Veronica and the rest of her class' graduation is coming up on Wednesday this week. Everything is prepared for the celebration for these little ones. Jennifer sent me pictures of Veronica in many dresses that she tried on at the mall and she asked me to choose the one I wanted to see her in because well..she's my daughter.

"The first one is really cute" I replied.

"I was thinking the same. It fits her well with her cute ass smile" she replies.

"Lol right. So cute"

"I pushed the party back an hour so that you'll be able to make it to her after party on time. I'll help you clean up at school after the graduation before the party"

"You don't have to"

"No I want to! I don't want you to be an hour late to your baby's party" she replies. I smile a bit at my phone before I replied again.

"Well okay then fine. Thanks ❤️"

"Of course Lee"

Wednesday morning

I'm at school doing last minute preparations. Already all dressed up for their little ceremony. It's so cute whenever I see kindergartners graduate. In their mini caps and gowns and shit. Im getting this nervous butterfly feeling but also I wanna throw up feeling. Im pretty sure it's because I'm gonna witness my daughter graduate. It's still crazy how much I'm taking in but I'm handling it well I guess.

Later on, everyone arrived to the school. Veronica was sitting with her family while I was up in front saying a little speech to the parents. I couldn't keep my eyes off Jennifer though who was giving me her full attention while she was beautifully smiling. It made me feel less nervous because I felt more comfortable. But it's still crazy. My daughter is graduating kindergarten!

Then the principle said a little short speech before getting ready to announce the names. I taught the kids that once their name is called that they have to come up and do all that graduating stuff. Hopefully they remember.

One by one, the principle called each name. Veronica is close to the middle so I had to wait a while.


"Veronica Lopez" he calls out. Jen cheered the loudest for her. I laughed as Veronica happily walked up to me and just crashed into my legs hugging me.

"No silly!! Go to Mr. Julian first!" I giggle and everyone else laughed. "Oh hahahaha" she says cutely and let's go. I look at Jen for a second and she scrunches her nose at me. I smiled more back at her, then I looked at Veronica and watched her shake the principles hand. But suddenly I felt emotional. It hit me just seeing her. Then she walks up to me and widely smiles at me. I squat down and gave her a normal hug. But she hugged me tighter so I hugged her even tighter. And I felt myself getting ready to cry. I buried my head in her wavy hair that smelled just like Jennifer.

"I love you" I whispered to her. "I love you too Miss Leah" She says back. It was too late now, I felt a tear go down my face as I let go of her. Im 'Miss Leah' but I'm more than just her teacher now. I've always been. I just never knew.

Later on after saying bye to literally everyone of my students and their family, I met up with Jens family. It's just a few members and Vanessa. The rest will be at the party.

"You cried" Jennifer tells me. "I know. Stop" I force a laugh and look at her mom. "Congratulations" Her mom tells me. I smile a bit and immediately hugged her. My emotional ass needed another hug from someone who I've been also close with because of Veronica. I started to cry as we hugged. She hugged me tight and rubbed my back softly since she knows too.

"Miss Leah why are you crying?" I hear Veronica say. I let go and look down at her. "Because...I-I'm so proud of you and I'll miss having you in my class" I said. "It's okay I can visit you! And mommy said you'll be with her a lot more!"

"Hm yes I will" I giggle. Then I looked at Jen. I need a hug from her too but I haven't made the move to hug her yet and she hasn't either.

"So mom, take Ver back home with my car. Vanessa and I will help Leah clean up here while you guys finish up getting the party ready." Jen tells her mom.

"Alright. Don't take long!" She says and holds Veronica's hand. "We won't" Jen says.

They left and now it's just me, Jen and Vanessa. We just cleaned up the place but didn't bring up again the fact that I was so emotional seeing Veronica graduate today. Which I'm glad. I didn't wanna cry again.

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