☠︎︎Part 26☠︎︎

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I can't move. I keep trying and trying. I stop. I breath. And I let everything I'm feeling take over. The hurt and anger at my dad. The pain and gut wrenching feeling of hearing Peter gasp in pain. I look at everyone in the cell, beaten up, but trying to bust out. I look at everyone on my team. I think about how much I love them. And how I would give my life to see everyone of them live. I think about little Morgan, not knowing about where we are or the danger we're in. And I think of Pepper, who's probably worried sick about all of us. I take all these feelings. And I use them. I use them to motivate me. I start to push myself up, and I get to my hands and knees.

I finally get on my feet. Dad doesn't notice me yet. I find a gun on the table nearby. I pick it up, and limp over to my dad. I let the end of the barrel touch the back of his head. He stops. He was in the middle of choking Peter out. His hands around his neck, with Peter gasping for air. "Let. Him. Go." I spit out. Dad doesn't stop. "Are you going to kill me? Where will you live after that? Who will provide for you?" Dad taunts. "I still have our house, and I still have my dog, and I have this family. That's enough for me." I say. "Oh, I didn't tell you. I burned our house down." He says. I widen my eyes. "And where's Manchee?!" I yell. "I forgot he was there." Dad says. Something sparks in me. Whatever it was, was enough to make me snap.

"Oh that's it. You killed my mom. You burned my home. And you killed my dog. Your insane if you think I'll let you live long enough to kill Peter." I say coldly. "Oh dear, you're so naiv-" He doesn't get to finish, because I looked away, cocked the gun, and fired.

My ears ring from the sound of the gun shot. I don't open my eyes. I don't want to ever open my eyes again. Because I know what's laying in front of me. My dad. With a bullet in the head. Put there by me. I open my eyes, but don't look down. I just focus on Peter. I still can't hear anything from my ears ringing, but then my hearing slowly comes back. "Y-Y/N." Peter rasps. He coughs. He has two black eyes, and cuts all over his face. He says my name again, but I can't speak. I can't breath. This couldn't have happened. I killed my own dad. Practically the love of my life was dying right in front of me. My breathing gets heavy. I hear the crash of glass breaking, and voices yelling my name. But I don't look. I barely hear them.

Then a big blue and gold suit lands in front of me, blocking my view of the scene. Harley comes out of his suit and wraps me in a tight hug. I can't hold it back anymore. I start sobbing into his shoulder. He quietly shush's me and sways side to side in the hug. "You're okay Y/N. Peter's gonna be okay. It's okay. We got you." He says. I keep sobbing into him. "H-Harl-ley." I barely get out through my sobbing. "It's okay. It's okay." He says. "I-I kil-led h-h-im." I cry. "It was the only way. It's okay. You did the right thing Y/N." He says softly. I burry my head in Harley's shoulder and keep crying. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around. It's Natasha standing there with her arms open, ready to hug me.

I all but stumble into her arms and cry more. The whole way to the Avengers Facility (which is where we're going because of the bigger medbay) Natasha just holds me, and listens to my cry and mumble about everything hurting me. And she rubs my back and tells me it'll be okay. We get to the medbay and I'm put in a room of my own. "I'm not hurt bad." I protest. I try to sit up. Natasha pushes me back down. "You have a concussion. And you are not emotionally stable to be up and worrying about everything. You lay here and sleep."
"But Peter-"
"Peter will be fine. I'll let you know if anything happens."
I give in and lay back down. Sleep over takes me quicker then I thought it would.

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