?" I ask. "Yep." He states. Me and Morgan climb inside. He closes the vent. "We'll cover for you, don't worry." Clint whispers through the vent. He leaves, and me and Morgan sit still and quiet.

"Ready or not, here I come." Comes over Friday's speaker system. Me and Morgan stifle giggles. We wait a few minutes longer. Then another message over the speakers. "Hey Y/N, Morgan, I found Harley. I'm coming for you next." Peters voice says. "He totally cheated." Harley's annoyed tone comes through the speakers as well. Me and Morgan smile. "Hey Peter! What's going on?" I hear Natasha say from the common floor living room. I hold a finger to my lips, to make sure Morgan is quiet. "I'm looking for Y/N and Morgan. We're playing hide and seek." I hear Peter say. "Oh, not another round of hide and seek." Steve says. They're just replaying our earlier conversation. "You haven't seen them, have you?" Peter asks. They all deny that they have.

"Okay, I'll just look around then." He says. We hear him shuffling around the floor. Opening things, looking in closets, etc.
We hear him walk past our vent. I widen my eyes at Morgan. She covers her mouth with her hands to keep from laughing. Peter walks up to the vent and stands right in front of it. Me and Morgan hold our breaths. He walks away and into another room. We sigh in relief. "I think we should change spots." I whisper to Morgan. She nods. I carefully open the vent. We climb out. I keep watch to make sure Peter isn't coming, and then we run down a hallway. As we run, the vent slams loudly. Me and Morgan freeze. Then we run as fast as we can into a closet in the hallway. We quiet down and sit still. Peter walks back into the hall where the vent was. "I heard you guys." He taunts. I bite my lip to try and keep the giggles from escaping.

Morgan lets out a squeak of a laugh and I put my hand over her mouth. Peter walks down the hall to the door we are hiding behind. He stops, listens, then slowly walks back down the hall and into a room. Morgan decides she wants to go out of the closet and scare him, so it will distract him from finding me. I agree and let her go. She tip toes down the hallway. "BOO!" I hear her squeal. "Aha! I knew you were here somewhere!" Peter laughs. She squeals again so he must have picked her up. "Now, where's Y/N?" He says. "You're on your own." She laughs, and leaves the room. I hear Peter walk back down to the closet I'm in. I sink further into the closet and hide behind some coats. Peter opens the closet door. "I know you're in here somewhere." He says. I sit still. "Wow, where did all these coats come from?" He says to himself. He starts looking through the coats.

Oh no. He stops right before the few coats I'm hiding behind. Then he moves the really fast, grabs me and spins me away from the coats. I squeal. He pecks my lips. "Gotcha." He smiles. I laugh. He kisses me again. "Oh I see. You only wanted to play hide and seek so you could get me in a closet and kiss me." I tease. He laughs, then we leave the closet.

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