☀︎︎Part 14☀︎︎

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*Y/S/N = your ship name
(Peter POV)

Happy drives me the rest of the way home. We get home and I finally get in the door. I close it and lean against it. I kissed Y/N. We kissed. Is this real? I smile to myself. "Well someone looks happy." I look up to see mom and dad on the couch. I should've came in the back door. "Uh you guys didn't have to wait up for me you know." I say. Mom waves it off. "It's fine. We wanted to make sure you got home Alright anyway." She gestures for me to sit next to her. I sit down and wait. "So are you gonna tell us why you practicality slipped through the door on your way in or do we have to guess?" Dad says. I laugh. "It's nothing."

"What's nothing?" Harley walks in. Oh great. "Something happened to make Peter happy and he won't tell us what it is." Mom says. "Well whatever it was it had something to do with Y/N no doubt." Harley squishes between me and mom on the couch. They look at me expectantly. I look down at my hands and fiddle with the end of my shirt. "Peter. Just spit it out kid." Dad laughs and reaches over to ruffle my hair. I laugh. Then after a moment I mumble, "We kissed." Harley puts a hand to his ear. "What was that?" He leans closer dramatically. I roll my eyes. "We. Kissed." I yell in his ear. "Who kissed?" Wanda walks in. I face palm. "You mean, you and Y/N kissed?" Mom asks. "Yep." I feel my face warming up.

Wanda claps. "My ship is sailing! Y/S/N all the way!" She laughs. I smile and shake my head. "Do you want to talk about it? Did anything weird happen that we should know about?" Mom prods. I cringe inwardly and outwardly. "That's okay mom, thanks." I look at Harley pleadingly. "Anyway, aren't we supposed to go to bed?" He says. Life, saved. "Oh no no." Mom holds up her index finger. Nevermind. Life, un-saved. "Mom, please, we kissed, it was great, we kissed for awhile, her dad saw us on the door bell camera, jokingly interrupted it, and then we said goodnight and I came home. Nothing awful." I ramble out quickly so this can be over. Mom looks at dad. "Calm down," Dad puts his arm around her. "He's our son ya know? We kinda gotta trust him." He laughs.

She smiles and shakes her head. "Alright alright, I'll turn off the mom switch." She leans her head on dads shoulder. I say goodnight and then go to my room. Instead of getting out pajamas, I get out my Spider-Man suit. I need to get out some adrenaline. The only reason I didn't ask dad was because he wouldn't let me on the night before Monday, because of school. I open my window, and climb out to the side of the building. I kind of have to climb/slide down the side of the tower because it's too tall to free-fall from. I get to a reasonable height and then start swinging through the city. I stop a few late night robberies, and a few car thieves, then I head back home. Swinging around definitely helped me clear my head. I get back to my room and head to bed. Once I get settled down, my brain starts throwing things around in my head.

What are me and Y/N now? Are we a thing? Like a dating thing? A girlfriend/boyfriend thing? What does this mean for our friendship? What if we break up and things get awkward? Okay that's not something I should worry about at the moment. Just gotta shove the thoughts out of my mind and sleep. Easier said then done....


I get up early and head for school. I meet up with Michelle at our lockers. "Hey!" I hug her. We talk as we walk down the hall to Peter and Ned's lockers. I spot Peter before he spots me. Ned nudges him and Peter looks up at me. He gets the most heart-eyed look on his face as soon as he sees me. Our eyes meet and I smile at him. (Geez this is cheesy isn't it guys? Lol)
"Hey guys." I say as we approach them. Ned smiles and says his hello and we start conversing. Peter just stays silent and looks down at his feet. I catch him glancing up at me every once in a while, but he looks away everytime. The bell rings. "Oop, gotta go. Later Y/N." Michelle says. Ned leaves with her because they have math together. Me and Peter have science now.

The hall is pretty empty now, only a few people standing around still. I stand there for a second and wait for Peter to look up at me.
"You're being bashful again."
"S-sorry." He laughs, then looks up at me shyly. "Aha, there's that cute face." I wink at him with a smile. He blushes and looks back at his feet with a shy smile. "You are SO bashful omg." I say and entwine our our fingers together. "I know." He smiles. I lean closer to him and peck his lips. I feel goosebumps on his arms. "Do I get to you that bad?" I laugh. "Uh, n-no, well yes, you do, but it's not just that. It's um, cold in here." He says too fast. I shake my head at him. I put my arms around his neck.

"Calm down. It's just me, okay?" I laugh a little. He sighs and the tension leaves his shoulders. "Yeah sorry. Y-you make me nervous." He laughs. "It's also your anxiety though isn't it?" I ask gently. He's told me a little about it before, but he hated to talk about it. Ned is the one who told me how bad it gets. It makes him nervous, and he gets like a sensory overload and he panics. I've only seen him have a really bad attack once, but I can still tell when it's bothering him. "Yeah." He mumbles. "I'm sorry." I say, touching our noses together. He leans forward and catches my lips with his. Then the tardy bell rings, and we hold hands all the way to class.

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