᯾Part 6᯾

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I slowly stir awake a little. I don't open my eyes though. It's so cozy right now. Nice and warm. I must be on the couch in the living room. Where I fell asleep. I can probably sleep in a little longer. So I settle back into my pillow. Only, my pillow lets out a light snore as I do. I jump and prop myself up on my arms. To my surprise, Peter was laying right there, sound asleep. I had slept on Peter's chest all night. Well. Okay then. I look at him a few seconds. His mouth is slightly open and a tiny speck of drool was on the pillow he was laying on. His lashes dusted his cheeks softly and his breathing was light. Jeez he's so cute. I look around the room. No one is up yet. I look down at Peter, back around the room, then back at Peter. I lean down and kiss his cheek softly, then lay back on his chest again and close my eyes.

"I saw that."
I jump out of my skin for the second time this morning. I look towards the other side of the living room to see Natasha sitting in an arm chair looking at her phone and drinking coffee. I sigh in relief. "God, Natasha you scared me." I say resting my head back on Peter. She looks at me and smirks. I roll my eyes and smile. She goes back to looking at her phone. I decide to get up and change. I slowly try to climb over Peter. Well then in that perfect moment when it looks like I'm straddling him does he decide to jerk awake. His eyes shoot open and I just freeze. You could see the color of my face from the other side of the world. "Uh hi." I say. He blinks sleepily. "Hi?" When he had jerked awake he instinctively put his hands on my thighs, so this whole scene was extremely awkward.

Our eyes meet, and at the same time we both just wheeze in laughter. I roll off of him onto the floor still laughing. When we stop Peter sighs and says, "Well that was awkward." I laugh again. I get up and go to the spare bedroom. My jeans are on the bed but not my shirt from yesterday. At that moment, Pepper walks in the room. "Hey honey, I'm so sorry but yesterday I put your shirt in the wash and it completely unraveled." She said with a cringe. "Oh no, I should have told you it needed washed delicately. But it's fine I'll just wear Peter's shirt." I smile. "Okay sweetie, I'll have breakfast ready soon. Hope you're hungry!" She calls as she heads down the hall. I laugh. I put on my jeans and put my hair in a messy bun. Then I head back out to the living room. Natasha wasn't there.

"Where'd Natasha go?" I ask. Tony, Peter, and Harley were watching tv, and Morgan had a baby doll and was sitting on the floor. "What? Nat was here? That woman. Sneaking in to steal my coffee." Tony says, smiling to himself. I laugh. That's definitely something she would do. I sit next to Morgan on the floor. "Is that your baby?" I ask her. She nods. "His name is Pete. I named him after Peter." She gives me a toothy grin. "Aw how cute." I laugh. She holds out the doll to me. "Do you wanna hold him?" She says. I take the baby doll from her gently. "Ha, Peter this doll even looks like you. It has brown eyes and curly hair." I smile at him. He smiles and shakes his head. "Hey everyone, it's time to eat!" Pepper calls from the kitchen. I hand the baby back to Morgan. "Your baby is very cute Morgan." I say as she cradles the doll in her arms. She smiles, then lays the doll on the couch.

We all head to the dining room and sit down. Peter sits really close to me again. But this time he's the one who moves his chair, not me. Pepper brings in a big plate of pancakes. "Dig in everyone!" She says. We all start eating and talking. "What are we doing today?" I ask. "We should go to an amusement park." Harley says. I perk up. "Yes! I live for roller coasters." I say. Peter shakes his head. "I do not like roller coasters." He says. "What why?" I ask him. "They make me nervous." He laughs.

I couldn't really tell Y/N why I didn't like roller coasters. They send my spider sense into almost like sensory overload, and it actually gets painful. I'll have to sit the roller coasters out if we go there today. "Well then since Peter doesn't like the roller coasters, we should go somewhere else then." She states matter-of-factly. I smile gratefully at her. She starts talking about other options of places to go, but I kind of just zoned out. Y/N is so pretty. Beautiful even. Her y/e/c eyes were like, how do they word it in movies? Deep pools you get lost in? I don't know, but they were amazing. Her y/h/c hair always looked good, and she was always glowing with happiness, at least most of the time. Cute, light freckles dotted her cheeks (sorry if you don't have freckles, just ignore that part). Her smile was amazing.

Everything about her was amazing. Her personality, her open heart, how she wrinkles her nose when she laughs, how she waves her hands when she's talking, I could go on and on. I have really fell over myself for this girl. And I've only known her a year. I've probably been staring at her too long, but I just got down to her lips. Ah yes, those. The things I've caught myself staring at probably too many times in the past month of two. Just her touching me feels like I was zapped by Thor. Imagine kissing her. At that thought my stomach did a flip.
"Peter? Earth to Petey?" A hand waves in front of my face.
I blink. "What?"
Everyone laughs a little and smiles.
"I asked if you want to just go to the boardwalk at the beach. They have some fun things to do there." Y/N says with a smile and a cute head tilt.

"Oh. Yeah of course that sounds super fun." I answer. "A Ferris Wheel won't bother you will it?" She smiles. I laugh. "No. It won't."
We get to the boardwalk, and immediately head for the beach. We go for a walk before we play any games. It was great because Y/N hooked her arm in mine as we walked. Then after I let go for a minute to play with Morgan and came back, she just held onto my arm the rest of the way. We actually spent more time on the beach then anything. Mom had brought a picnic and we all had lunch while watching the waves. Then once it got to be a little later we went back to the boardwalk. We all played games, and I won Y/N a stuffed frog. "I absolutely love this." She had said with a big smile. Now we are we are going on the Ferris wheel, and me and Y/N are sitting together.

We start going up. "You know, I had a lot of fun today." She says. I smile at her. "Me too." I say. We're quiet for a second. "Thank you. I needed this. I would have been at home stressing about school all weekend if I hadn't had you as a science partner." She says. I laugh. We're almost at the top of the Ferris wheel. My arm is kind of resting on the back of the seat, sort of around Y/N. We get to the top and have a perfect view of the beach and sunset. "Wow. How perfectly rom-com material is this?" Y/N laughs. I smile, then look at her.

Were we sitting this close a second ago? It didn't feel like it. She looks up at me. Is she leaning in? No I'm leaning in. No wait. What? Either way our faces are getting closer.  A moment later and our noses are touching. I can feel her breath on my lips. Goosebumps went up my arms and my heart was pounding. Oh my god is this happening. Our lips were almost touching. Then Y/N's phone rang. We jumped apart. Wow. That was anticlimactic.

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